Things you never usually get the chance to do.


New Member
I'm taking my first solo trip to WDW this October and am looking forward to the chance to do those things my friends don't want to do. You know the things, in my case it's seeing the Hall of Presidents, the show at the American Adventure and getting in a round of mini golf.

What I'd like to know is what rides or attractions everyone else would do, if they had the chance?


Well-Known Member
I've never seen Flag Retreat. I'm a veteran and it is a must do, but... I've promised this trip I will see it.

We saw it for the first time this past March, and both my husband and myself were really touched.

As for myself, I never take the opportunity to enjoy the pools. We always say we will but just never get around to it. Though this go around we promised ourselves, that we will.
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Active Member
The water parks. We have great ones around us including what is called the largest water park in the country. I guess since we have so many close by we tend to not think about them in Disney. We spend all our time in the theme parks or downtown Disney. We also rarely use the resort pools. Pools are everywhere. The theme parks are not.
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Pooh Lover

Well-Known Member
My husband and I really enjoy walking around Tom Sawyer's Island but don't seem to be able to get back over there. I've never seen Finding Nemo: The Musical because I've dreaded asking my husband to wait in line for it. I too like Blizzard Beach but just don't want to squander a park day to go there. I think this builds a strong case for staying longer! :lol:
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New Member
-Take a stroll through all the "resorts" that you normally dont stay at... see the shops at the resorts. Example:

This December I'm hoping to "visit" Animal Kingdom Lodge, PO and we are staying one night at Beach Club (Bdwlk shops at night) and Coronado Springs both new resorts to us,,, before and after our Poly Stay.

-See the films at Epcot Lands

-Take a stroll at Animal Kingdom

-See Disneys One Mans Dream

-Cirque du Soleil
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Well-Known Member
I'll break my answer into two categories.

The first category is those things that I keep saying I want to do, but we end up not making time in the schedule to actually do it. Such things include doing Disney Quest, going back to Winter Summerland Mini Golf course (we did that one once, in 2007), playing mini-golf at Pirates Cove at the crossroads, spend a little time in Innoventions. I could probably think of others to put in this category, but that's what I come up with for now. For this category, I'm not sure that I can say I "don't have the chance" to do it, because we do. The oppurtunity is there, we just choose not to do these activities, in favor of other things. So it's not that we don't get the chance to do these things, but they just get snuffed out with other stuff.

Now the second category of things would be stuff that *I* genuinely want to do, but I don't get the chance to do it because my other half isn't on board. I would love to go to one of the water parks someday, but my wife is terrified of water and my little boy is only 5. Next year, he will be almost 6, and it will be the first trip for our daughter who is turning 2 this month. So they're too little to go to a water park, my wife refuses to, and I have no desire to go all by myself and my wife would have a fit if I chose to do so and leave her watching both kids. I hope that when the kids get older, at least one of them will go to a water park with me, otherwise, I'm just never gonna get to do it.
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Well-Known Member
It has always been my intention to have a meal, maybe partake in one of the many activities (horse back riding, Hay ride etc etc) and explore Fort Wilderness but for some reason I just never seem to find the time.

There is something I find quite nostalgic with FW, maybe its due to the fact that in the 70's and before families went on vacations to state parks, camp grounds to hiked, camp, picnic et. al. on a regular basis. Or maybe it is just that when WDW was built it was one of the first resorts built and had such a huge family vacation feel to it. :shrug:
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Active Member
-Take a stroll through all the "resorts" that you normally dont stay at... see the shops at the resorts. Example:

This December I'm hoping to "visit" Animal Kingdom Lodge, PO and we are staying one night at Beach Club (Bdwlk shops at night) and Coronado Springs both new resorts to us,,, before and after our Poly Stay.

-See the films at Epcot Lands

-Take a stroll at Animal Kingdom

-See Disneys One Mans Dream

-Cirque du Soleil

Cirque du Soleil was so amazing! But don't waste the extra $50 each to get "front row" or "center". The venue is so small, literally everyone has an amazing seat!! We had left of center row 10 I think, and I kind of wished we had spent less and sat up further... a lot of the things go one above your head when you are that far down.

