Tower of Terror thrill factor


Active Member
Original Poster
I have never rode ToT and I want to be able to say I have rode everything at Disney (except the new additions since 06) but I'm too scared lol. 3 things scare me: heights, falling, and elevators. So I was wondering how bad is it really and should I woman up?

We are going in July so I will have the opportunity then. (if I do it) lol


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
It's a Disney ride.... You're not going to die. That said, if those three things scare you, you'll definitely be scared. But that's kinda the point. :D

There is no way to tell you how you'll handle the ride, only riding it will answer that. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Definately 'Woman Up' (Love this phrase! :lol:). On my first trip to the world, I was an absolute chicken when it came to rides (granted that I was 9), but luckily my Dad bribed me $10 to go on TOT, and I have been hooked on thrill rides since. So definately give it a go, if you hate it you never have to do it again, if you love it then you will have opened up a whole new world of experiencing theme parks.

And there is no better ride than TOT to do this, as personally it is the best attraction I have ever expeirenced.


i would suggest that the fall itself isn't particularly scary, it is more the intensity of the build up...the pre show, the boiler room que, the scary bellhops...this all adds suspense and fear much more than the actual drop!

and this is coming from a reformed scary ride coward :wave:


Active Member
Original Poster
Thanks all! I very well just may do it. I stood in the line and waited by the pictures I just haven't rode it. Plus I love the scenery, props, CM characters so I think it's about time I do it. :)


Well-Known Member
Definitely give it a try! It is my favorite ride at WDW. I was once afraid too but remember that it is Disney after all. It's more fun than frightening.

Tar Heel

Go ahead and try it. The ride is pretty short so if you hate it you won't be stuck on it long. My wife will not ride. She's never tried it, doesn't want to and never will. So that means 2 fast passes for me.


Well-Known Member
Do it! I was scared and refused to ride it about 5 different trips. I finally got the guts to do it one year. I regret not having the chance to ride it all those times. Its great! I hate heights as well ... and roller coasters because of heights. Can't even get on a ladder without shaking.


I have never RODE ToT and I want to be able to say I have RODE everything at Disney (except the new additions since 06) but I'm too scared lol. 3 things scare me: heights, falling, and elevators. So I was wondering how bad is it really and should I woman up?

We are going in July so I will have the opportunity then. (if I do it) lol

Know what scares me......Bad Grammer!


I'm like you, Goofygirl07... terrified of heights and falling.

I've ridden TOT twice, and yes, it is quite scary, but I'll ride it again, because it's fun, too.

The nice thing for me is that there are these little hand grips next to your seat, so you can cling to those until it's over. I cling like I've never clung before(!) and I don't let go until the doors open, I see the CM standing there, and other people begin to unbuckle and stand up. It seems to help.

You should do it! You'll be really proud of yourself.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Its all relative, but the `terror` and suspense is made a lot more intense by effects; think the HM on steroids. It is one of the crowning achievements of WDI in theming, story and effects. The physical ride itself isn`t that bad. Spoiler; your first `drop` or climb will be at most only half the height of the elevator shaft. This will gradually introduce you to the feel of the ride. And the drop shaft is only part of a much bigger attraction remember! The ride is also extremely safe; if I told you the drop VVCs (Elevator) are engineered and tracked to within 1/67th of an inch you get an idea how over engineered the ride system is for safety. Add in multiple redundencies and the `terror` is only designed in. Ride it with no audio, visuals, horton doors open and worklights on and you`ll wonder what the fuss is about.

You really need to ride it once to experience what is at the better end of the top 10 of WDIs achievements.


Active Member
You really should try it!

I myself haven't, but plan to very, very soon- probably my next trip to DHS.

You've already been through the queue and seen what WDI has set up to terrify you before you even get on the ride- probably the worst part. Maybe you should look for Hidden Mickeys before riding in the queue to get your whole mind off of the scary things the queue offers.

Just my 2 cents

Uncle Lupe

Well-Known Member
I didn't do well on a six flags free fall "demon drop" type ride. The car is taken to the top of the tower in a vertical position and dropped and coasts out in a horizontal position. Kinda hurt the back, maybe because I was so tense. Anyways, are yelling loud curse words discouraged? I would do my best to edit my language but sometime things slip out.


Definitely, woman up!! My wife hates ToT because she is scared _ _ _ _ less of the same three things you are. But she rides it everytime we go to the world because she also believes that being scared is part of the fun and sort of makes her face her demons.
So I say go for it, you'll love it.:wave:

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