Well, I've been waiting for today to come for the past 6 years.
Today was the day I applied for the WDWCP Spring 2010.
I hope to be one of the 1st 200 to apply, as I started the application within 5min of it being available. Everything is done and all I have to do is schedule the phone interview. I couldn't do that today because Recruiting was already closed when I finished my application. The open at 9am tomorrow and I'm going to call right at 9:01am!
Wish me luck!
Today was the day I applied for the WDWCP Spring 2010.
I hope to be one of the 1st 200 to apply, as I started the application within 5min of it being available. Everything is done and all I have to do is schedule the phone interview. I couldn't do that today because Recruiting was already closed when I finished my application. The open at 9am tomorrow and I'm going to call right at 9:01am!
Wish me luck!