Well-Known Member
Except that LucasFilm is a business unit, much like Pixar, that undoubtedly weilds large control over the IP under its belt.
Remember how much influence John Lassiter and Pixar had over Cars Land? Considering the value of the franchise I expect a similar level of input from the devopment teams inside LucasFilm responsible for assisting WDI with the delivery of the SW Land project. Again, who knows what will happen, but the probability of Star Tours going away when SW Land opens seems pretty high to me.
The idea of Lucasfilm having input and intervening is almost reassuring. I feel like the people at Lucasfilm really want this current Disney generation of Star Wars to be good, and loved by fans.
This, coupled with WDI's and Disney's newfound desire to make sure what happens at Disneyland is actually good (they don't want another DCA 1.0), means that there are a LOT of people who care not only about Star Wars, but Disneyland working on this project.
In addition, SWL will be one of Iger's last big projects for the park (if that guy ever does actually retire). So he's gonna want it to actually be good as well.
And, there's the obvious need to have SWL be better than Potter in every way.