Active Member
Amazing how you could do the opposite.Amazing how everyone takes the CMs side with practically no evidence on his behalf.
Different interpretations of the video will undoubtedly lead to difference of opinion. I choose to favor the Cast Member as being less guilty than the kid, for it is in my opinion, form the brief footage we have of the incident, the "attack" was not nearly warranting of the reaction.
The kid was just giving his hero a cute hug! Give me a break.Tigger lost his balance and as a reaction held the kids arm & put his fist up in front of the kid's face? Give me a break.
All you're doing is stating the common beliefs here. I have confidence in saying the people in this thread would say the same if it was clear there was a "punch."If the CM did indeed punch the guest, whether in self-defense, for no reason or for whatever reason, to me he is guilty and should be fired.
If on the other hand he fell (or whatever) and accidentally hit the guest by mistake, that is a different story. However, if that was the case I don't see why he didn't just say that. If he fell, I'm sure that is what Disney would want immediately put out.
Do we know that none such thing has occurred?I don't see any reason why the CM wouldn't apologize if it was an just accident.
We're all running on the same set of information, ours is no more compete than yours. Don't preach to us, s'il vous plait.