News Tiana's Bayou Adventure - latest details and construction progress


Well-Known Member
Eh…if we ended up on The Other Side and Dr. Facilier were coming after us, it would work.

They aren’t going that route because reasons.

I would have turned that entrance into the double drop a mausoleum entrance into The Other Side but they didn’t ask me.
That's almost exactly what I suggested some pages back heh. And your visualization of the "Other Side" entrance with the drop is also very similar to what I imagined. Maybe have the stone relief of Facilier's face overhead at the entrance of the drop (almost like the talking skull from DL's Pirates, they could even do some sort of creepy effect of the face smiling evilly as we pass under it and into the Other Side).

Great minds think alike, and apparently aren't working on this ride! :p


Well-Known Member
So what you're saying is that sunshine and roses don't automatically preclude the riders feeling tense in anticipation of the thrilling 50 foot drop they know is coming?

Sounds like that could just as easily apply to Tiana's Bayou Adventure, which was my point.
What i'm saying is that even prior to the final lift, there was a constant looming threat of the fox wanting to kill and eat the main character throughout. He wasn't very good at it, so it was a sort of cartoony dynamic. But still, even in spite of all the bright and colorful happy characters singing and playing instruments along the way, that was an ever present possible threat. And the threat builds tension up over the course of the ride. After the second drop, the scenery becomes darker and we see the fox sneaking up behind the distracted rabbit with a trap. And the next scene, we see his trap succeeded and the tone shifts to being serious and outright scary as we ascend the lift. And in Disneyland's case, they have some differences such as the Burrow's Lament and all of the scared rabbit family members.

In Tiana's Bayou Adventure, from what I understand there is supposedly not going to be any tension or buildup to the drop, except for the natural fear some people have of such drops. Everything is all going to be sunshine and roses without a looming threat. Even the lift is supposedly going to be happy and bright. If this assessment ends up being correct (and i've seen nothing to indicate otherwise), the drop doesn't even serve any purpose to the progression of events. Such a plot would be better suited with a non-thrilling ride.

Which I think was partially the point in saying that if TBA had been a unique custom built ride, it wouldn't have had a big drop in the first place. And so it also wouldn't have been as much of a problem.

Though regardless, not including Facilier or the Other Side (the best aspect of the film) is a mistake regardless of whether it's a thrill ride or not. But as they specifically chose to retheme a ride with a big drop like this, he and the tension he brought was particularly needed to make it work. I think a lot of people imagined the final lift with the "Are You Ready" music when the ride was first announced.


Well-Known Member
What i'm saying is that even prior to the final lift, there was a constant looming threat of the fox wanting to kill and eat the main character throughout. He wasn't very good at it, so it was a sort of cartoony dynamic. But still, even in spite of all the bright and colorful happy characters singing and playing instruments along the way, that was an ever present possible threat. And the threat builds tension up over the course of the ride. After the second drop, the scenery becomes darker and we see the fox sneaking up behind the distracted rabbit with a trap. And the next scene, we see his trap succeeded and the tone shifts to being serious and outright scary as we ascend the lift. And in Disneyland's case, they have some differences such as the Burrow's Lament and all of the scared rabbit family members.

In Tiana's Bayou Adventure, from what I understand there is supposedly not going to be any tension or buildup to the drop, except for the natural fear some people have of such drops. Everything is all going to be sunshine and roses without a looming threat. Even the lift is supposedly going to be happy and bright. If this assessment ends up being correct (and i've seen nothing to indicate otherwise), the drop doesn't even serve any purpose to the progression of events. Such a plot would be better suited with a non-thrilling ride.

Which I think was partially the point in saying that if TBA had been a unique custom built ride, it wouldn't have had a big drop in the first place. And so it also wouldn't have been as much of a problem.

Though regardless, not including Facilier or the Other Side (the best aspect of the film) is a mistake regardless of whether it's a thrill ride or not. But as they specifically chose to retheme a ride with a big drop like this, he and the tension he brought was particularly needed to make it work. I think a lot of people imagined the final lift with the "Are You Ready" music when the ride was first announced.
It seems to me they're trying to give the thrill a sort of euphoric framing (fuelled by Mama Odie's magic) rather than a scary one. I'm not sure it's going to work, but I don't think one necessarily needs tension or a sense of foreboding to make the drop work.
In the Parks
Though regardless, not including Facilier or the Other Side (the best aspect of the film) is a mistake regardless of whether it's a thrill ride or not. But as they specifically chose to retheme a ride with a big drop like this, he and the tension he brought was particularly needed to make it work. I think a lot of people imagined the final lift with the "Are You Ready" music when the ride was first announced.
This would have made it at least tolerable for me. What they're doing is just so illogical...
It seems to me they're trying to give the thrill a sort of euphoric framing (fuelled by Mama Odie's magic) rather than a scary one.
...this is exactly what I'm talking about. I could see them doing this for one of the earlier drops, but this is a really BIG drop. The euphoria comes from having gone through the stressful lift hill.

