Politics Theme Park Reopening Guidelines to be released 10/20/20

This thread contains political discussion related to the original thread topic


Well-Known Member
It was just dancing around the question. They wanted specific examples of evidence. How did the press not press him harder on that? TRUMP they grill all day and night but why is that not being applied to Fuhrer Newsom?

I could be pretended to be surprised that it took until December for someone to finally ask that question in a press conference, but I am not. The media is happy to give folks like Newsom fawning praise and softball questions almost always.

But things are changing. The LA County legal situation seems to be what broke the camel's back on this issue. And now more journalists are finally asking the question "Can you show us the Science & Data you are using?" A few days ago both Governor Newsom and Dr. Ghaly completely failed to answer that simple question, and they belched up the word soup you can read above.

The question won't go away. It will be asked again, and again, this upcoming week. It should be interesting to see what these two men's communications teams come up with as an answer. An answer that their bosses were utterly incapable of giving two days ago.

The LA County situation is even more dire and serious, because it involves a circuit court judge who asked the same basic question the AP asked of Governor Newsom. And LA County was equally unable to give any shred of Science & Data as evidence why they just put 700,000 people out of work in Los Angeles County.


Well-Known Member
But go ahead and post your twentieth repeated post of Newsom's hypocritical meal. Maybe the twenty-first time will be the one in which we all see the light and realize that COVID being the number one cause of death isn't to be worried about because of a hypocritical politician.

I'm not new. I know I'm not changing anyone's mind about the fabulousness of Gavin Newsom and First Partner.

You will likely vote for him for Governor again in 2022, and then vote for him for President in 2024. (But boy is Kamala going to be mad!)

But this is a discussion board, discussing Disneyland. And how it's been closed for 8 months and will be closed for at least another 6 months from now. Generally because of Gavin Newsom. So we'll keep discussing him.

He is a smart man who made a personal risk assessment to dine at The French Laundry because he knows the very low risk Covid-19 poses to him and his family. I made the same personal risk assessment to drive up to Oregon for Thanksgiving. That's all there is to it.

I'm sure you've made the same types of risk assessments regarding Covid-19, and I'm sure you've left your house a few times since March. Tonight, I went to Target and bought a new phone case! That's essential and critical to me.

George Lucas on a Bench

Well-Known Member
Hey, if Gavin and top health officials can dine and get drunk without fear indoors unmasked un-socially distanced at The French Laundry, there's nothing an Essential Frontline Worker such as myself should fear. This whole closure thing just seems even more ridiculous since that incident that obviously triggers the Shut It Downers.


Well-Known Member
Hey, if Gavin and top health officials can dine and get drunk without fear indoors unmasked un-socially distanced at The French Laundry, there's nothing an Essential Frontline Worker such as myself should fear. This whole closure thing just seems even more ridiculous since that incident that obviously triggers the Shut It Downers.
Very surprisingly to me, while I was in Apple Hill today, there was a big winery with an outdoor shopping area and wine tasting areas. I asked one of the shopkeepers how business has been during covid and they said they actually have had more business this year than last year! I guess people are able to asess their own risk... good thing Disneyland is still closed


Well-Known Member
Very surprisingly to me, while I was in Apple Hill today, there was a big winery with an outdoor shopping area and wine tasting areas. I asked one of the shopkeepers how business has been during covid and they said they actually have had more business this year than last year! I guess people are able to asess their own risk... good thing Disneyland is still closed

Apple Hill is about 30 miles east of Sacramento. It's also only about 60 miles from the Mono County Metro Area, also known as Southern California!

You were just a few miles from SoCal. Why didn't you just stop by Downtown Disney before it closes?


Well-Known Member
Apple Hill is about 30 miles east of Sacramento. It's also only about 60 miles from the Mono County Metro Area, also known as Southern California!

You were just a few miles from SoCal. Why didn't you just stop by Downtown Disney before it closes?

That's a wonderful point!

While at Apple Hill today I did have a crazy idea, there should be a dark ride combined with a tasting room! My first thought was an omnimover style ride that teaches you about wine and at certain points you spin around and boom, you get a glass of wine for the next section. However, now I'm thinking a WDW Living with the land style boat ride may be better...


Well-Known Member
That's a wonderful point!

While at Apple Hill today I did have a crazy idea, there should be a dark ride combined with a tasting room! My first thought was an omnimover style ride that teaches you about wine and at certain points you spin around and boom, you get a glass of wine for the next section. However, now I'm thinking a WDW Living with the land style boat ride may be better...

If you are a wine lover like me, there's a good chance you might enjoy a nice glass of Scotch. If you ever get to Edinburgh, Scotland they have an attraction there operated by Scotland's distillery industry. It's called the Scotch Whiskey Experience, and it includes tasting rooms and historical exhibits and a lovely restaurant and the obligatory gift shop and Scotch store.

But the signature attraction of the Scotch Whiskey Experience is something called The Whiskey Barrel Ride, where you get in an Omnimover type vehicle shaped like a giant whiskey barrel that takes you through a dark ride presenting the history of Scotch and how it is made and why it is so important to the Scots. The ride is hosted by an ornery but lovable Scotsman who takes you through the whole distillation process.

Kind of like if Monsanto's Adventure Thru Inner Space was about good Scotch instead of just random atoms.

