Tiana's Bayou Adventure: Disneyland Watch & Discussion


Well-Known Member
You can find temples and shrines all over the country, but Kyoto definitely has the highest concentration of them, as the historical capital of the country for around a century, and it was one of the few cities spared from WWII bombing. It's a very special place, and I far prefer it to Tokyo.

Cherry Blossoms would be very cool too!

Osaka is near Kyoto and where you can find their Universal (which I visited primarily because at that time they still had BTTF:TR, it's also very cool but far less essential vs. TDR), but based on my experiences in the city I wouldn't consider anything in Osaka a must see. Certainly nowhere near the level of Tokyo, Kyoto, Nara, and Hiroshima. And the Japan Rail Pass offered to foreigners makes a round trip bullet train trip between those places and Tokyo very, very affordable to visitors.

Nara is where the Cherry Blossoms are right with the deer?


Well-Known Member
You can find temples and shrines all over the country, but Kyoto definitely has the highest concentration of them, as the historical capital of the country for around a century, and it was one of the few cities spared from WWII bombing. It's a very special place, and I far prefer it to Tokyo.

Cherry Blossoms would be very cool too!

Osaka is near Kyoto and where you can find their Universal (which I visited primarily because at that time they still had BTTF:TR, it's also very cool but far less essential vs. TDR), but based on my experiences in the city I wouldn't consider anything in Osaka a must see. Certainly nowhere near the level of Tokyo, Kyoto, Nara, and Hiroshima. And the Japan Rail Pass offered to foreigners makes a round trip bullet train trip between those places and Tokyo very, very affordable to visitors.

When I do go I’d also like to squeeze in the Chinese parks if I can because I’m not sure how often I’ll get over to that part of the World.


Well-Known Member
The company hasn't set a timeline, but based on what I've been told, I think they're looking at a 12 month window. The issue is that California's vital outbreak can affect the plan. Another issue is that they have some scenes mapped out in concept, very little mapped out in any sort of CAD, and chunks of the attraction remain blank for what to do. This is further hampered by a budget that simply can't accommodate all the changes needed, AND getting some of the necessary parts is difficult short term due to supply chain issues (specifically electronics).

This will be determined by TDA and TDO budgets and timing for fiscal calendar spending. I don't know DLR's estimated downtime, but I was told WDW is a 14 month job if rushed. Because much of Splash Mountain takes place in an integrated structure, as opposed to a show building, interior demolitions will be time consuming.

Oh Lord. Are these people mentally challenged? Let’s announce something in the middle of a pandemic that we don’t have money to do properly and make sure our backs are put up against a wall. Then on top of that let’s do some heavy demolition even though the Splash theme is harmonious with PatF and we don’t have the money to execute the new ride properly.

The Splash theme works with PatF. All they have to do is remove the Brer animatronics and add the PatF ones. Leave most of the existing AAs and set dressing where you can and add some new effects. Of course they re too dumb to realize that people would prefer this to a big empty mountain with screens and 7 AAs.

It’s obvious. Quality is not the first concern of this company anymore.
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Well-Known Member
Nara is where the Cherry Blossoms are right with the deer?

Cherry Blossoms can be found in many, many different parts of the country, so while they could be found in Nara, there are a number of options all over the country if that's a priority.

Yes, Nara does have the deer everywhere (so does Miyajima Island, where you can view the famous Torii gate in the ocean; it's an hour or two from Hiroshima), and it's fun to watch them attack unsuspecting tourists (or feed them), but it's also notable for being the original permanent Japanese capital and being the home of Todaiji, one of the world's largest wooden buildings that houses a MASSIVE Buddha, all of which is part of a massive park.
When I do go I’d also like to squeeze in the Chinese parks if I can because I’m not sure how often I’ll get over to that part of the World.
Definitely! Hong Kong has the best resort layout, arrival experience, and is more beautiful and worthwhile than people give it credit for (and SO EASY compared to every other Disney resort in the world). It's an interesting mix of Disneyland and other influences, and Mystic Manor is phenomenal. Shanghai is massive, unlike anything else with a lot more tech (for better and worse) than the other parks, and Pirates is phenomenal.

It's super easy to include all of them on the same plane ticket, and I saved hundreds of dollars doing so. I mean, if you're already going all the way over there, why not?

