Tomorrowland Dance Party

Chef Mickey

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I know it's been addressed and discussed here, but I have to complain once again.

During my last visit Apr 24 - May 3, I was bothered once again again noticed the Incredibles dance party in Tomorrowland.

May I just say this is an abomination and Disney should be ashamed of this. What an absolute give up, lazy, and zero thought "addition" to an otherwise perfect Tomorrowland. It's not even relevant. Why are the Incredibles there? Why do they play awful music? Why is it so loud? Why does it go for 5 HOURS from 5pm-10pm? Maybe if it were just an hour I could tolerate it, but it continues forEVER.

Of course it's "fun" to have a dance party with music blasting, characters dancing, and bass rattling your face, but is it really on theme for Tomorrowland? I could argue it'd be fun to have a swimming pool in the middle of Tomorrowland, or a clown blowing up balloons for kids, or a petting zoo? How about a strip club or bar? The "fun" argument fails because there has to be some standard.

As if it's not bad enough that it absolutely ruins the theme of Tomorrowland, but you can actually hear the music and bass while riding Carousel of Progress. I could actually hear the bass pounding while I was trying to enjoy Carousel of Progress. Walt was surely rolling over in his grave.

I already addressed this in my usual letter post trip letter to Disney, so I'll see if they even address it. I was just wondering if it annoys any of you as much as it does me. I used to ignore it, but the music seems to have gotten louder and more annoying, or I've just gotten older.

Chef Mickey

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Sorry, how does it ruin the theme of Tomorrowland? Will people not dance in the future?
Sorry, awful argument. It's like saying, will people not enjoy strippers in the future? Oh, they will? Throw that in too!

What is your point?!?

It ruins Tomorrowland because the area music is drowned out by awful pop singers.

I can hear it on Carousel of Progress.

It creates unneeded congestion.

It absolutely does not fit the theme.

It's a generic give up excuse for a Disney show/attraction.

It's too long.

it's not relevant.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, awful argument. It's like saying, will people not enjoy strippers in the future? Oh, they will? Throw that in too!
I'm not making an argument. I'm not saying "it belongs there," I'm asking you to provide a reason why it doesn't. You're the one who started this thread, not me.

What is your point?!?
There's nothing futuristic about hamburgers, hot dogs, or root beer floats but I don't see you throwing a tantrum outside of Cosmic Ray's or Auntie Gravity's. There's nothing futuristic about a plain white urinal but I bet you didn't start a thread to complain about how those are off theme.

It ruins Tomorrowland because the area music is drown out.
They switch off park area music during parades, fireworks, streetmosphere, etc. too. There's nothing unique about the dance party in that regard.

I can hear it on Carousel of Progress.
Definitely a valid criticism.

It creates unneeded congestion. an area with no foot traffic.

It absolutely does not fit the theme.
See my first point in this post. A themed land can have "neutral" elements. It's not until elements are specifically contrary to the theme that it becomes an issue.

It's a generic give up excuse for a Disney show/attraction.
People seem to enjoy it.

It's too long.
Walk by?

it's not relevant.
I don't even know what that means.

Chef Mickey

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
You're just arguing for the sake of arguing, which is fine. You can't seriously think the Dance Party is a welcome addition to Tomorrowland or that 5 hours of bass and awful pop music that can be heard on multiple rides is well thought out or something that needs to stick around. If you do, I can't take you seriously.

However, comparing hot dogs and hamburgers to a loud and obnoxious "dance party" that absolutely interferes with the enjoyment of Tomorrowland is just ridiculous.

The "It's too long" argument is 100% valid if it interferes with the enjoyment of attractions such as Carousel of Progress, TTA, and Astro Orbiter. The music is TOO loud and goes on for TOO long. Just those 2 reasons are enough to stop it or drastically reduce the volume and duration.

It just doesn't make sense to be there. It's off theme and although fun for some, it doesn't pass the common sense test. It even looks out of place there.

And the music drowns out other area music and ride music for 5 HOURS. Acting like that's the same as fireworks or a 20 minute show is just absurd. "People enjoy it" argument is killed by my other points. People would enjoy a lot of things, but they don't all belong in Tomorrowland, this included.


Well-Known Member
You're just arguing for the sake of arguing, which is fine. You can't seriously think the Dance Party is a welcome addition to Tomorrowland or that 5 hours of bass and awful pop music that can be heard on multiple rides is well thought out or something that needs to stick around. If you do, I can't take you seriously.

However, comparing hot dogs and hamburgers to a loud and obnoxious "dance party" that absolutely interferes with the enjoyment of Tomorrowland is just ridiculous.

The "It's too long" argument is 100% valid if it interferes with the enjoyment of attractions such as Carousel of Progress, TTA, and Astro Orbiter. The music is TOO loud and goes on for TOO long. Just those 2 reasons are enough to stop it or drastically reduce the volume and duration.

It just doesn't make sense to be there. It's off theme and although fun for some, it doesn't pass the common sense test. It even looks out of place there.

And the music drowns out other area music and ride music for 5 HOURS. Acting like that's the same as fireworks or a 20 minute show is just absurd. "People enjoy it" argument is killed by my other points. People would enjoy a lot of things, but they don't all belong in Tomorrowland, this included.

Agreed - I'm so glad this isn't the 'Disney' I grew up with. I wouldn't be a fan today and surely wouldn't be on a fan forum talking about it.


