Time for a new MK e-ticket?


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Ok- every park seems to be getting a ton of new stuff- including e-tickets. But we haven't seen an E-ticket (i don't consdier Alien Encounter an e-ticket because it wasn't popular, nor is it around anymore) for over 10 years. We got Splash Mountain in 1992 and its now 2004. Yes thats 12 years. And this is the most visited theme park in the world. And still, there don't seem to be many rumors going around to sugest a possible e-ticket coming to the MK.....don't you think its time for one soon? Is there any plans or anything anyone else knows?


Well-Known Member

Would Philharmagic qualify as an "F-ticket"?

Well, the quality (or lack thereof) of the animation is very "F-ticket" in my book.

I think that "because" the Magic Kingdom is the "number one" most visited park as you say - WDW is focusing on other parks to spread out the guest population - and appeal to a wider audience.

But it has been a long time and I'd like to see something in the "E" class over in the old 20,000 lagoon area.

And if you think about it, MK is still saturated in "E" material that the other parks, even with their great "E" attractions, still don't have as many as the MK. So in that sense their delay is almost - dare I say - justified.



Do they even have room?? I feel that its too crowded as it is....perhaps removing Autotopia, would free up room. Not a huge fan of inhailing exhaust fumes.:D


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Bill
There are plans... keep watching the 20k Subs lagoon in Fantasyland. :)

Bill, you seem to have the inside scoop on things. Question: What ever happened to the plans to build Fire Mountain in Adventureland? I know WDI completed design and engineering work, and even surveyed the area where it was going to be built, but Paul Pressler stopped work on it. Now that Pressler has been out for some time, is anyone at WDI thinking about taking these plans off the shelf and proposing it get built?

For those who have no idea what I'm talking about... Fire Mountain was to be an inverted coaster through an errupting volcano, and would have made an excelent backdrop on the 7-Seas Lagoon from the Polynessian!


New Member
Originally posted by PeterAlt
Bill, you seem to have the inside scoop on things. Question: What ever happened to the plans to build Fire Mountain in Adventureland? I know WDI completed design and engineering work, and even surveyed the area where it was going to be built, but Paul Pressler stopped work on it. Now that Pressler has been out for some time, is anyone at WDI thinking about taking these plans off the shelf and proposing it get built?

For those who have no idea what I'm talking about... Fire Mountain was to be an inverted coaster through an errupting volcano, and would have made an excelent backdrop on the 7-Seas Lagoon from the Polynessian!

Good question!

I aways wanted to see fire mountain in adventure land and a villian or bald mountain in or near the 20000 league lagoon.


Well-Known Member
i would love to see Space Mountain rehabbed like the one in Paris, and then see the Indy Speedway taken out, it takes up SO MUCH ROOM, that could be used for something better in my opinion, and then there are the floating rumors about 20K... HMMMM...


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mkepcotmgmak
i would love to see Space Mountain rehabbed like the one in Paris, and then see the Indy Speedway taken out, it takes up SO MUCH ROOM, that could be used for something better in my opinion, and then there are the floating rumors about 20K... HMMMM...

Space Mountain will not be rehabbed to become the Paris version. I just hope it will get a total overhaul, like they are doing right now in DL. Because the show building is bigger (but the ride is shorter in FL because there are two tracks instead of DL's one) and the layout of the tracks are different than the one in CA, I doubt we will even get DL's version, but I will be happy with a totally new version! Our Space Mountain needs work desperately! Look how far behind we are....

(1) No modern track system or computer control
(2) No sound system
(3) No picture system on exit
(4) No modern effects, or even AA's any where

Not just for safety reasons, they better bring our Space Mountain to par as soon as they finish DL's! And while they're at it, take those 70's AA's out of Pirates and update that ride as well!!!!!
There is no need to change Space Mountain as it was the first one built in any Disney Park. And those 70's Pirates, as you call them, seem to be doing really well still bringing in the crowds. There is a word which you should look up.... History. Disney is full of it and there is no need to go now and change it. The Magic Kingdom is doing very well so please do not encourage Eisner or Imagineers to change a piece of history.


(Steps off sopabox)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by twistedmickey
There is no need to change Space Mountain as it was the first one built in any Disney Park. And those 70's Pirates, as you call them, seem to be doing really well still bringing in the crowds. There is a word which you should look up.... History. Disney is full of it and there is no need to go now and change it. The Magic Kingdom is doing very well so please do not encourage Eisner or Imagineers to change a piece of history.