Travel Junkie

Well-Known Member
I wasn’t very interested in visiting Japan before but it’s shot up pretty high on my list the last few years. Of course you have the Disney Parks but there’s a lot more. Kyoto is where you can find those beautiful temples (?)right? Or is it Osaka? I’d love to see the Cherry Blossoms too one day.
Japan is one of my favorite countries anywhere. Your questions were answered already, but I would just add that in addition to the cherry blossoms the fall is very underrated. Kyoto in particular is amazing with the fall colors.

When I do go I’d also like to squeeze in the Chinese parks if I can because I’m not sure how often I’ll get over to that part of the World.

I'm not sure you would like Shanghai Disneyland based on what I know about your tastes. I enjoyed parts of it, but it is a bit sterile. I think it will be better in time as the expansion pads fill in, but for now it lacks a lot. Mainland China is also not the easiest places to get in and out of as a westerner. It's not hard, but it takes a bit more effort (getting a Visa in advance is required unless you do a special transit visa) and you might be disappointed if that is the main reason to enter mainland China. To be honest I would only recommend mainland China including having a layover if you are fairly experienced traveling internationally. Even a layover in Beijing or Shanghai can turn into a not so pleasant adventure.

Hong Kong, both the city and Disneyland is amazing and for now doesn't require getting a Visa in advanced. HKDL has a lot of the quaintness of Disneyland even if it is a copy. I would also recommend taking the 1 hour boat ride from Hong Kong to Macau. Macau is part China, part Vegas (actually it is Vegas on steroids. The casino's are bigger than Vegas) and part Portugal (It used to be a colony of Portugal like Hong Kong was once one of the UK.) Macau is like Hong Kong and doesn't require a Visa in advance as it is a special administrative district.


Well-Known Member
Japan is one of my favorite countries anywhere. Your questions were answered already, but I would just add that in addition to the cherry blossoms the fall is very underrated. Kyoto in particular is amazing with the fall colors.

I'm not sure you would like Shanghai Disneyland based on what I know about your tastes. I enjoyed parts of it, but it is a bit sterile. I think it will be better in time as the expansion pads fill in, but for now it lacks a lot. Mainland China is also not the easiest places to get in and out of as a westerner. It's not hard, but it takes a bit more effort (getting a Visa in advance is required unless you do a special transit visa) and you might be disappointed if that is the main reason to enter mainland China. To be honest I would only recommend mainland China including having a layover if you are fairly experienced traveling internationally. Even a layover in Beijing or Shanghai can turn into a not so pleasant adventure.

Hong Kong, both the city and Disneyland is amazing and for now doesn't require getting a Visa in advanced. HKDL has a lot of the quaintness of Disneyland even if it is a copy. I would also recommend taking the 1 hour boat ride from Hong Kong to Macau. Macau is part China, part Vegas (actually it is Vegas on steroids. The casino's are bigger than Vegas) and part Portugal (It used to be a colony of Portugal like Hong Kong was once one of the UK.) Macau is like Hong Kong and doesn't require a Visa in advance as it is a special administrative district.

Thanks for the tips. Yeah I haven’t heard the best things about Shanghai and would pretty much only go there as part of a layover with the intention of crossing the park off my list. I know nothing about the city and envision it as huge industrial smoggy place. Hong Kong sounds much more appealing and I would probably want to spend a few days exploring.

My sister booked her honeymoon trip to Bali with a layover in Shanghai (to go to Shanghai Disneyland) based on my advice. I don’t remember the complete story but when it came time to leave China to Bali they gave them a lot of trouble at the airport and almost didn’t let them leave.


Well-Known Member
I know nothing about the city and envision it as huge industrial smoggy place.
Shanghai is a physically huge city but the area around downtown and across the city, centered around the International Settlement is quite nice. On one side of the river you have a sort of old European city and the other is the contemporary metropolis.


Well-Known Member
Shanghai is a physically huge city but the area around downtown and across the city, centered around the International Settlement is quite nice. On one side of the river you have a sort of old European city and the other is the contemporary metropolis.

