They don't need to gut the Great Movie Ride


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Original Poster
They need to gut some of its cast members. My "guide" yesterday had the energy and interest level of a snail. Talk about just going through the motions. He made us feel like we interrupted his lunch to give us the tour. This is not the first time I got such a tour guide.

But the ride itself is still top notch. I can't believe how some people wantthis replaced with a high speed thrill ride. The Great Movie Ride is still one of the most impressive ride experiences in the world in my eyes. All they need to do is replace that 16mm film at the end of the ride with a more current digital version and add a couple more recent clips so it doesn't seem so outdated. That and replace these pathetic cast members with people who actually want to be there.


New Member
retroeric said:
They need to gut some of its cast members. My "guide" yesterday had the energy and interest level of a snail. Talk about just going through the motions. He made us feel like we interrupted his lunch to give us the tour. This is not the first time I got such a tour guide.

But the ride itself is still top notch. I can't believe how some people wantthis replaced with a high speed thrill ride. The Great Movie Ride is still one of the most impressive ride experiences in the world in my eyes. All they need to do is replace that 16mm film at the end of the ride with a more current digital version and add a couple more recent clips so it doesn't seem so outdated. That and replace these pathetic cast members with people who actually want to be there.

Sorry to hear that. I had a bad cast member at Jungle Cruise, he didn't make one joke. In a very monotone voice would say, "Look a Lion." or "There is a snake." Very dissapointing.


Unfortunately, rides like the Jungle Cruise, GMR, and Kilamingaro Safaris can be completely ruined when a CM doesn't give it their all. But I'm with you about the "greatness" of the movie ride. I've seen it over and over and it's still one of my favorites, very well done. It surprises me how many people around here seem to think they need to change it. Fix the ABC theater first- it's more or less an empty building.

Also, I must give a huge THANK YOU to all the CMs who give a truly spectactular show on these rides, they really make the experience something special. We had a skipper on the Jungle Cruise on our most recent trip (I think named Matt) and did an excellent job, definitely a natural with the sarcasm that makes the ride so funny. Keep up the good work!! :wave:


Active Member
i think it would be cool if they updated the great movie ride, but gutting it is just stupid! I wouldnt go as far to say that the ride is top notch, just cuz if they refurbed it (which is kinda pointless) they could make it alot more realistic with the technology they have now. At least update the film at the end...that would be nice. I have gotten a couple pretty bad CM's...they really need energetic people to do it. I have also gotten some incredible ones. The bad ones kinda make me not want to go on it anymore...but then i remember that most CM's are magical and I give them another chance. :animwink:


New Member
Last year, the CM at Prime Time wasn't into his role. We even made an attempt to be bad and he didn't react...

it does ruin the attraction if a CM isn't into a role, but it is extremely rare in my experience. I count myself fortunate that in all the visits, I've only experienced one slight disappointment.


New Member
I really enjoy this ride. I like fast paced rides as well, but it's nice to have a blend. Disney has always done great dard one else can compare.


Well-Known Member
I was never impressed with this attraction, no matter how good the CM.

It just felt too disjointed even though some of the scenes were well done, it bored me. I still go on it if there is no line and I have chunk of time to kill, but I'm not suer what they could do to update the ride without significant investment (which I'd rather have spent elsewhere).


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
i think it was entertaining the first dozen times, but i can see were it could fade.......... much like (for me at least) the golden girls house......... ok, i saw it for years on the show, now ive seen it for years on the BLT......... wouldnt mind a change.


Well-Known Member
The Great Movie Ride is can't miss for us, each time we go to WDW. Many rides divide us, this one unites. Just keep updating it. Great movies are made each year.



I went on the GMR for the first time last August. I was really disappointed. I thought our CM's were lackluster, just reciting their lines (granted, it was the last ride at the end of a rainy day and it seemed that I was going to be the only one of the ride until a few more people straggled in) and that some of the sets were sub par. The Alien effect was pretty neat but Ripley, like the Ellen in Universe of Energy, just seemed cheesy. Were those even 'Ripley' clothes? The ride, to me, just seemed to lack the magic that I've come to expect from Disney.

I've often thought that, given the fondness folks on this site have for this ride, that I just need to give it another try. Just haven't had the opportunity yet.


Well-Known Member
Yeah...some of the GMR CMs aren't exactly into character does make a huge difference...I've come across awesome GMR CMs...and didn't want the ride to end...

That being said, GMR has outlived its purpose...they need something new...and something innovative that revolves around Disney animated and live-action movies, they have a massive library of popular films...why not put it to some use...

I really like a Hero vs. Villains attraction in there...because I think its a great way to incorporate many movies into one ride...and I think it could expand on the whole Fantasmic show in the evening...

I'm sure the hat in front of the theater is a sign that something pure DISNEY will replace GMR...

Just some thoughts...


Well-Known Member
objr said:
That being said, GMR has outlived its purpose...they need something new...and something innovative that revolves around Disney animated and live-action movies, they have a massive library of popular films...why not put it to some use...

I agree.....

GMR has never done it for me....the first time it was cool, but, like most MGM attractions, it is not as great after the first time (ToT and RnRC are exceptions).

IMO, the ride is not exciting, the effects are not favorite part is the movie at the end, and the previews in the queue.

A CM that is not fit for the GMR (which seems to be the majority of them) just makes it worse.

WDC originally used mainly non-Disney films since they did not have a large quantity of popular films that were not animated, and at the time on constuction, Disney animated films were not very popular. (being built and opened pre-TLM)

The time has come where the purpose for the attraction (in its current state) is no longer relevant. Disney has a good amount of popular non-animated films, and animation (although in a lull currently) is STILL more popular than it was pre-TLM (even HotR out-grossed the 80's films, and almost as much as TLM, although it will never be the classic TLM was)

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
GMR is one of my all time favourite rides at Disney. If they replace it with only DIsney films, I'll be crushed! They should just demolish the hat, and keep it the same. I do think that they need to improve some effects and maybe add a bit more excitement. Perhaps redo the closing movie segment with more up to date movies.


New Member
I love the GMR. I think a basic update would be good, but that's it.

I mentioned it in a related thread, but GMR fans would do well to check out the WWII morale film Star Spangled Rhythm. Although Bob Hope gets top billing, the film is a series of funny cameos by the Hollywood greats of the 30's and 40's, including a song and dance number with Stirling Halloway, the voice of Pooh and others.


New Member
I don't think they should get rid of The Great Movie Ride but I think they should update the whole thing. A lot of it seems very outdated to me but I also think that a good CM can make this ride a lot better. Unfortunately I usually get CM's who act bored. =/


Yea, I had a bad GMR CM in December. The regualr guide was great, but the gangster who hijacked the tram was horrible. But we got an AWSOME JC CM, so it evened itself out.


Well-Known Member
I think the GMR is a classic. It's kind of like a spaceship earth for MGM. The only thing they should do is get rid of the movie segment at the end. Keep everything else the same. By the way, which do you like better the bank robbery, or the mob hit? I can't pick one, I like them both


Active Member
I have to say "the Great Movie Ride" is one of my favorite rides. I'd be heart broken if they took it out. However you all are right, if you get a boring cast member it takes all the fun out of it and it is very boring. To this day my husband can't understand why I absolutely adore that ride because every time he goes on it it is a snore....

I wanted to mention that one time I went on the GMR and it broke down at the Wizard of Oz. I mean IT BROKE DOWN, it wasn't going anywhere. Our tour guide really stepped it up and was telling us all these neat little tid bits about the ride and he was telling jokes and I am happy the ride broke down. It was fun...
Totally depends on the CM.

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