Things you don't get


Well-Known Member
popsicletrees said:
I love CBJ. I too have the vinyl. It doesn't get much better than, "Mamma don't whip little Buford."

Was it a hand-me-down? Cause I had mine way back in 1970-something.

My favorite is Swinging Teddy-beara "Oh there he goes, he hardly knows the heart he's breaking............."


New Member
CThaddeus said:
I don't get:
1. Why people don't like Country Bear Jamboree, Hall of Presidents (okay, I can see not liking part of the current version...), Tom Sawyer's Island, The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, Snow White's Adventures, Stitch's Great Escape!, Wonders of Life, the films in World Showcase, or Sounds Dangerous!
2. Why people do/did like Test Track, Chester n' Hester's Dino-rama!, Tiki Room: Under New Management, Tarzan Rocks!, Aerosmith (the roller coaster itself is fine), Lights Motors Action!, The Magic Kingdom's Mr. Toad, Alien Encounter (except S.I.R. and Skippy...they were cool), the last two incarnations of Journey Into Imagination, and that sad Narnia walkthrough.
3. Turkey legs - The way people wander around gnawing sloppily on those things is just beyond disgusting. This isn't the Middle Ages. Keep it at a table and it's slightly less obnoxious.
4. Pin Trading - I buy pins, but I've been doing that since the early '80s. I prefer the older, larger, round pins. Besides, why buy a pin if you dislike it enough to trade it away?
5. The dumbing down of EPCOT (shorter rides emphasizing speed over story), and of course, the Wand.
6. That evil Hat hiding one of Disney World's best attractions and ruining the theming.
7. Pooh's Playful Spot - A few stumps and a tree? Very sad.
8. Alcohol at ANY Disney Park.
9. Why I can't go there more often. I add this because I want it understood that I do love the Parks, or else I wouldn't spend so much time dwelling on them and saving up to go to them. But, I'm not afraid to admit when Disney does something I don't care for or think could be improved on.

Things I don't get:

1. Why people LIKE Country Bear Jamboree, Hall of Presidents (okay, I can see liking part of the current version...), Tom Sawyer's Island, The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, Snow White's Adventures, Stitch's Great Escape!, Wonders of Life, the films in World Showcase, or Sounds Dangerous!
2. Why people DON'T like Test Track, Chester n' Hester's Dino-rama!, Tiki Room: Under New Management, Tarzan Rocks!, Aerosmith (the roller coaster itself is fine), Lights Motors Action!, The Magic Kingdom's Mr. Toad, Alien Encounter (except S.I.R. and Skippy...they were cool), the last two incarnations of Journey Into Imagination, and that sad Narnia walkthrough.
3. Popsicles - The way people wander around gnawing sloppily on those things is just beyond disgusting. This isn't the Middle Ages. Keep it at a table and it's slightly less obnoxious.
4. Husband Trading - I buy husbands, but I've been doing that since the early '80s. I prefer the older, larger, round husbands. Besides, why buy a husband if you dislike him enough to trade it away? (i somehow think this would be funnier if i was a male and said "wife"...:lol:)
5. NOT dumbing down EPCOT more (we need shorter rides that don't emphasize speed OR story).
6. Why there aren't more evil hats...
7. Pooh's Poo Spot :lookaroun - A few lumps under a tree? Very sad.
8. Why there isn't alcohol at ALL Disney Parks. Hooray for hard liquor!
9. Why I can't go there more often. I'm traumatized. :cry:

OK, this post was all in fun, except the last one, it's true. :cry: Just trying to get some laughs. I don't even drink hard liquor, nor do I buy husbands...:p

William Marsden

New Member
I don't get people who shove thier way to the front of the line in a theater, then when the doors are opened and they're told to go all the way to the end of the row, filling in any empty seats, the plop thier butts down right in the middle of the row forcing others to climb over them. BAD FORM!


New Member
William Marsden said:
I don't get people who shove thier way to the front of the line in a theater, then when the doors are opened and they're told to go all the way to the end of the row, filling in any empty seats, the plop thier butts down right in the middle of the row forcing others to climb over them. BAD FORM!

