Disney Irish
Premium Member
Kinetics are great, but it would be like having Space Mountain pop outside for a random moment. The ride works because you are enclosed in "space." Tron needs to have people enclosed in the game grid and a random pop out of that world ruins the concept.
I have no problem with a ride similar to Tron, but not bound by the same IP, was brought to Tomorrowland and featured outdoor segments which worked thematically. Just no TRON.
One premise of Tron 3 was going to be Sam and Quorra's adventures outside the grid and try to create new iso's in the real world. Now with the new Jared Leto version don't know if that is still the case. But the Tron coaster could take the original Tron 3 premise and build upon it to make it its own story. Which would have the outside portion make sense. So you have originality of a story but with an IP.