Now that you've further explained your POV, I take back the callous remark. It was obviously not your intention to offend anyone, just as those who say that they appreciate places like Atlantic Dance Hall because there are no children have nothing against children per se, but appreciate having someplace where they don't have to worry about little ones underfoot - or within earshot.
I can understand how you might want a break from all of the strollers, ECVS, and even the trolley/cars/buses going up and down Main Street if you have a little one, and it has nothing to do with disliking anyone.
The problem is not so much with the people that use them, but the fact that the MK was not constructed to accommodate them in such large numbers, so the walkways are very crowded. Having been in all of the above situations (babies/toddlers in strollers, small children dashing off, parents in wheelchairs, and riding down Main Street), it is indeed stressful to be either avoiding being hit all day, or trying to avoid accidentally hitting someone else.