TheNo Distractions, Never say Never and let's eat a garbage can while we are at it Sept 2012 TR


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I hope you are okay my friend! :)

Oh we had a lovely adventure today @@. wanted to take the kids to Yankee Candle..we live abou 70 minutes from the flagship store in MA ( amazing store..very themed..)..I took Eric's van to keep miles off mine ( lease and went to Disney..twice)..we get on the exit ramp and horrible noise.. flat tire. Now I'm not a helpless female.. nor is my mother. We located the spare and the stupid thing wont release..i google.. it's a known issue.. yada yada..I call Eric to leabe work and come rescue Meanwhile a DOT guys stops.. tried to get it to release..tells us he usually has to cut them off from this van. Awesome. Then finally over an hour after we popped the tire someone stops.. offers help. At this point Eric is maybe 10/15 min from us. I tell the guy thanks.. then a state trooper comes. She was amazing. We are up off the ramp on the grass so no need to get us towed. Eric comes..nope..the fix a flat isnt working and the tire wont drop for him either. Luckily the man came prepared.. 20 minutes with a hack saw blade and the stupid spare is down.. and 10 minutes later he drives the darn van home. I took the good My kids were angels..2.5 hours in the car on the side of the road ( did I mention it was about 45 degrees!!)and not an issue. The rides down south and back the last 4 years def are the reason. We went onour way to Yankee Candle and had a great time.. made candles and such. Eric got the tire to Mavis, the repaired it for FREE.. next month.. his van get's 4 new tires! So no TR update today..sorry all!


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Tuesday September 25th 2012

Tuesday morning Noah and my mother were def feeling better. We got ready and headed off to the bus stop. On the way we stopped for a picture with this guy..the kids had been enjoying him all week and I have about 1000 coins from him ( wish they were actual gold..I could go back to Disney today!)


We hopped a bus to MK and it was packed. We ended up squished in with a really nice family from Canada. Chatted etc they were going to 1900 Park fare.. was nice. Got to MK and headed towards the Monorail. We saw them heading to the boat dock but they decided to join us on the chatting..their one kiddo was adorable and he and Taejan clicked right away! We left them and got off at The Poly..wished them a great breakfast and day!

We were a little early ( of course..i don't do rushing to be on time or late..I do early so we can be relaxed) so we looked around..


The Poly is pretty..but where near as nice as I thought it would be. It;s worn down..a little dingy ,dated..smaller area's then I thought..the kids said "We are never staying here right?"


We got checked in.. got our picture done:


waited our turn...

Declan brought Stitch with him.. it was cute..he's almost 11, a killer student and athlete...natural born leader and much more mature and wise than his peers..but at Disney..he's a giddy 3 year old half the time..LOVE it!

Up next..Stop..Thief!


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Soon we were seated and we hit pay dirt with the characters.. we had a great table and the circuit was coming right to wait!

Up first was Lilo..


When Lilo spotted Declan's Stitch..she stole him.. like took and was hysterical!

Declan was in a mix of shock , laughter and "omg is she bringing him back ever?"

After showing his Stitch off to half the room she did bring him

then she moved on and we ate.. and then a CM ( the handler I guess) came over and told Declan that sometime when kids bring a Stitch they have Lilo sign one ear and Stitch the other. Now Lilo had already left..but the CM went and got her back and had a sharpie!

Declan LOVED that let me tell ya!

next was Stitch.. now we had no sharpie though and the CM was not around this time:



Stitch borrowed a sharpie from another table and :


I kinda like that the signatures are in different colors..makes it look good!

Up next was the little parade..Ziah and Taejan both did it..

Then we got to see the MAN himself..


and the #1 dog!

Now the food and service were great..we just are not breakfast people. I def prefer a buffet..I felt like we had too much wasted food with the giant Noah was feeling run down again and went back to the resort. Original plan was we were all going to take the day off since we had MNSSHP later..but Eric and I were like..nope..we can't be THIS close and not go in! SO the rest of us headed into the park..

Up next.. so we meet again!


