Three Trips in One Year...Insane?


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Original Poster
Some of my friends and family all seem to have a huge issue with my WDW obsession and such. Aside from always listening to audio I've collected from the parks, CDs, records, tapes, mp3s, etc., they all REALLY seem to take an issue with my frequenting WDW (particularly the Magic Kingdom). I've talked about it at legnth with some of you on here in the past. I don't really understand it, but they seem to be at the end of their rope with my current plans. Let me explain.

I went down there last June with my sister, and decided I had to go again, so I paid for she and I to go again in January. Stayed on-site, all that stuff, had a blast. Then I had always planned to go down for the 40th Anniversary in October, and I was going to go alone, but recently I've met the woman of my dreams and she and I decided to make an entire vacation out of it, (She's never been, so I'm pumped to show her the World of Disney!) so we have a trip ready to book for a week at the end of Sept/Beginning of October. Cool.

Then yesterday some very good friends of mine called me to inform me they were driving down to Florida from Pittsburgh and said they wanted me to go with them. Of course I can't pass up an opportunity to go, especially with these friends. They have some awesome deal with a time-share too, so we're staying practically for free, which is awesome (too bad it's not ON-property, but oh well).

All I hear from my immediate family (minus my sister) and my cousins and aunts etc is that "Wow, why do you have to go so much? Dont' go again." Some of my co-workers and friends too act as if I've personally harmed them in making plans to go to Disney World. I understand that it's not for everyone, and that for those who don't get it, never will. But the amount of hate really bothers me.

So I suppose I'm asking if you, my fellow Disney-obsessos, think I'm insane for going THREE TIMES in one calendar year, which is also four times in just over 15 months. I live in Philadelphia, so it's not like I'm anywhere close to Disney World, but I just don't understand why people have an issue with it. I'm not hurting anyone, it's my own darn money, and guess what? It's what makes me happy! What's the big deal!?

Has anyone been down to WDW multiple times within a year and caught heat for it from friends/family? How many times have you been in one year when coming from a long-distance?


First of all, not insane! It's like anything else in life; as long as it does not disrupt your daily life and does not cause any harm to others, who cares?!
I caught (and still) flack because my recent schedule looked like this, June 09, Feb 10, Aug 10. I guess that since I was going more than once a year this seemed a bit much for most people to process. I've since gotten my co-workers to better understand it (partially by keeping park guidemaps pinned to my bulletin board at my desk!) so now they just accept it when I tell them I'm going again.


Well-Known Member
First off let me say I am jealous you are making three trips to the world in a year. I have done 3 times in one year and loved it. People would say to me, you are going again but I never let that bother me. Don't let other people dictate how you should run your life or how you should vacation. If you enjoy something your family and friends should embrace that. Sometimes its jealousy and other times it can be a whole lot of other things.


Active Member
I don't see anything insane about going three times in a year. If that is where you enjoy going, then do it! I get the same reactions from co-workers and such when they hear we are going to WDW yet again. I just laugh and don't let it bother me that they think DH and I are insane. I am the one going and having a blast! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Other people repeatedly attend sporting events that only last a few hours and they spend big $$$. If they ever sat down and added up all of the costs for tickets, parking, tailgating, souvenirs and alcohol many would easily cost more than a Disney vacation.

Others spend weeks just sitting on a beach each year for vacation and spend similar money.

You're not insane - other people just haven't spent the time analyzing their own behavior.


Well-Known Member
Other people repeatedly attend sporting events that only last a few hours and they spend big $$$. If they ever sat down and added up all of the costs for tickets, parking, tailgating, souvenirs and alcohol many would easily cost more than a Disney vacation.

Others spend weeks just sitting on a beach each year for vacation and spend similar money.

You're not insane - other people just haven't spent the time analyzing their own behavior.

Very true!!!


Well-Known Member
I went to WDW two times one year and my mother gave me a hard time about it. The way I see it is if it's something you love, keep doing it.


New Member
I would love to go 3 times in one year! Doesn't matter what others think, like others say, if it don't hurt you or others, what does it matter to other people. If I lived near Disney, I would go at least once a week, if only to ride a ride and get something to eat. This year at Hollywood Studios I was talking to guy who lives about 30 minutes away. He has a seasonal pass and brings his handicap daughter about every 3 weeks!!!


Well-Known Member
We went 3 times in a year and a half. It was kind of disguised though because two of those three times we stayed in Orlando after getting off a cruise.


New Member

I live a couple of hours from Cedar Point, and as a teenager, I used to go at LEAST 3 times every summer. So did a lot of my friends and family members. Nobody gave me/us grief over going that many times in one summer. Here's how I look at it...

1.) I didn't ask for (nor do I require) anyone's approval of my vacation destination.
2.) I don't tell anyone else what to do with their vacation time and money.
3.) Don't knock it 'til you try it.

Seriously, as long as your financial responsibilities have been met, it's nobody's business but yours.


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
I've been 3x in one year, and I don't think I'm insane.