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In the Parks
One person's "absolutely interferes with the enjoyment of Tomorrowland" is another person's "Incredible dance party." Just because YOU don't like it doesn't mean others don't. I've seen plenty of people crowded around it, having a good time, and I think if they hated it they certainly wouldn't be doing that. Now, I can't speak for my wife or my stepson, but I personally wouldn't go to it, unless they wanted to, and then I'd gladly go, heck I might even dance around to embarrass them :) However, just because I wouldn't normally go to it, I don't automatically think it's the bane of Disney's existence and that Walt's corpse just hit 10,000 RPM.

Now, I agree with you that you shouldn't be able to hear it from Carousel of Progress. If I'm on that ride, I want to be in the world of CoP, and that would certainly bring me out of it. For TTAP and Astro Orbiter, well, they're outside, it's fair game there in my opinion. I do think that five hours is a bit much, personally, but I don't make the schedules. But you know what? Magic Kingdom is much more than Tomorrowland, and there are many other places to go and see instead of brooding for five hours at the dance party and lamenting how long it is. I just don't think it's as big of a deal as you are making it out to be.

Chef Mickey

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
One person's "absolutely interferes with the enjoyment of Tomorrowland" is another person's "Incredible dance party." Just because YOU don't like it doesn't mean others don't. I've seen plenty of people crowded around it, having a good time, and I think if they hated it they certainly wouldn't be doing that. Now, I can't speak for my wife or my stepson, but I personally wouldn't go to it, unless they wanted to, and then I'd gladly go, heck I might even dance around to embarrass them :) However, just because I wouldn't normally go to it, I don't automatically think it's the bane of Disney's existence and that Walt's corpse just hit 10,000 RPM.

Now, I agree with you that you shouldn't be able to hear it from Carousel of Progress. If I'm on that ride, I want to be in the world of CoP, and that would certainly bring me out of it. For TTAP and Astro Orbiter, well, they're outside, it's fair game there in my opinion. I do think that five hours is a bit much, personally, but I don't make the schedules. But you know what? Magic Kingdom is much more than Tomorrowland, and there are many other places to go and see instead of brooding for five hours at the dance party and lamenting how long it is. I just don't think it's as big of a deal as you are making it out to be.
The problem I have with it is that it interferes with my enjoyment of other attractions because of the noise pollution. Your argument about taking it or leaving it would be fine if I could choose to skip it, but I can't choose to skip it because it's too in your face - my biggest complaint.

The noise pollution it creates reduces the experience of 3 rides and the overall feel of Tomorrowland.

Outside rides are not "fair game." You mean they are fair game to be ruined just because they have outdoor components? LOL!! Disney controls the environment and they could choose to restore order by removing it.

Again, just because people like it doesn't mean it's good for Tomorrowland. It's not appropriate. I'm sure people would enjoy a craps table and some strippers too. How about a relaxing cigar bar? Massage parlour? I jest, but this dance party has about as much to do with Tomorrowland as a strip club.

If they have to have it, it shouldn't interfere with the enjoyment of other attractions, namely Carousel of Progress. You should have an option to skip it, not be forced to listen to it because it's pumping bass for 5 hours in the middle of Tomorrowland. They can move it to Tomorroland Theater.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I agree with you there, it would be much better served to be inside a theatre of some sort. I also don't know what they were thinking putting the dance party in in the first place, and I do agree with you that based on every other ride they have(or had) there, it really doesn't fit. I guess they're just trying to drive people to Tomorrowland, although I think it's the rides and attractions that are there that should be doing that, not some dance party.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I hate the stage too. But I think Tomorrowland's theme has already been ruined by SGE, MILF, the crappy new TTA narration, and the botched Space Mountain refurb.

This is not a thread derailment, I just have to ask, what do you mean by the botched Space Mountain refurb?

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
This is not a thread derailment, I just have to ask, what do you mean by the botched Space Mountain refurb?

The refurb back in 09' that promised to be a massive overhaul and improvement of the attraction that got its budget slashed to ribbons by TDO. Now that attraction is half baked and still has many problems.


Well-Known Member
The dance party is again entrainment to keep people in the park and in the area when they are waiting for fast passes or the parents are taking a second to sit and relax. It is not a problem it is fun for the target audience.

Just relax let your kids have some fun and enjoy! Hell my wife likes to get up and shake her tail feather just to have fun with our kids.....

People really need to learn to have some fun and not always just say things suck and let it ruin your experience and vacation.


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In the Parks

Chef Mickey

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
The dance party is again entrainment to keep people in the park and in the area when they are waiting for fast passes or the parents are taking a second to sit and relax. It is not a problem it is fun for the target audience.

Just relax let your kids have some fun and enjoy! Hell my wife likes to get up and shake her tail feather just to have fun with our kids.....

People really need to learn to have some fun and not always just say things suck and let it ruin your experience and vacation.
I can't really get on board with this logic.

I'm a stick in the mud and "can't have fun" because I complain about loud music that impacts 3 of my favorite attractions at WDW?

A dance party would be fun anywhere, but slapping them up all around WDW wouldn't be a great idea, just because it's fun and keeps people in the parks.

Think of other ways to keep people in the parks that are actually not disruptive to other offerings! The biggest problem with it is you can't avoid it or skip it. You are forced to hear the music and walk around the people gathering there. I think the music is too loud when it can be heard inside Carousel of Progress or when you're relaxing on PeopleMover and can't even hear the narrator.

It's awful.

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