That was probably footage from the part that's remaining closed all Summer. The northern entrance near Gardiner Montana is inaccessible. The road is completely washed away in spots, and they aren't sure they are going to rebuild it, because it would be vulnerable to similar occurrances. But anything north of Norris and Canyon is staying closed. We'll get to see Old Faithful, and I think Grand Prismatic is in that Southern loop as well. Artist point and Inspiration point (viewing spots for the Upper and Lower falls) are right at Canyon, so I'm not sure if those will be open or not. So we're going to have to go back sometime to see the rest. But we already paid for flights and it's non-refundable, and E has to do a work experience for school in an English-Speaking environment, so she's going to work in my brother's restaurant. If it weren't for those two things, we might cancel. If our flight gets canceled, it's a moot point, and then we'll have to find something else for E to do for her work thing.
I'm not really sure what to hope for. On the one hand, Yellowstone might be less crowded if a bunch of people cancel their plans to go there. I've already altered my itinerary to accommodate the alternating license plate system, but there may be a lot of people who decide to just cancel their trips, which would make it a good time to go. And I haven't seen my best friend for 9 years and have been looking forward to this trip just to get to see her. On the other hand, it's kind of a waste of money if we're going to just have to redo the trip some other time. So now I don't know what to hope for. But then, who knows when Yellowstone will be completely open. If it takes several years to rebuild those roads or come up with an alternative if they decide not to rebuild, then I can't exactly plan another Yellowstone trip for next year if this one gets canceled.