Tiana's Bayou Adventure: Disneyland Watch & Discussion

Disney Glimpses

Well-Known Member
Tickle me illiterate. Please quote where that claim was made.
I am not pretending it is not happening. I am flat out saying its not going to happen. Unless you have an exact closing date for Disneyland's Splash you would like to share with the rest of us you have been hiding. No? Didn't think you did.
Disney has walked back many a theme park announcement for Disneyland in the past. They have for many of their parks. Until I read a closing date and see a bulldozer, I am not convinced.

Disney Irish

Premium Member
Time will tell. Today was a horrible look for the OC Register a site EVERYONE here uses as a source for most of the narrative on this site in the Disneyland Forum and this thread in particular. A horrible look for them, indeed.
While the OCR did get the date incorrect in today's article, there was no dispute made by Disney on the actual closure. So there are just a couple flaws in this conspiracy theory that you keep touting about DL Splash staying open.....

If it wasn't closing at all then why not just come out today and say it in response to the OCR article?
And if they just quietly let it keep the Splash theme while WDW gets rethemed to Tiana what happens when WDW Tiana's opens? How will the optics look then for both DLR and Iger specifically? There will be uproar on all sides that won't ever die down.

Iger, if nothing else, doesn't like bad optics. So yeah it makes more sense that they are using a single crew to retheme both as has been stated by some known insiders....

Mickey's Pal

Well-Known Member
Yes, they are. They’re claiming the ride isn’t closing at all.

While the OCR did get the date incorrect in today's article, there was no dispute made by Disney on the actual closure. So there are just a couple flaws in this conspiracy theory that you keep touting about DL Splash staying open.....

If it wasn't closing at all then why not just come out today and say it in response to the OCR article?
And if they just quietly let it keep the Splash theme while WDW gets rethemed to Tiana what happens when WDW Tiana's opens? How will the optics look then for both DLR and Iger specifically? There will be uproar on all sides that won't ever die down.

Iger, if nothing else, doesn't like bad optics. So yeah it makes more sense that they are using a single crew to retheme both as has been stated by some known insiders....
There was no dispute it was not closing either.

Mickey's Pal

Well-Known Member
To clear up any confussion- I don't have or subscribe to a 'conspiracy theory'. I have a personal belief the ride is not closing because I have not seen no factual evidence that it is as of yet. I mentioned the Ken Potrock rumor because someone asked about it and where there is smoke there is fire but I take all rumors with a grain of salt. Still- that does not mean they should be dismissed out of hand entirely.

If the ride does close I have already said more than once- I am more than ready to eat crow about my mistake if proven wrong and will miss the ride. Can any of you actually say you will take your lumps if it doesn't close or be willing to apologize to me?

I find it funny everyone is attacking me with venom for my point of view but I have not shown any hostility to anyone back. Yet posts of mine get deleted by the mods for asking a 'what if' question , yet posts from a particular poster being flat out rude to me saying they will only have discourse with me when I am proven wrong and will tag me in the posts to rub it in my face get to remain.

I also do question the legitimacy of any reporting from the OC Register as a valid source for anything they have said about the ride closing in the past considering this morning's colossal blunder they walked back considering the rumor(yes the rumor since Disney did not confirm this, similar to the Potrock rumor) that the ride was going to close this May came from them in the first place. I wish everyone a pleasent evening.


Well-Known Member
If the ride does close I have already said more than once- I am more than ready to eat crow about my mistake if proven wrong and will miss the ride. Can any of you actually say you will take your lumps if it doesn't close or be willing to apologize to me?
You can just throw us into the Briar Patch for being insufferable & not willing to listen to your facts. It's what we deserve.


Well-Known Member
To clear up any confussion- I don't have or subscribe to a 'conspiracy theory'. I have a personal belief the ride is not closing because I have not seen no factual evidence that it is as of yet. I mentioned the Ken Potrock rumor because someone asked about it and where there is smoke there is fire but I take all rumors with a grain of salt. Still- that does not mean they should be dismissed out of hand entirely.

If the ride does close I have already said more than once- I am more than ready to eat crow about my mistake if proven wrong and will miss the ride. Can any of you actually say you will take your lumps if it doesn't close or be willing to apologize to me?