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Ok done at O'hana..Noah heads to resort.. the rest of us go to MK. My mom wasn't going to tour she just wanted to shop so we parted ways at the gate...

Love watching the street entertainment!



We grabbed a few pictures.. now this kills me. I waited our turn..went to hand the photopass guy our + card and this women says "whatever..weeee were waiting but you just go ahead" waiting by a store in a cluster of people is not waiting for your turn. I was right on the side of the photographer and he turned to US when he was done with the pictures he was doing. I simply said "well if it's that important then you go..we don't mind waiting again"..she got huffy and walked away..BYE BYE!!



Just in time to see some of this:

Then it was SPLASH time baby.. Declan hadn't ridden it yet this trip.. and he did NOT want to...oh well buddy..once a trip. He was less than happy about. it's rule! I swear Eric and I didn't plan the one arm thing..LOL

Before we got on Splash we grabbed fastpasses for BTM.. It wasn't yet time for them so Ziah and I rode standby.. the boys didn't want to ride..

She loves rollercoasters!

We ended up riding again with our FP's. The standby line was now rather long so when we got off we found a group of 3 and gave them the passes we were not gonna use!

Now we hadn't been over to Tom Sawyer yet this trip ( Declan and Noah had though) so Ziah and Taejan wanted to go.. here they are waiting for the boat:

I hate caves.. so of course the kids made me go in the first one..darn thing is a pain to navigate..LOL

Across the bridge:

and look at that..we run right into the same family from the bus and monorail..seriously nice people! We ended up hanging out for awhile and made plans to meet up at the pool later!

After that I had promised the kids the shoot arcade so off to that:

Then we headed out of the park..plan was resort, chill, pool then MNSSHP:

up next.. party time!


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Hahaha I am going through the TR and saw that we were in Epcot the same day Monday 9/24 and the pics of the Ziti Sisters, there I am in the background! LOL I am the one with the crossbody bag in the pic of the 2 blonde sisters! My two friends were chosen for that show right there! How funny!!!!!! I posted pics in my report, I wonder if you guys made it in my pics! LOL


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Hahaha I am going through the TR and saw that we were in Epcot the same day Monday 9/24 and the pics of the Ziti Sisters, there I am in the background! LOL I am the one with the crossbody bag in the pic of the 2 blonde sisters! My two friends were chosen for that show right there! How funny!!!!!! I posted pics in my report, I wonder if you guys made it in my pics! LOL

OMG that is awesome!!!


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Finally - all caught up! I'm glad to see some pics of Flights of Wonder. It looks like it's a really nice show. AK is also sadly low on our list of parks, but this is one of the shows on my list should we skip late lunch at Sanaa. Neat to hear how low the birds fly. Also pretty moronic that people would be up and moving around in a show involving live birds of prey flying around.

Love how they had Lilo and Stitch sign the Stitch's ears. The dual colors really make it awesome! Just such a fun character meal. :)

And finally- the reason behind the TR title! YAY!!! I was wondering if the "never say never" was in any way poncho related, but I much prefer the real source.

It is sad when the TR starts winding down. It's hard leaving WDW, but you know you get to kind of relive it all a bit and reduce that sadness by going through the TR. At least you were able to get that bounceback. I mean, we all know plans can change but at least you have the promise of a trip on the horizon. Can't wait to read about the party!!!!


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Finally - all caught up! I'm glad to see some pics of Flights of Wonder. It looks like it's a really nice show. AK is also sadly low on our list of parks, but this is one of the shows on my list should we skip late lunch at Sanaa. Neat to hear how low the birds fly. Also pretty moronic that people would be up and moving around in a show involving live birds of prey flying around. We adore Animal Kingdom..honestly 2 days isn't even enough because of the lower hours of operation.We love nature and taking it all in. We never did get to see Lion King this year :(

Love how they had Lilo and Stitch sign the Stitch's ears. The dual colors really make it awesome! Just such a fun character meal. :) It was a nice meal..probably the best breakfast we've had on property.

And finally- the reason behind the TR title! YAY!!! I was wondering if the "never say never" was in any way poncho related, but I much prefer the real source. hee hee..yep..