How did this get approved? Oh wait, I know...


Well-Known Member
...this is exactly what I'm talking about. I could see them doing this for one of the earlier drops, but this is a really BIG drop. The euphoria comes from having gone through the stressful lift hill.

How did this get approved? Oh wait, I know...
I guess I'm thinking of it as similar to skydiving or jumping off a big cliff into the sea as you yell with excitement—a happy thrill rather than a scary one (though tinged with a bit of fear and adrenaline nonetheless because of the drop itself). Again, I'm not saying they'll necessarily get it right, but I think it has at least the potential to work.


Well-Known Member
This would have made it at least tolerable for me. What they're doing is just so illogical...

...this is exactly what I'm talking about. I could see them doing this for one of the earlier drops, but this is a really BIG drop. The euphoria comes from having gone through the stressful lift hill.

How did this get approved? Oh wait, I know...

It’s annoying right? It’s like game is on the line, they’re down by 1 but pass up a wide open slam dunk to go shoot a three.


Well-Known Member
I wonder what they will go with for the drop story wise? We are climbing a hill to see Mama Odie? Leaving the Bayou? They have to incorporate the drop somehow. Right? Right?

Still praying they add in Dr Facilier next Halloween and decide to keep him after positive guest feedback.
In the Parks
I wonder what they will go with for the drop story wise? We are climbing a hill to see Mama Odie? Leaving the Bayou? They have to incorporate the drop somehow. Right? Right?

Still praying they add in Dr Facilier next Halloween and decide to keep him after positive guest feedback.
The problem with holiday overlays is they usually will only introduce them via screens these days, and more likely in Disneyland than in MK. The Jingle Cruise is the lone exception to this.

And if there are a lot of screens in TBA, then they will have truly failed and I will actually build a time machine to prevent it from happening.


Well-Known Member
I wonder what they will go with for the drop story wise? We are climbing a hill to see Mama Odie? Leaving the Bayou? They have to incorporate the drop somehow. Right? Right?

Still praying they add in Dr Facilier next Halloween and decide to keep him after positive guest feedback.

Probably like Frozen, or even less. Magic causes the acceleration in that and at least in Frozen I guess it was a way to have Marshmallow yell at us as we move down a physical drop.

I imagine this one is going to be swirling magic up to see Mama Odie. You can pretty much quote me on this, ear mark it or what ever you want to, it will be a situation where we go up to see Mama Odie and she sends us back with a spell.

I think the bottles in the concept art visibly hanging make it apparent.

Vegas Disney Fan

Well-Known Member
The problem with holiday overlays is they usually will only introduce them via screens these days, and more likely in Disneyland than in MK. The Jingle Cruise is the lone exception to this.

And if there are a lot of screens in TBA, then they will have truly failed and I will actually build a time machine to prevent it from happening.
I’m hoping if we get screens they’ll be in the background like the ones used in Navi River and not front and center like the screens used on the just opened Zootopia ride.

Screens can be a good thing, but they usually aren’t.


Well-Known Member
Where did you get that explanation for the drop in Frozen? The official novelization? I always thought it made no sense.

I was being generous. Marshmallow yells 'Let it Goooooo" Ha. It really just recycled the AA and they took the cool and thrill factor of the reverse psyche out by patching it up which also removed one of the coolest little kinetic energy tastes in any theme park ride ever with the cavern no longer visible, but a ranodm set of leaking rocks.

I think the akward lift and the chanting song is going to be akin to what we get going up to see Mama Odie.


Well-Known Member
I tried to make a new thread about expectations for the ride versus its predecessor (with a poll of course!), just to try to get this thread to be more on topic about what's actually coming with construction updates and everything. But the new thread got shut down for some reason. So I guess this will continue to be the place to defend and complain about this new ride.
It got shut down for the same reason people in this thread are routinely scolded - people who can't keep their opinions to themselves about the change and act like they are somehow victims because of the change.


Well-Known Member
What i'm saying is that even prior to the final lift, there was a constant looming threat of the fox wanting to kill and eat the main character throughout. He wasn't very good at it, so it was a sort of cartoony dynamic. But still, even in spite of all the bright and colorful happy characters singing and playing instruments along the way, that was an ever present possible threat. And the threat builds tension up over the course of the ride. After the second drop, the scenery becomes darker and we see the fox sneaking up behind the distracted rabbit with a trap. And the next scene, we see his trap succeeded and the tone shifts to being serious and outright scary as we ascend the lift. And in Disneyland's case, they have some differences such as the Burrow's Lament and all of the scared rabbit family members.

