The problem is- so much of Disneyland Splash Mountain's audio hasn't been released in high quality yet. There's really crappy 'leaked' attraction ride through audio that's painfully bad audio quality, but Disney hasn't officially released most of Splash's audio.
Most of the queue loop was made available on the old Disneyland Forever kiosks, and the FLAC files are available online. But they left out one rendition of Zip a Dee Doo Dah- so it's impossible to recreate the entire loop.
There have been a few versions of the Splash Mountain Medley. The most 'complete' version is the one available on the Theme Parks Classics compilation CD- which has the bees rendition of Laughin' Place as well as Burrow's Lament. But the most common version leaves out those two tracks. No version of the medley has the Take Me Along Alligator, the various character audio found in the attraction, or the proper final lift audio.
It's especially disappointing when compared to Mansion and Pirates- both of which have had detailed CD's released with near complete attraction "ride through" audio and various B takes and other elements as fun extras.
Walt Disney World's Splash Mountain has had almost all of the audio files made available over the years, the quality isn't super amazing but the audio is available online.