No, it’s not, because that’s not how it happened. This country has a history of re-writing history and trying to sugarcoat things already. Nothing should be sugarcoated, let alone slavery/the Reconstruction Era, both of which were arguably two of the worst times in history for African Americans. To paint it as rosy and sweet is disrespectful to the millions of African Americans who spent their lives in servitude, separated from their families, without their culture, and living in fear of rape, the crack of the whip, or a noose hanging from an oak tree that was awaiting them, among a list of other horrific and barbaric things, post-slavery included.
THAT’S more of what it was like. Tell it like it is. This is one of the reasons why we as a country have yet to make another round of significant change in terms of racial relations and social progress with African Americans and even Native Americans. The United States has yet to officially and formally acknowledge and fully admit to the list of wrongdoings against either group. We won’t own up to it. I admire Germany for publicly acknowledging their role in the Holocaust and using a large platform to admit that they were absolutely wrong for allowing something like that to happen. They’ve just recently made a public apology to Namibia and acknowledged that they put them through a genocide, which they absolutely did over 100 years ago when they slaughtered thousands of Namibians.
The U.S. needs to do something similar, but they probably won’t because they love to pretend like things didn’t happen and continue to fail to properly educate its citizens on various moments in history.