In Tiana's Bayou Adventure, from what I understand there is supposedly not going to be any tension or buildup to the drop, except for the natural fear some people have of such drops. Everything is all going to be sunshine and roses without a looming threat. Even the lift is supposedly going to be happy and bright. If this assessment ends up being correct (and i've seen nothing to indicate otherwise), the drop doesn't even serve any purpose to the progression of events. Such a plot would be better suited with a non-thrilling ride.
This is a big issue I have with modern day WDI. Everything is all bright and happy showtunes all the time. With barely any recognizable hints of danger or threat, which is I think what captivates a lot of children in the first place.

Tokyo's BatB ride is a good example of an attraction that, imo, was ruined by this.


Well-Known Member
This is a big issue I have with modern day WDI. Everything is all bright and happy showtunes all the time. With barely any recognizable hints of danger or threat, which is I think what captivates a lot of children in the first place.

Tokyo's BatB ride is a good example of an attraction that, imo, was ruined by this.

Makes perfect sense why Iger said it was boring. He may not know why, but if there is no conflict to match the dynamic, you have a very boring concept.

Who would have thought traveling through fields and some forced magic climax of a food co-op would not provide a captivating flow for a log flume of various sized drops and speeds?


Well-Known Member
I’m hoping if we get screens they’ll be in the background like the ones used in Navi River and not front and center like the screens used on the just opened Zootopia ride.

Screens can be a good thing, but they usually aren’t.

I just watched a video of the Zootopia ride.

My first thought was what an absolute disaster it would be if this (or anything at all similar to it) was at Animal Kingdom, so still very glad we dodged that bullet.

That aside, it was like half of a good attraction. It starts out well, and there are some good things scattered throughout, but way too much of the ride is just watching a movie play in front of you. The BatB ride has its own flaws, but I think it looks significantly better than Zootopia because you're not just watching a movie for half the ride.

I think ride designers (not just Disney) are relying on screens as a crutch way too often now. Part of the appeal of a theme park attraction is inhabiting a physical space -- that's part of what differentiates it from simply watching a film. It takes skill/imagination to design a ride that mainly relies on physical pieces; it's much easier (and much less interesting from a rider standpoint, at least for me) to just put all the action on a screen.
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Well-Known Member
This is a big issue I have with modern day WDI. Everything is all bright and happy showtunes all the time. With barely any recognizable hints of danger or threat, which is I think what captivates a lot of children in the first place.

Tokyo's BatB ride is a good example of an attraction that, imo, was ruined by this.

Ever since they acquired Lucasfilm and Marvel it seems like they’re perfectly content containing all the danger/ threat/ conflict to those properties which is a shame as often times that means omitting physical representation of some of the best parts of a classic Disney film. With that said and to your point somehow something like Webslingers still got greenlit.


Well-Known Member
Ever since they acquired Lucasfilm and Marvel it seems like they’re perfectly content containing all the danger/ threat/ conflict to those properties which is a shame as often times that means omitting physical representation of some of the best parts of a classic Disney film. With that said and to your point somehow something like Webslingers still got greenlit.

My main concern with a villians land concept. If you save it for that, you really should have put it sprinkled in other attractions as their plot devices and antagonists themes.
In the Parks
people who can't keep their opinions to themselves about the change and act like they are somehow victims because of the change
Hmmm, I kind of thought the reason for forums was to share opinions, not keep them to myself. Why should I keep my opinion to myself? For some reason, anyone who has a negative opinion about this attraction is supposed to "keep it to themselves." The only victimhood I feel is the fact I've lost an attraction I like.

Debate is healthy. I haven't been rude to anyone who likes this retheme. I haven't been disrespectful. All I've done is express my opinion. And my poll thread was because I like polls. You can check my last six threads that I've started...they're all polls. I like fostering discussion and gauging opinions. I didn't even intend for people to start commenting in the poll thread, but it seemed better than constantly derailing this thread with debates over the merits of it.

Show me what forum rule I have broken.


Well-Known Member
The Princess and the Frog had just as many scary moments and thrills as the animated sequences of Song of the South.
The Princess and the Frog is incomparably more intense than Song of the South. Half the movie involves the protagonists being pursued by shadow demons. In comparison, the only thrilling moment of Song of the South was the live-action scene where Bobby Driscoll gets attacked by a bull.

Of course, Facillier isn't likely to be in the ride, but the idea that Princess and the Frog is an inherently more childish IP is ridiculous.

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