Social media is an example of what you're confused about. Social media makes it seem like more people nowadays are trying to limit free speech. It's simply the platforms that make it seem like more and more people are anti-free speech in our contemporary society.I'm not sure how something can appear amplified and not be. Perhaps in a situation where you live in a village where propaganda is broadcasted 24/7 over speakers positions in the town square. Then, one day, the volume of the propaganda is turned down. A few days later, the propaganda returns to its original volume. I suppose then it would appear to be amplified yet be just the same as it always was.
Truthfully, I'm not invested enough in this discussion on whether or not social media has worsened our nation's situation. I'm sure there are scientific studies to prove one way or the other, but I'll leave it be.
Wouldn't that be an example of social media amplifying her voice? She could once only reach those in her immediate vicinity, now she can reach the entire globe.
Oh well, never mind this.
Very well, then I only have two simple questions: Will silencing those with dangerous ideas eliminate the danger to certain people, or is it necessary to eliminate the people, as well? Secondly, who determines which ideas are dangerous and, subsequently, who needs to be silenced?
It was pretty widely circulated last summer. I would assume anybody with contemporary political interest would be familiar with it.
I'm not sure who the "her" and "she" person you're referring to.
It won't eliminate the danger if they've already had enough time to spout nonsense. Society, per usual, determines what ideas are dangerous.