Oh man we TOTALLY did that this summer on Terminator in Universal! We didn't shove our way to the front of the line, but we just wanted to sit in the center of our row, and the rows are very wide, so no one would have had to climb over us. The bad part was, rather than going past us, people just filled in next to us, leaving a ton of empty seats to our left. A few other rows did the same thing, so the CM (or whatever they're called at USF) politely asked everyone to move to the end of the row to allow room and assured everyone that the view was the same from everywhere in the theatre. We weren't convinced, so we didn't budge. We were on vacation and figured "who knows when we'll see this show again?" so we wanted to be in the middle. Our row stayed empty on the left end, but everyone was able to get a seat so it wasn't a problem. But I did feel like a total jerk, and felt like I had entered the mind of a jerk. I'm totally not a jerk and don't know what I was thinking. I felt bad though. :(

Hope I shed some light on the mind of a jerk though. :hammer:


Well-Known Member
Gucci65 said:
Was it a hand-me-down? Cause I had mine way back in 1970-something.

My favorite is Swinging Teddy-beara "Oh there he goes, he hardly knows the heart he's breaking............."

I have a sister who is eight years older than me. I think it was hers when she was little. So yes, it is a hand-me-down.


New Member
CommandoDisney said:
i dont want to say i dont "get" anything becuase people get enjoyment out of things that i may not. we all have our quirks.

im glad i dont understand everything though cause that means that disney is doing a great job of making itself attraction to all sorts of people and not just one particular kind!

My head started spinning from reading all these complaints about Disney. Therefore, I didn't read most of them. CommandoDisney your statements couldn't be more true. Disney is supposed to appeal to EVERYONE no matter your age, personal beliefs, etc.

I guess I don't get what some other people don't get. :D It's DISNEY people. If you dont' like a ride or show just don't go. I'm sure the others who enjoy it will thank you for not holding up the lines. :animwink:

Stitch: Love him! He's the most craziest and spontaneous character that I know. I heard a tweeny tell someone about not liking Stitch at one of the parks that, "If you don't like Stitch that must mean you are too old." I couldn't stop laughing. :lol:

Pin Trading: People collect "stuff." Get used to it. People collect all kinds of crazy stuff. I used to have an aunt who collected thimbles. I didn't get that either but It made her happy so collect away Aunty Fran. I collect pins myself and don't do it hoping to strike it rich or make a fortune someday. Duh! I realize they are just peices of metal. I collect only those pins that appeal to my personal taste. Sometimes I wear my lanyard to the parks, other times I don't. I do find it creepy when people come up to me and bug me to trade pins and when I politely say "No" they keep bothering me. It seems to happen a lot. Creepy. I also collect Pez dispenser and I've caught flack from my wife for years over that.

I thought of typing more but I don't belive I have the patience or the time. I guess I'd have to echo some of GenerationX's "don't gets" too. There are a lot of people at the park who litter and it disgusts me. Disney is a beautiful place and these idiots who can't walk 5 feet away to put their garbage in a trash can make me sick. How could anyone do that to the most Happiest Place on Earth? There are also a lot of rude people who think they are the only ones at the park. And I've seen way too many people treat the CMs like servents. "Yes master. I'll serve you that coke cola right away master. Do you need anything else master." :rolleyes:


coastermaster83 said:
Ok just as a side note if you really want to have some fun during the summer go sit in frontierland right before one of the day parades and watch the birds trying to steal turkey legs and stuff from people. They will sit on the lamppost and just look around until they spot some poor soul and then dive down infront of them and just go after them to get some good ol turkey leg. I was at MK two weeks ago and this little girl got the crap scared out of her by this bird about 3 times her size. Funniest thing I have ever seen at the park.

I remember this. My friend had french fries and she was feeding them....which is I'm sure the reason those birds are still there and not afraid of humans at all, lol


Well-Known Member
TAC said:
Climb? I don't climb over them. I accidently step on their feet, especially after I have done a little "skip" so that if I accidently land on their feet, it won't hurt the bottoms of my feet that much. :animwink:

And, I just cannot help it when my backpack brushes across them, or my monopod just happens to hit their knees. :animwink:
Passing a little "gas" is always a nice touch too!


