

Original Poster
Is Tony's Town Square in the Magic Kingdom a great restaurant or a horrible one? I can never seem to find a moderate review, it's either love or hate.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
That is basically how everyone feels. They LOVE or HATE it. I hated it the first time I ate there in 2002 but I got spaghetti. In 07 I got a steak and it was good. Im going again in September.

Foolish Mortal

Well-Known Member
Is Tony's Town Square in the Magic Kingdom a great restaurant or a horrible one? I can never seem to find a moderate review, it's either love or hate.

Oh you're going to love me then :ROFLOL:....Plain and simple, GO !!!! It's a good reliable restaurant. Nice relaxed atmosphere, nothing on the menu that will have you asking "what is it ?" It's not a MUST do for me every trip, every 2nd or 3rd trip is worth a visit. I tend to find most WDW food critics a bit harsh and a little nit picky. Trust me, if you're not looking to be blown away and just want a casual good dinner, I say go. Moderate enough ? :lol:


Well-Known Member
We did breakfast there a few years back and we were not impressed. But we had lunch there last years and it was a really good meal. We will be going back again this year. Our waiter was great and we had a fun lunch!!!


Well-Known Member
You're correct in that you either love it or hate Tony's. We are in the latter, as we didn't care for it but as another poster stated it's a reliable or old standby type of place.

With that said, in our past trips we always tried to experience new restaurants, places we haven’t been before to make the vacation different than the last one. We do however usually re-visit one of the really memorable places as well. I recommend that course of action, you might be pleasantly surprised and if not, you can write negative comments on WDW magic when you get home.


Active Member
We tend to spend a lot of time in MK so we end up going there often. It is certainly not the best Italian food I have ever had but to me it is a good place for a reliably good meal. I have never had a bad meal there but I have also never been blown away by it.


New Member
We have always had wonderful food at Tony's, until our last meal there in November, 2009. The food was absolutely horrible. The service was also the worst that we have ever had at any Disney restaurant. That being said, we are giving it another chance when we return to the World in November. It has always been the restaurant that we eat at on the first night of our vacation and my husband and I ate there on our honeymoon, 14 years ago, so we are sentimental about Tony's. Every restaurant can have an off day and we are hoping that this was the case with Tony's. We are giving Tony's Town Square a chance to redeem itself but I have to admit that I'm a little nervous about what our experience is going to be like on November 8, 2010.


Active Member
The food wasn't horrible last time I went, but I wouldn't recomend a late dinner there. My mother and I had 8:00 dinner reservations on an EMH night. I thought it would be a nice way to relax before hitting the park again (since we had already seen Wishes and the Parade) we ended up waiting a hour past our reservation time. The place was full of kids that were a bad combination of hungry and ready for bed.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I could have tolerated the mediocre Italian stylee food, but the trapped defecating birds flapping around the dining room were a stretch too far.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
"Mediocre" is a good choice of word. Nothing out of this world. I'm glad I was on the free dining plan because I really would've been upset to pay Disney prices for what we got. For "free" it was OK and now that I've done it, I probably won't go back.

My suggestion, try it yourself. There are too many varied opinions to make a decision.

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
Went once and didn't think it was anything great. Given the choice for italian I would go to one of the other restaurants. It wasn't a terrible meal, but wouldn't be my first choice for dining.


Active Member
The wife and I have had dinner there twice within the last year and we enjoyed it both times. Salads & bread were real good, entrees were real good, and the desserts were tasty!

The first of our visits we were able to sit outside and watch Spectro go by while we had dessert, it is a wonderful memory that I cherish!

The second visit we sat in the dining room area, which at first bummed me out because I wanted to recreate the first visit, but we sincerely enjoyed the evening despite not catching Spectro.

Never had a bad meal or a bad experience yet!

We've probably read the same positive/negative reviews, but there's only one way to know if you like it or not, and that's to make the reservation and see for yourself! We did and were truly glad we did! :wave:


Tony's is good....not great, but good. I've only ever eaten one horrible thing at WDW and that was the cuban sandwich at ABC Commisary. Sure, there are places I wouldn't hurry back to, but honestly, I think people get a little too harsh with some of their reviews. If you're not expecting a gourmet meal, just a decent meal, I would say go and don't worry about it.
Grand Gathering Breakfast @ Tony's - Awesome food, good spirits.

Dinner services @ Tony's - Rushed service (due to Free DDP overbooking), and Italian food that's so mediocre, it would make you think Olive Garden was a 5 Star restaurant.

You'd be better off to take a monorail to the Contemporary, Polynesian, or Grand Floridian and eat there. Not too far away, less crowded, better food. The Grand Floridian cafe' was outstanding, and has made it to our list of Can't Miss WDW Restaurants.


Well-Known Member
in the middle....

We ate there in '07 but I was nervous because I had read some terrible reviews but we were there in the park that day and I really wanted to try (for the first time) a caprese salad. Well, they had taken that off the meal by the time we vacationed but the food was decent. Not great but not terrible like I had read. I would go back again though. So, here is a review that's down the middle. Sorry, I'm not much help. :veryconfu


Well-Known Member
It is seems to be a love it or hate it place...

me and my hubby fell in the disliked it category....

a friend of mine though absolutely loved it!

So, my best advice is to try it just one. You may come out of it really liking it...or you may just experience a restaurant you've never done before but decide to not go back.

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