I find it funny everyone is attacking me with venom for my point of view but I have not shown any hostility to anyone back. Yet posts of mine get deleted by the mods for asking a 'what if' question , yet posts from a particular poster being flat out rude to me saying they will only have discourse with me when I am proven wrong and will tag me in the posts to rub it in my face get to remain.

I also do question the legitimacy of any reporting from the OC Register as a valid source for anything they have said about the ride closing in the past considering this morning's colossal blunder they walked back considering the rumor(yes the rumor since Disney did not confirm this, similar to the Potrock rumor) that the ride was going to close this May came from them in the first place. I wish everyone a pleasent evening.
The reason people are disputing your belief is because there has been no verifiable evidence for it and everything we know about Disney's attitude towards Splash Mountain points to the opposite conclusion.

Disney has made it clear that continued representation of Song of the South is unacceptable to them (except in Tokyo where the situation is more complicated due to the OLC agreement). They have repeatedly continued to acknowledge that the DL attraction is closing. The MK version is already closed. Perhaps the timeline for re-theming DL's attraction was delayed at some point, but that doesn't change the overall calculus that it's going to close. Disney has had three years to walk this back if they were ever going to and they haven't.

The rumor about Ken Potrock fighting the re-theme internally has never been verified by anybody with a reliable track record and thus should be treated as completely made up speculation. Folks on these forums are exhausted by the current era of internet speculation in which anybody with a decently large YouTube channel or podcast can spout wish fulfillment nonsense and it gets carried to the wind and accepted as fact despite the lack of any kind of verification from anyone with a reliable track record.

Mickey's Pal

Well-Known Member
The reason people are disputing your belief is because there has been no verifiable evidence for it and everything we know about Disney's attitude towards Splash Mountain points to the opposite conclusion.

Disney has made it clear that continued representation of Song of the South is unacceptable to them (except in Tokyo where the situation is more complicated due to the OLC agreement). They have repeatedly continued to acknowledge that the DL attraction is closing. The MK version is already closed. Perhaps the timeline for re-theming DL's attraction was delayed at some point, but that doesn't change the overall calculus that it's going to close. Disney has had three years to walk this back if they were ever going to and they haven't.

The rumor about Ken Potrock fighting the re-theme internally has never been verified by anybody with a reliable track record and thus should be treated as completely made up speculation. Folks on these forums are exhausted by the current era of internet speculation in which anybody with a decently large YouTube channel or podcast can spout wish fulfillment nonsense and it gets carried to the wind and accepted as fact despite the lack of any kind of verification from anyone with a reliable track record.
Again I am just going off the current facts:
1. The ride is still open.

2. No closing date has been announced. Disney today could have stated today that it was closing in May just not early May and did not. They could have confirmed today it was going to close eventually just no date yet. They did not.

3. They fixed a broken effect that had not been working in over 10 years.

That is what I am going off on despite rumors, and yes, they are rumors, some have stated indicating it is closing this May when Disney themselves have not said so.


Well-Known Member
Don't worry folks- if Disney decides to close Pirates, Mansion, or bulldoze Cinderella castle it's okay because it'll still exist in Tokyo :rolleyes:
At this point American parks are a lost cause IMO. They're being degraded so much it isn't worth holding out hope
for. Nothing wrong with relying on what seems to currently be a well ran park than putting your faith in the american parks returning to their former glory.


Well-Known Member
At this point American parks are a lost cause IMO. They're being degraded so much it isn't worth holding out hope
for. Nothing wrong with relying on what seems to currently be a well ran park than putting your faith in the american parks returning to their former glory.
Idk… I think Disneyland is better than it’s ever been. Ask someone from 1955, 1965, 1975, 1985, 1995, 2005, and 2015 Disneyland whether they prefer their time capsule Disneyland or 2023 Disneyland, and it would be hard to make a compelling argument against the present.

I would love if someone could explain when a specific time-period of Disneyland was better than the present, and elaborate thoroughly on what specifically was better, and how the additions since then don’t live-up to whatever was lost.