Well-Known Member
William Marsden said:
I don't get people who shove thier way to the front of the line in a theater, then when the doors are opened and they're told to go all the way to the end of the row, filling in any empty seats, the plop thier butts down right in the middle of the row forcing others to climb over them. BAD FORM!
I have to admit...that is one of the things that I don't get the most. It's actually kind of funny watching them scramble to get to the front of the doors thinking it's going to get them a better seat and then watching them have to move down the aisle because the CM tells them they have to! :lol:

Nemo14 said:
Passing a little "gas" is always a nice touch too!

Always a gassy ( :lookaroun ) way to get your point accross! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Things I don't get:
-People who feel entitled to the best parade viewing spot 5 minutes before parade time. (there is a reason why others have been sitting on a hard curb for the past hour and its not to squeeze your sweaty bum in next to theirs)

-People who will wait for an hour for a water ride and then run like the dickens for a plastic poncho (or for the park exits) when a 10 minute shower arrives.

-People who pretend not to understand the rules but expect everyone else to adhere to them.

-Turkey legs..just not my thing I guess.

-People who say to me "WHY are you going back to DIsney AGAIN?"
Now the things I do get:
-Indy Speedway-(the sheer level of excitement from my youngest debating who she will "drive" fun comes from their fun too)
-CBJ-its cool inside, a nice break from fast/fast/fast and a bit of childhood nostalgia as well. My girls like it, but they have grown up with it (and HoP, CoP,etc)
-having fun at WDW and going back EVERY Year (or as often as possible).


Active Member
Dagger said:
I remember this. My friend had french fries and she was feeding them....which is I'm sure the reason those birds are still there and not afraid of humans at all, lol

These birds remind me of the pidgeons in NYC, they have no fear.

New Member
I dont remember who said it but someone said "why does disney have to be so expensive?" the reason is, is that the Theme Park buisness is a VERY expensive buisness with a very small profit, even for disney world. nowadays attractions @ disney could cost up to 100 million dollars and they are charging each person at least 60 dollars, that is not a lot of money. They dont make a very big profit from ticket sales, they make their profit from gift shop sales, hotels, restaurants, and dinner shows, I remember I was doing a project on wdw for my senior buisness class and I figured that on average the Hoop dee doo review could make anywhere from 13-15 million dollars a year!! and less then a billion for ticket sales.

now remember these were my findings, so they may not be correct...:wave:

but anyway back to the thread, I love turkey legs I dont know how anyone could not like them... I agree with the people about spider man, I like universal but I dont think this ride is anything special... I havent been on tom sawyer island in about 6 years and I doubt I ever will again unless they put something on it, which is very doubtful because theres barely anyroom for the ride let along the queue (sp?)... I like the hat where it is, I think it makes sense, think about it, in every disney park there is some sort of street that you need to walk down in order to get to the parks main icon... I dont like CBJ, HoP, Sounds Dangerous either I never liked them, I like Fantasmic, and will watch illumintaions if I am in world showcase but wont be disapointed if I miss it. Adventureland needs a thrill ride, and thats all i can think of.

yikes what a mouth full... im exhausted...


New Member said:
I agree with the people about spider man, I like universal but I dont think this ride is anything special...

Whaa? That's on my top 5 list for greatest rides of all time!

It's up there with Indiana Jones from Disneyland and Extraterrorestrial Alien Encounter.

As Stewie Griffin would say..."What the deuce?!"

New Member
jozzmenia said:
Whaa? That's on my top 5 list for greatest rides of all time!

It's up there with Indiana Jones from Disneyland and Extraterrorestrial Alien Encounter.

As Stewie Griffin would say..."What the deuce?!"

it's a unique ride i just dont care for it, I barely even remember what it was about I was acctually bored during it!

New Member
Rayray said:
I don't understand why some people insist that the Walt Disney Company is evil. Why? Why? Why?

Some people dont agree with a lot of their beliefes, such as gay days, where disney either could please the homosexual community or the religious community and they chose the larger gay community. or another example is labor issues in this and other countries. You have to look at it from a buisness stand point, which would be a bigger loss, the boycott from gay or religious people, and disney saw that the gay community was spending more cash then the religious group therefore that was a no brainer... but I wouldnt go as far as calling them EVIL... thats too harsh.


Well-Known Member
I don't get why people insist that the fastpass system is stupid and worthless. It doesn't make lines longer, the exact same amount of people get on the ride as before. Just because maybe you don't understand the system doesn't mean it is worthless.

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