And also... the shops at the Boardwalk are not all that great. I thought they would be unique. One advertises outside as an "art store". It's not. Everything in those stores are the normal disney fare you get in any other store. kind of upsetting to me really.

But the dueling pianos bar, jelly rolls, was a great find for me! I love live music, and they are totally requests and know everything as far as i can tell.
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Active Member
It has always been my intention to have a meal, maybe partake in one of the many activities (horse back riding, Hay ride etc etc) and explore Fort Wilderness but for some reason I just never seem to find the time.

There is something I find quite nostalgic with FW, maybe its due to the fact that in the 70's and before families went on vacations to state parks, camp grounds to hiked, camp, picnic et. al. on a regular basis. Or maybe it is just that when WDW was built it was one of the first resorts built and had such a huge family vacation feel to it. :shrug:

Make an ADR at Trails End. It' a buffet, but soooo good imo. And if you take a bus to FW you have to take another bus back to where the restaurant is. We have went during October both years, and all the camp sites were DECKED OUT for halloween! I always stare at the sites and kind of wish I was camping there also.
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Active Member
My husband and I really enjoy walking around Tom Sawyer's Island but don't seem to be able to get back over there. I've never seen Finding Nemo: The Musical because I've dreaded asking my husband to wait in line for it. I too like Blizzard Beach but just don't want to squander a park day to go there. I think this builds a strong case for staying longer! :lol:

I have NEVeR been to Tom Sawyers Island, and want to. But either no one wants to, or when I have my alone time I'm shopping or in Epcot WSC.

Nemo is SO CUTE! You don't really even have to wait. It's mostly black light, so if you got in line 5 minutes before it started and sat in the back you can still see everything. I never wanted to see this, but my niece, who was 5 at the time, made me, and I love it now.

And BB... well, I live in a city where I have snow 6 months of the year... haha.
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Active Member
I've never seen Flag Retreat. I'm a veteran and it is a must do, but... I've promised this trip I will see it.

I don't know what the flag retreat is, but just want to say thank you for your service in the past.

May sounds lame on here, but I really so appreciate everything the troops have done, do and will do.
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Well-Known Member
I don't know what the flag retreat is, but just want to say thank you for your service in the past.

May sounds lame on here, but I really so appreciate everything the troops have done, do and will do.

Thank you, it was an honor to serve. Flag Retreat is a formal lowering of the flag at the Magic Kingdom in Town Square. A veteran is selected to participate. I've participated in many flag ceremonies but it would be a thrill to do so at Disney.

I'm biased of course but it is never lame to thank a vet. I will go out of my way to shake the hand of a vet and thank him or her for their service. Too many never got that thank you when they came home.
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Active Member
Would love love LOVE to see -Cirque du Soleil but never have. We ran into a family on the way home from Disney one year and the father just gushed and gushed about the show and how it was their highlight of the jealous !:mad: One of these years :)
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Well-Known Member
One of my things that years ago I never really got to do was to stop and watch some of the entertainment going on in the parks. Now that is usually one of the highlights of my trip. My personal favorites lately are Mulch, Sweat & Shears, Off Kilter and the British Revolution. Definitely well worth the time to catch a show or three!! Marie
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Well-Known Member
Tom Sawyers Island will do this time, never done

Walk the boardwalk area and eat ice cream at beaches and creme, never done

There are tons more but only have 7 days
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One thing I never seem to have time for (because I sleep to late) is rope drop at MK. But I'm making that a priority this year.

Last year we made it a point to do a lot of the stuff we never had time to & knocked quit a bit off the list.
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Well-Known Member
musical shows....

Up until our last trip in '09 it was to see any of the parades or any of the musical shows. Well, that's now been narrowed down to just the musical shows. I really hope on our upcoming trip to see the Nemo or Lion King show. Both would be great but I'll take one if I have to, lol. :)
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Well-Known Member
Make sure and see both. Lion King for sure. It is amazing what they do to that boring looking metal building in a matter of minutes.. AWSOME and I never use that word unless...
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