Tower of Terror thrill factor


My wife went on it on our honeymoon, we've been back a few times since, and she never once went on it.

Said she's glad she done it, but never again

Walt Disney1955

Well-Known Member
The build up scared me just as much. The music, the lightning etc. But yeah the drop is pretty scary too. But as someone pointed out it's exhilirating too. I remember going on it my last trip and I was pretty sure that I knew the exact point where they dropped it so I told my wife I woul give her the heads up. Turns out both of us were wrong. They either changed the time they drop you or I misjudged it. lol


Active Member
Original Poster
thanks everyone for their input!!! As of right now I want to ride it when we go in July, but I hope I dont back out at the last moment. I mean heck when i was in 5th grade i screamed and cried the whole que line to splash mountain and the entire ride because I was scared to death. And now its one of my favorites. So I will never know untill I try...:)

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