It is sad when the TR starts winding down. It's hard leaving WDW, but you know you get to kind of relive it all a bit and reduce that sadness by going through the TR. At least you were able to get that bounceback. I mean, we all know plans can change but at least you have the promise of a trip on the horizon. Can't wait to read about the party!!!! yeah it sucks to be writing the end of this..but at least I get to start a PTR right when I am


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So we left MK and headed back to the resort. Plan was chill, swim, chill, eat then get dressed and head back. I wanted to be back by 5..that was NOT what happened but what can ya do right?

So we got back and my mom,Ziah and I headed to DTD was calling my name. The boys did whatever.

We got back and it was pool time. We met up with the family from that morning and the kids had a great time..I had an adult




I can only assume we ate at some point..who knows..wasn't important enough for me to remember or take notes So we ended up later than I planned because of Taejan wanting to swim with his new friend. At 5:30 I put on my mean mommy face and said..ok guys..sorry but out! It's time to get ready!

And they thank goodness! We got costumes and t-shirts and in my case some wacky looking headband..hey...I tried right?

Off we went.. to the bus stop!

At the busstop I met a mom from here.. so wherever you are..HIIIIIII!! was so nice to meet you and your kiddos!!

We got to MK went thru the gates and got our wristbands . Couldn't have been easier! I wanted at least one more picture of the 7 of us. My mother tends to not get in the pictures.. but I wasn't having that!



That's it for FP pictures.. this night ended up being very different than I had planned..but such is life right? We made the best of it and we had a good time.. but next will be done differently!

The party hadn't officially started so we rode HM then the kids goofed off a bit...


Then once the party had started we rode HM wait.. kids wanted to see if it was scarier during a kinda was!
we got to see her..she is hysterical!


Then we ToT' wanted nothing to do with the dance party because it was so crazy packed.. sigh.
SO I had Eric and my mom stake out spots for the parade..well I found the spot and popped them in it and I took the kids over to ToT's at Splash....this was cool on BTM:

The ToT'ing path at Splash was long but moved well. Every single Cm that was handing out candy made a HUGE deal over Taejan's costume..this was the theme all night. I actually felt bad for my other 2 kids after awhile. The character lines were ridiculous and my kids hate waiting in lines for them on a normal we didn't meet one! I guess they prefer the ToT'ing and such..and I relented..I am not going to force them to stand in line when they don't want to. I wouldn't ( don't) do it during normal park hours so I had to get over the fact that this was a pricey hard ticket and just let the kids do what they wanted!

After the ToT'ing at splash we got back to our parade spots.. we had the PERFECT viewing spot.. I was beyond happy. Everything was going to be SOO close to us..SCORE!! Oh and now it was 15 minutes until parade time and the weather was perfect..beautiful.. a little cool but NOT chilly..dry.. gorgeous! Once the kids and I got to the parade spot I popped out my trusty Target Dollar spot glow bracelets. I made them all up and started handing them out.. 2 to each of the kids around us.. one Dad thanked Eric a few times. He felt better because now he could spot his kids in the dark! The rest went to mine and then it was time...

Up next...does he ride?


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So I left you off with us getting to our spots and me handing out glow bracelets. And then what has to be the BEST parade I've ever seen at Disney began. We had what had to be some of the best "Seats" in the house!

I was so was still we got to see this:

and guess what..I teared up! I was so happy that our MNSSHP was going so well. It really was just awesome to see that headless horseman!! My kids were in awe..I had pre-warned them that he may not ride.

Then this.. and I got tingles..

Not one thing I read could really portray how awesome this parade is..especially when you have such amazing spots!
nearly ever character came up to us.. it was awesome.. I couldn't snap pictures fast enough!




See..Peter ( amoungst other's) came right up to my kids.. the looks on their faces for the entire parade were amazing!



Love me some Captain Jack!

Ziah loved there was a REAL dog..

This was the best darn thing.. Taejan's eyes were bigger than I ever thought possible when these guys came down.

Up next...more parade!

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