(Steps off sopabox)

HA! - what a joke. let's take the focus off of eisner and go back to WALT - walt was HUGE on change - as how we got Disneyland in the first place. just because any certain attraction still brings in the crowds, does not mean they couldn't work on it to make it better, and MORE enjoyable for the crowds. space mountain DEF. needs change! we are so far behind with that coaster. if walt were here, i feel like he would have changed it years ago, to keep up with newer technology, because that was what uncle walt was all about.

people blame eisner for changing things, but walt was a man of inovention, and thinking outside the box, which meant... CHANGING THINGS - i am not a huge eisner fan, but don't take everything back to him, just because you feel it is negative.

and i heard a rumor, actually, i think i read it on here... the pics and stories of paris' space look absolutely AMAZING, and is what our magic kingdom needs in tomorrowland! (imo) about DL getting paris' space for it's birthday? any of that true?


Well-Known Member
IMO our space just needs a que rehab...the ride herself is fine, and the CM there will tell you this as well...

When we look at rides like M:S and Rocken they are not even close to as fun to run. One of hte reasons space is so cool is because she an't new.

I mean 2 coasters, only thing they share is the power supply yet if ong goes down then they both go down!!!!

The things the CM's want is a new que and maybe new things on the speed ramp and maybe a dusting of the mountain lol :D


Account Suspended
Okay. I am monitoring this thread. Just can't really say much.

So, instead, I will give you the possibilities.

First the 20k Subs lagoon.

WDI has been working on this project for the longest time, and it looks like we're finally going to see something. The question is, what will win out? There are 5 possible solutions that WDI is considering:

1. Drain the lagoon & build a nice little walkway to Toontown to relieve congestion in the area. No new attractions, possibly a few shops.

2. Theme the lagoon into the Little Mermaid.

3. Drain the Lagoon for MK's next land, which has been determined to be a Villain Land. Here you would find a main pathway that would connect to Toon Town, but would also have many rides, & stores. One of these is Bald Mountain. Sadly, this idea seems to come to a dead end.

4. Drain the lagoon & build a Hyperion style theater

5. The Harry Potter Attraction.

That's what I know WDI is considering for the site, and anything else you've heard is most likely wrong.

As for Fire Mountain, I believe that project is dead. Not to say it will never happen, but not in the next 10 years. :)


New Member
I'm curious to know how WDI can be planning a Harry Potter attraction when Warner Brothers owns the exclusive theme park rights to the brand.

DisneyFan 2000

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by HMFan
I'm curious to know how WDI can be planning a Harry Potter attraction when Warner Brothers owns the exclusive theme park rights to the brand.

They own the rights to the movie brand! :animwink:


New Member
Originally posted by DisneyFan 2000
They own the rights to the movie brand! :animwink:
Doesn't matter, they don't own the theme park rights, "yet". They have even opened Harry Potter attractions at WB Movie World. And WB still has the movie right also.
Let me put my 2 cents into this thread. I definetley dont like the idea of a Harry Potter ride . I think that it would fit in well with the fantasy lands theme but i dont like the idea. I would like to see a new land put in but i have a feeling its gonna end up llike chesters and hesters in dinoland and it will just be like a fair ground that moves from town to town every 2 weeks or so. so i dont think a new land would fit right. I dont like the little mermaid lagoon. They already have a little mermaid thing already and i think that it wouldnt be that good. I dont like the idea of a walkway b/c that just means it like 50% wasted space. The theatre would be great but they just had the addition of Mickeys Philarmagic and people dont want to always so shows that want rides. All in all I really dont kno what the heck they should do with that wasted space. Maybe they should just bring back a new 20,000 leagues under the see but with a 21st century feel. and i new ride system b/c I kno thats outdated.

as for SM . I think that is fine. The addition of a sound system wuld be nice but im satisfied with it now.


Space Mountain is fine and does not need to change. It is one the best rides of Walt Disney World. Also, a Villians Land would be very good in the Magic Kingdom. It would appeal to an older audience.


Well-Known Member
how can they build a whole vilan land back there???

There just is not that much space IMO for a whole new land...looking from both on and off stage. I don't know

But if they can COOL!!!!

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