From a turnstyle cast member
All right it has been awile since I have posted but I see way too mant inconsistancies to let this this go on. I worked at the turnstyles at MK for College Program and can tell you anything you need to know about those bloody turnstyles. First, the biometrics does just take a scan of the length and width of your fingers. THe biometrics will be used ONLY for the European 10 day passes, cast member ID's, Annual passes and possibly WDW resort keys that have not only the park tickets on them, but have charging privledges as well (this last part was something that was being talked about while I was down there to help decrease Identity theft. The reason they use biometrics is that it actually is probably the only way to guarantee that the guests will have the ability to prove who they are. Too many guests would probably not bring ID into the park and how would you identify them them. And plus people too easily can duplicate drivers licences and credit cards what would stop them from duplicating WDW annual passes, the biometrics are just one deterent to help keep the right ID in the right hands. However the system is far from perfect as I learned. After years of constant squeezing, the biometric machines become, well broken and are VERY expensive to repair. That is why if anyone has a annual pass, Disney ID, etc and the cast member just lets you go through even with out having your fingers scanned, you should go to guest relations just to make sure that your pass was activated for the day. Biometrics are a pin in the butt and I can promise you that they will not be used on all tickets. The disney ticketing system will will continue to get better, but it just takes time. People have said why don't they have scanners just like other parks well actually the magnetic strip is the best way to go becuase you can store so much more information on there (i.e credit card codes, what time the people last visited, what park they visited last, etc) and you really can't do that with just plain old laser bar code scanners. Also the magnetic strip is actually more durable, (surprising i know) if anything gets on the bar code it will be ruined, the magnetic strip can take a lot of punishment and still work (i had people come from Typhoon with wet tickets that still worked in the machines). The ticket machines are actually pretty advanced its just people who don't understand how to use them that take the time. Most comman mistakes I saw, jamming more then one ticket in at a time, jamming Sea world or other tickets into machine, putting destroyed tickets into the machine, and my favorite, missing the orange slot and yet still jamming the ticket into the machine just not into the slot. Anymore questions on biometrics just ask.
As for hand stamps, they are a back up system, that is all. They are used for backup for two reasons. All tickets are designed to have a security function on them that will not allow people people to reenter the park before a certain time period (i think it was 35min). What this does is try to stop people from handing their tickets to someone on the other side of the fence to get in for free (passback tickets). Heres an example, if you went to MK, went through the line, inserted you ticket and went inside, but decide to go back out real quick and then come back in with the 35 min range, the turnstyle would give you a big X and say the ticket was recently used, at that point the Cm should ask to see your handstamp to prove that you were in fact in the park recently. The other reason as stated in a previous post was if the machines do go down (which happens more then Disney would like to admit) they will allow people with hand stamps back into the park while others have to wait for a few minutes while the computers reboot. The only people who don't need a handstamp are those people with annual passes and cast members, everyone else should get one especially if you get into one park and decide to go to another park real quick. I know though that most people don't and it really won't matter, but take it from someone who had to hear the yelling and screaming from guests who had to wait for 10 min to get back in the park while the turnstyles reset, just get the handstamp, its magic anyways.
And last but not least, the issue of the metal detectors. This is going to happen but when it does you likely won't even know you passed through one. The reason they are not there yet is, like previous posts have said, they are not off the design board yet. When they do finally come to be, they will be so well disguised that you will probably not even know you passed through one unless you set it off. Don't think airport metal detectors, think something totally new. I for one am glad they will do this, not that I am scared of terrorists but I saw how many weapons security found in bags with minimal searching, i know that there are alot more in the parks that were never found and up to this point luckily haven't been a problem. When they finally do happen, Disneyland will get it first, since they actually have some gang problems there everyonce in a while, but WDW will have them at some point.
Alright that is it, sorry so long, just wanted to let everyone know what i know so you can realize what the CM's at the front have to deal with day in day out. Any questions just post!!!