I was hoping it would be 'charmingly' condescending, because all I have ever read from your posts are it is crap. Everywhere you look. You may or may not preach being a fan of Disney, if you have said you were, I must have missed it. But, from your posts the only thing you ever add to the conversation is how awful the "current" Disney is. How they are always doing on the cheap. How they design with (gasp) children in mind once in awhile. And how cheap they are. So even if what I said was a compliment I wouldn't expect you to see it any way other then condescending. That said, whatever! Be disappointed in everything, it isn't going to matter to me even a little, so I will end my part in this useless conversation. Maybe I will jump back in when it is completed and I really know what it looks like and feels like. I might even agree with you at that point. So complain away.