Then again, no one gave me a hard time about it. My in-laws are Disney die-hards, too, and my family each has their own things--dad goes to the Catskills every summer, and my brother to Lavallette, so if they say anything, I throw their annual trips back at them! :lol:


Why are they treating this like a borderline intervention? As the saying goes "To each his own". If your thing is Disney, so be it. They shouldn't give you crap about it. It's one thing if it's good natured, but it sounds as if they've taken issue (big or small) with you going as much as you do. Kind of laughable. You know what you should do? Go a 4th time out of spite! Haha.

I've been up to 4/5 times in a year. Friends/family teased me about it, but it was all in fun. It's one thing when they say things like "They probably know you by name over there" and another when they say "Again?! Why do you have to go so much?"

Do your thing. Have fun. Don't mind what anyone says about it. Your time, your money, your life.


Well-Known Member
I think a lot of people don't want you going if they can't go with you. ;) I admit it; reading these forums and hearing about people who get to go every year or multiple times in a year stings a little bit, because I've only been once and it was more than 20 years ago. My husband and I have been promising a trip to WDW to my oldest daughter since she was 3, and for 5 years we have never been able to have the money to go, so part of me is just a little bit bitter that some people are fortunate to go all the time, when others have to struggle to go once in a lifetime. However, that being said, I would never tell a friend or family member not to do something just because I can't, and your family shouldn't either. If you enjoy going and don't get tired of it, then they should shut up because it's your time and money and you can spend it however you want.

My sister is a single mother with two children. She works hard to take care of them, but honestly? Until she finishes college and gets a better job she will never be able to afford to take her kids on a vacation like to Disney World. We actually got into a little fight when I was home at Easter, because I started talking about planning our trip for next spring and she said "Do you have to talk about Disney World every single time you come?" I got mad because she told me it was annoying, and I said "Well I'm sorry but we've waited a long time to be able to do this, and we're excited about it." I thought about it on the way home, because it bothered me that she said I was getting on their nerves by talking about it, even though I literally only talked about it for, like, 3 minutes. I really think that she is deeply jealous because she has never ever been, and she knows that she will probably never get to take her kids unless my parents help pay for the trip. And that makes me feel bad for her, and my niece and nephew, but I don't understand why she can't feel happy for my kids and for us that we're finally going to get to go. I also understand that for her, it may seem like I'm rubbing her nose in the fact that she can't afford to do something like that with her kids, so I'm going to make an effort to stop mentioning the trip in front of them unless she brings it up.

Anyway, it could be a jealousy thing with your family. I know most people won't own up to something like that, and you shouldn't ask them if they're jealous. LOL But it's a suggestion, based on my own personal experience.


New Member
First off taking your sister was awsome, Second going with a woman who sounds like it just maybe the one outstanding. Third and last, going with friends that you truly enjoy spending time with and almost free perfection. Life is short, if you can go to WDW three times in the year then go for it. I wish I could do that. I do not understand why people even care where you are going other than being happy for you for just getting away. My advise to you is go and have the time of your life and enjoy WDW. It has a lot to offer and the memories that you come back with are priceless, not to mention all parties invloved I bet will never forget these trips. Isn't that what really matters when the day ends.


I go 4 times a year and actually had a 5th trip planned last year but had to cancel it because of back surgery. So no you are not insane. If you enjoy going, go as much as you want and don't worry about what other people have to say.


Well-Known Member
My first comment would be that you are asking the wrong people to judge you. I've never seen such a collection of Disney obsessed people in my life! (And I do include myself in that statement). Hell, these people have been going on for what, 20 pages arguing if Animal Kingdom is a half day park or not:hammer:
Next: "Three Trips in One Year...Insane?"
1) Will it cause you financial hardship?
2) Does it impact your ability to earn a living, or complete schoolwork, or whatever you do?
3) Does it cause a rash or other physical debilitating or cosmetic problems?
4) Do you really care what others think?
If you've answered no to these questions, I would guess you don't have a problem.
Are you insane? Well, I couldn't answer that question as it pertains to other issues aside from the question you've asked, so you might be, just not about this issue.:D

I've mentioned this a couple of times in other threads, but my nephew lives near Disneyland. He and his friends go all the time just like hanging out at the mall. He used to ask for a season pass for Christmas. This was all during high school. They still do it kind of regularly now that they're all out. Nobody thinks it's a problem out there.
3 times in 1 year..also Espn the Weekend 2012..anyone know daters yet????

We went 3 weeks in Feb, 1 week in July & 2 weeks in Oct..2010.....we never get sick of Disney.....We were there 3 weeks this Feb (2011)...& plan on going back in Oct......

Also, anyone know the dates for ESPN The Weekend for 2012??????...Last weekend in Feb or 1st weekend in March?????::)


Insane NOT to!

I don't see anything insane about going three times in a year. If that is where you enjoy going, then do it! I get the same reactions from co-workers and such when they here we are going to WDW yet again. I just laugh and don't let it bother me that they think DH and I are insane. I am the one going and having a blast! :sohappy:

My wife and I did this about 3 years ago, unplanned. We went in Jan, then my son and his girlfriend planned for Aug. and they asked us if we would be interested. (You don't have to ask me twice). Then in Oct of that year, my wife asked me if I would like to go to WDW for our 30th wedding anniversary and my birthday. I sprinted into the house and booked the trip by computer before my wife could change her mind or rethink the idea. We had a blast all three times! Our friends just roll their eyes. :sohappy:

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