transit authority?????

Wendy Lady

New Member
Original Poster
:confused: hello everyone thatnk you for replying to my first ever thread! and have a great trip to all of you!

i was just wondering has anyone riden the tomorrowland transit authority. I can remember going on it on my first trip to wdw however i can' t remember what it was like? and my friends say it has changed????

loads of luv :veryconfu :wave:


New Member
It's a great place to go and relax as well as cool off.

They usually let you ride more than once so you get a nice long break from standing and walking.



Well-Known Member
one of the best attractions in the MK!!!

Nothing has changed THAT much to it...same track layout, goes through space mountain, you get to see the model with the broken monorail...OOPS...(you're not supposed to notice that)

Look for the hidden Mickey on the girl's belt (the girl that's getting her hair done)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by spider-man
The monorail should be fixed now, you also get to see the new Buzz Lightyear ride if you haven't seen it already.

Is this NEW??? I was there in March and it was still broken!!! Somebody actually did something with that model?!?!?! AWESOME! Good to see that they tend to even the smallest details. (even if it does take years) :)


New Member
You know what? This ride is full of ying&yang. Think about it:
1. Not a thrill ride or overly themed, but still very popular.
2. Very popular, but not FastPass, because there's never a line.
3. Originally billed as an enery efficient future means of transport, but never used anywhere else(that I know of). Think how cool it would be to have the TTA bring you in from the parking lots instead of those trams! Or how about TTA all over WDW instead of buses! Just hop on anywhere without waiting.
4. I like to ride, my wife likes to ride. :)

Don't forget to check out the pictures elsewhere on this website of Space Mountain with the lights on taken from the TTA.


New Member

Just rode this past Friday and was stopped in Space Mountain for about 15 minutes and the lights were on. Aparantly the triggers were sensored that someone dropped somehting or got out of the car so it was stopped and Space Mountain was broken down at the same time. Neat to see it that way.


Well-Known Member
One year, Space Mountain was closed for refurbishments and we rode TTA many times because the SM lights were on. It is truly a weird sight seeing the track and everything.


Well-Known Member
The TTA is a great ride! It's really nice and relaxing after walking all around the MK, and there's barely ever a line for it! I highly recommend it! :D
I also went on the TTA when Space Mt. was down for refurbishment and it was really cool seeing the track with the lights on, it's awesome, but it smelled a bit odd.


Active Member
Originally posted by mburk
You know what? This ride is full of ying&yang. Think about it:

3. Originally billed as an enery efficient future means of transport, but never used anywhere else(that I know of).

Houston Airport uses the WEDWay PeopleMover... but that's the only place I can think of.


New Member
Wendy Lady, I don't know if this is what you mean by changed, but here's my two cents...

The biggest changes to it over the years was of course the name change from the "WEDway Peoplemover" to the "Tomorrowland Transit Authority."

Physically, the 'highrises' on which the track is laid out also changed to a more metallic look, which is a change from the blue and white concrete look that these highrises/bridges boasted before (if you look closely around Tomorrowland today, you can still notice a couple tracks that have the blue/white highrises around the land).

Also, another noticable difference is the soundtrack: today, your voice guide is a robotic voice ('tomorrowland transit authority metroliner nonstop now departing rocketower plaza....'). Before, it was hosted by a comical, light-hearted character. Unfortunately, I can't remember the name of him (can anyone think of his name?). Of course, all of these change corresponded to the changes in Tomorrowland when the whole land was done over in the mid1990s.

btw, it's 'yin' not 'ying';) - from the tai-chi symbol


New Member
I think the host was called the Comuter Computer. Somone on the boards has a quote that mentions the hosts name, at the bottem of their posts. Hope that helps.


New Member
Originally posted by castlecake
I think the host was called the Comuter Computer. Somone on the boards has a quote that mentions the hosts name, at the bottem of their posts. Hope that helps.

awesome, thanx for the info, castlecake!

btw, nice quotes in your signature :)


Active Member
Originally posted by TinkerBell9988

????? huh??? Am i missing something? :veryconfu Someone please fill me in! :(

The Metro-Retro Society has a model of Walt's vision for EPCOT. One of the monorails was off the track... however, as reported in an earlier thread, it has been fixed.

Make sure you check out the Red Line... just keep all tentacles clear.:D :D :D :D :D


New Member
The TTA is historic. I never understood why they renamed it from WEDway People Mover. But it's a ride that you have to go on - it's at its best when Space Mtn is "down" and you want to know if it's operational yet or if the lights are still on.

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