So not as terrible as imagined. If I ever do make it out to Shanghai I don’t see myself leaving the Disney resort. But maybe I’m not giving myself enough credit? When I went to Cancun back in 2012 when people were getting beheaded, I took a bus out of hotel row and walked around the inner city to find some local restaurants/food.

Travel Junkie

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tips. Yeah I haven’t heard the best things about Shanghai and would pretty much only go there as part of a layover with the intention of crossing the park off my list. I know nothing about the city and envision it as huge industrial smoggy place. Hong Kong sounds much more appealing and I would probably want to spend a few days exploring.

My sister booked her honeymoon trip to Bali with a layover in Shanghai (to go to Shanghai Disneyland) based on my advice. I don’t remember the complete story but when it came time to leave China to Bali they gave them a lot of trouble at the airport and almost didn’t let them leave.

I really like the city of Shanghai. You can find a lot of gems hidden away in a giant city.

Immigration in China is notorious.


Well-Known Member
I assume that they're planning on reusing the photo until the clothing or hair styles become outdated in 20 or so years. Kinda like those B roll shots that were filmed during the 40th and are still reused in new promotional videos.

Ha. So they re not going to add frog heads to the logs? Just chop off the rabbit heads and photo shop them off digitally? Sounds like an upgrade alright. Wonder how they ll “enhance” the inside?


Well-Known Member
Oh Lord. Are these people mentally challenged? Let’s announce something in the middle of a pandemic that we don’t have money to do properly and make sure are backs are put up against a wall. Then on top of that let’s do some heavy demolition even though the Splash theme is harmonious with PatF and we don’t have the money to execute the new ride properly.

The Splash theme works with PatF. All they have to do is remove the Brer animatronics and add the PatF ones. Leave most of the existing AAs and set dressing where you can and add some new effects. Of course they re too dumb to realize that people would prefer this to a big empty mountain with screens and 7 AAs.

It’s obvious. Quality is not the first concern of this company anymore.

To be fair, I would take anything that poster says with a grain of salt. His "inside" info does not have the best track record.

Model3 McQueen

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
They photoshopped Brer Rabbits face off the image of the logs on the WDW app.

So they keep the attraction open for millions of guests but are worried about some person on the app/ online that doesn’t have the intention of going to the park seeing the tiny rabbit face on a log if they zoom in? Makes sense.

I was joking when I said they would need to remove the Brer Rabbit heads off the logs to leave no trace of the racists. Yeesh. Cancel Culture. Stay Woke y’all.

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I heard that the Splash Mountain medley was removed from Spotify as well. I suppose they're gonna do everything in their power to say they're working on it, when in reality that money could be better used elsewhere :rolleyes: I hate what Disney has become.

Edit: fake news courtesy of the site that shall not be named
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George Lucas on a Bench

Well-Known Member
I found it. WDW's was never available to stream as far as I know, but DL's is on at least two albums. Fake news!



Well-Known Member
Gotta travel to Tokyo to see the original, authentic versions of some the best themed entertainment in America!
Certainly not something anyone would have expected back in 1983, but yes, now absolutely a reality.

That's what happens when Disney wants something and there's only one Disney resort in the world that can simply turn them down flat.

That Disney 0% ownership or operating stake situation comes in handy!


Well-Known Member
Isn't that something. The best Disney parks experience is at a park where modern Disney has little to no say.
It is a fascinating change that tells you quite a lot about how TWDC priorities, methods, and mindset have changed.

For much of Tokyo Disneyland's development, Epcot was being developed at the same time. Epcot was given priority internally because it was a Disney investment while TDL was, comparatively, developed by a skeleton crew and the B team for the OLC. Even today, TDL is competently designed but is often accused of missing a certain something and being a soulless copy park (there's more to it than that, but that's the popular narrative) while Epcot became legendary and beloved.

Fast forward to 2001. DCA and DisneySea are being developed at the same time and will open the same year. TDS is lavishly designed and funded because it's NOT a Disney investment and the OLC is paying the bills while DCA has to work within a miniscule budget because Disney's paying for it themselves and Pressler and late Eisner thinking has spread within the company. TDS becomes legendary and beloved in its own right due to the strength of its design and the work of WDI at the height of its powers, likely thrilled to be working unencumbered by budgets the way they had been for the past several years. While DCA becomes...well, DCA.

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