Hi, Tony the Tigger. Did you read my entire post? Because I did address the point you bring up. It’s buried in there somewhere.
I try not to start posts with comments like “Thank God I don’t think this way.”

I try not to make assumptions about the way other fans think.
Ok. I respect your opinion, and your comment about instant nostalgia and the passage of time is spot-on.
But here is my opinion: It’s all about the end result. If it works, great. IP or original, the end result is what matters, and DL parks, in the past, have presented a great combo of both types of attractions.
In this case, it doesn’t work for me.
With Tiana’s Bayou “Adventure”, they have wasted, IMO, an opportunity to make a fantastic ride. Instead, they removed all the thrills and fun of the source material and focused on an assortment of generic-looking animal characters (Rufus and Larry excluded because at least they aren’t stuck with those sappy smiles on their faces). WHY? Best case scenario: They wanted to replicate the “Mountain of Musical Animals” element Splash was famous for. Fair enough. I think the end result is awkward and clumsy.
Disney is capable of being far, far better than this.
That doesn’t mean the ride is worthless or doesn’t provide some fun. In my review, I pointed out the things I believe are done spectacularly well. And I think TBA’s issues could be fixed in the future, maybe by a team given permission to actually provide an element of danger/conflict to the story.
This is all just my opinion. If you think TBA is the “bee’s knees” (to quote Tiana), and you love the new animals, great! Enjoy! That’s awesome!
The ride and its area are full of elements I think we can both agree are excellent.