Things I'll Never Do At Disney Again............

"El Gran Magnifico"

Mr Flibble is Very Cross.
Original Poster
No right or wrong here....just personal experience (age..tolerance..and the like)

1. Ropedrop to Fireworks (Can't handle it....need a break)
2. Go to Trader Sam's immediately before heading to EPCOT.
3. Go to Trader Sam's when returning from EPCOT (These 2 just don't seem to square for me)
4. Eat at a TS at EPCOT during F&W or F&G
5. Rely on Bus Service from a Value
6. Walk to DS from OKW (yes..there is a way)
7. Get to TTC at 8:50am
8. Not rent a Golf cart at FW
9. Wait in a line over 30 minutes (give or take 10)
10. Go to Hollywood and Vine.
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Ninja Mom

Well-Known Member
Ride Space Mountain again
Swear I am finished with Space Mountain.
Simply look at Space Mountain
Wander near Space Mountain
Get sucked into riding Space Mountain
Exit Space Mountain wondering why, when I swore I was finished with it, I rode it again.
Swear I am finished with Space Mountain.
Rinse lather repeat....

Swear I am finished with Rock-n-roll roller coaster.
Simply Look at Rock-n-roll roller coaster
Wander near Rock-n-roll roller coaster
See that the stand by line is 4 months long
Give up, leave DHS and Wander near Space Mountain...

The one thing I am truly done with is PrimEVIL Whirl. How that rat trap is street legal I'll never know. One and done for me. My Orthopedic Surgeon said I could ride it because he needs those co-pays for the office visits.



Active Member
1. Expect any dessert to be available at any given time at the stands.
2. Expect reasonable crowd sizes even on weekdays now.
3. Dessert fireworks. The sole way to get any elbow room for fireworks now days. Do it. Swear never again, though .. do it again.
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I'm Just A Tourist!
Premium Member
1. Expect any desert to be available at any given time at the stands.
2. Expect reasonable crowd sizes even on weekdays now.
3. Desert fireworks. The sole way to get any elbow room for fireworks now days. Do it. Swear never again, though .. do it again.
Clearly, if you expect any desert at WDW you'll be sorely disappointed. Being in the middle of a swamp pretty much guarantees it.


Active Member
Clearly, if you expect any desert at WDW you'll be sorely disappointed. Being in the middle of a swamp pretty much guarantees it.

Naw its just i hate reading about some thing that looks fantastic, show up five months later, or less sometimes, and its already rotated out :(

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