Disney Irish

Premium Member
There was no dispute it was not closing either.
This is circular logic, doesn't help your argument as you think it does.

To clear up any confussion- I don't have or subscribe to a 'conspiracy theory'. I have a personal belief the ride is not closing because I have not seen no factual evidence that it is as of yet. I mentioned the Ken Potrock rumor because someone asked about it and where there is smoke there is fire but I take all rumors with a grain of salt. Still- that does not mean they should be dismissed out of hand entirely.
The factual evidence is Disney's announcement that it will be closing for the retheme pending a closure date. If you're waiting for the actual closure date or the actual closure itself that is fine. But to keep stating there is not factual evidence is not having a conversation in good faith.

The reason why most are saying the Potrock rumor isn't to be trusted is because it makes no sense. Potrock doesn't have any power to change the retheme as its coming directly from the CEO and head of Disney Parks and Resorts. Maybe when Chapek was CEO it might have been believable as maybe he could have been swayed, but it was Iger and the Board who greenlit the project in the first place. So the idea that all of a sudden now that Iger is back in charge Potrock will change his and the Boards mind is suspect. Also I assume Potrock wants to continue to move up the corporate ladder. You don't move up the ladder by trying to stop the projects of your bosses. Basically it throws water on the "fire" removing any smoke of this rumor if there ever really was any to begin with.

If the ride does close I have already said more than once- I am more than ready to eat crow about my mistake if proven wrong and will miss the ride. Can any of you actually say you will take your lumps if it doesn't close or be willing to apologize to me?
Its a discussion board and posters are just pointing out the reasons why they don't agree with your posts. Not sure an apology is needed in that case. Whether you come back and decide to acknowledge the retheme when the closure date is announced, that is up to you.

I find it funny everyone is attacking me with venom for my point of view but I have not shown any hostility to anyone back. Yet posts of mine get deleted by the mods for asking a 'what if' question , yet posts from a particular poster being flat out rude to me saying they will only have discourse with me when I am proven wrong and will tag me in the posts to rub it in my face get to remain.
Again its a discussion forum. You're posting counter to the discussion, so you have to expect posts that will counter your posts. Maybe even some that you consider harsh. However I haven't seen much actual "venom".

I also do question the legitimacy of any reporting from the OC Register as a valid source for anything they have said about the ride closing in the past considering this morning's colossal blunder they walked back considering the rumor(yes the rumor since Disney did not confirm this, similar to the Potrock rumor) that the ride was going to close this May came from them in the first place. I wish everyone a pleasent evening.
Its very possible Disney does have a May date in mind but wasn't ready to announce it yet, ie OCR jumped the gun on reporting it before Disney was ready.

Point is its your right to question the OCR, but they have a pretty solid track record of being the mouth piece for Disney. So I wouldn't question it too hard.


Well-Known Member
Idk… I think Disneyland is better than it’s ever been. Ask someone from 1955, 1965, 1975, 1985, 1995, 2005, and 2015 Disneyland whether they prefer their time capsule Disneyland or 2023 Disneyland, and it would be hard to make a compelling argument against the present.

I would love if someone could explain when a specific time-period of Disneyland was better than the present, and elaborate thoroughly on what specifically was better, and how the additions since then don’t live-up to whatever was lost.

Are we talking Disneyland Park or the Disneyland Resort?


Well-Known Member
I think that's a great idea. Start mid-day with a temporary closure that just keeps getting extended.

Ooh! That's devious, but an even better idea than my thought that Ken Potrock just calls the King Of The Dockers-Clad Managers after park closing one night and says "That's it, the log ride is closed. Don't open it in the morning."

In a week or two, you shut the ride down at 1pm for a normal breakdown. Then you extend the downtime into late afternoon. Then past dinner. Then the park closes and it's a cold spring night (the entire West has been much colder than normal all winter, and spring is late this year), and so no one cares anymore because it's too cold and you keep the ride closed for the night. Then after the park closes you announce "Oh, by the way, today was Splash Mountain's last day. It's closed. Thank you for being immersed in our relevant stories! Don't forget to purchase Genie+ and Like and Subscribe!"

Seriously, I love that idea and scenario. It's crappy, but it's good. :cool:

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