And at the ride's unload area, instead of watching your step and exiting out into a theme park, you watch your step and exit out to a tasting area where a hostess wearing a plaid skirt offers you a free dram of Scotch Whiskey.

I am not making this up. It really exists. And it's the type of thing that was created by out of work Imagineers.

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Well-Known Member
If you are a wine lover like me, there's a good chance you might enjoy a nice glass of Scotch. If you ever get to Edinburgh, Scotland they have an attraction there operated by Scotland's distillery industry. It's called the Scotch Whiskey Experience, and it includes tasting rooms and historical exhibits and a lovely restaurant and the obligatory gift shop and Scotch store.

But the signature attraction of the Scotch Whiskey Experience is something called The Whiskey Barrel Ride, where you get in an Omnimover type vehicle shaped like a giant whiskey barrel that takes you through a dark ride presenting the history of Scotch and how it is made and why it is so important to the Scots. The ride is hosted by an ornery but lovable Scotsman who takes you through the whole distillation process.

Kind of like if Monsanto's Adventure Thru Inner Space was about good Scotch instead of just random atoms.

And at the ride's unload area, instead of watching your step and exiting out into a theme park, you watch your step and exit out to a tasting area where a hostess wearing a plaid skirt offers you a free dram of Scotch Whiskey.

I am not making this up. It really exists. And it's the type of thing that was created by out of work Imagineers.

HOLY CHRISTMAS that is amazing. I need to go to Scotland! Hopefully covid disappears soon


Well-Known Member
HOLY CHRISTMAS that is amazing. I need to go to Scotland! Hopefully covid disappears soon

You do. Scotland is wonderful. And the Scots are wonderful people, which makes it even nicer.

But the Scotch Whiskey Experience in downtown Edinburgh is something else. It's actually very well done, and nicely operated. The Whiskey Barrel Ride... you can tell they wanted to make it something interesting and educational, but with all educational dark rides it quickly passes over into schmaltzy and hysterically funny. You are literally sitting in a giant whiskey barrel, while some cranky Scotsman narrator barks at you about "the water of life!" and "malted barley!" and "smoky peat!"while lights flash and cheesy video is triggered as your barrel passes from one ride zone to another.

It's really quite entertaining.

And you know how on every Disney dark ride since 1982 things only get interesting when "Something Goes Terribly Wrong!!"? Well, on the Whiskey Barrel Ride, things get really dramatic when you get to the Milling Machine!!!

After all that excitement, it's a good thing they offer you a free sample of Scotch at the unload area. Phew!
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Well-Known Member
Hope he is prepared to be shut down by force then.

I think he is just a small businessman who wants to see the evidence that outdoor dining is what's causing the current surge or spike or surge-within-a-surge of Covid cases in some zip codes.

He just wants some evidence that proves his industry is causing it. He just wants to see the Science & Data that his betters in Sacramento claim they are using to shut him down and destroy his life.

Which is exactly what the reporter from the Associated Press asked a couple days ago.

Which only got the AP and this small businessman this blustery non-answer completely devoid of Science & Data...

Governor Newsom: "The evidence you ask? Very significant evidence, overwhelming evidence. And that's what we did by leading the nation as the first state with a stay-at-home order and we avoided the surge that many other states experienced, particularly larger states in that first wave. So we were able to bend the curve by using the same strategies, the same approaches of non-pharmaceutical interventions. So that's the evidence, and it was overwhelming."
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Well-Known Member
I think he is just a small businessman who wants to see the evidence that outdoor dining is what's causing the current surge or spike or surge-within-a-surge of Covid cases in some zip codes.

Five minutes of google searching will yield the results:

Adults with confirmed COVID-19 (case-patients) were approximately twice as likely as were control-participants to have reported dining at a restaurant in the 14 days before becoming ill. In addition to dining at a restaurant, case-patients were more likely to report going to a bar/coffee shop, but only when the analysis was restricted to participants without close contact with persons with known COVID-19 before illness onset.
Of course, as is true with most scientific studies, there are a lot of additional points to be made regarding this individual study. Which highlights the absolute absurdity of the idea that the governor could produce a summary recap of a scientific study for a soundbite on TV. It also breaks one of the fundamental premises of human civilization: society functions best when people are able to rely on masters and experts of a particular field. If we are not in a position to understand the science behind a pandemic, we have to rely on the advice of those that do, just the same as most of us don't bake our own bread, slaughter our own meat or build our own cars.

Deleted member 107043

Initially I assumed the determined obsession with Newsom was a political thing fueled by fan frustration over the indefinate closure of DLR's theme parks. However, recently I've recognized that the political tone, views, and opinions being expressed from that section of the room increasingly sound like conspiracy theories. Surely I'm not the only one here who has noticed it.


Well-Known Member
Initially I assumed the determined obsession with Newsom was a political thing fueled by fan frustration over the indefinate closure of DLR's theme parks. However, recently I've recognized that the political tone, views, and opinions being expressed from that section of the room increasingly sound like conspiracy theories. Surely I'm not the only one here who has noticed it.
They don’t just sounds like, actual conspiracy theories have been posted and pushed. Falsified diagnosis and death certificates remains a popular sentiment.


Well-Known Member
Initially I assumed the determined obsession with Newsom was a political thing fueled by fan frustration over the indefinate closure of DLR's theme parks. However, recently I've recognized that the political tone, views, and opinions being expressed from that section of the room increasingly sound like conspiracy theories. Surely I'm not the only one here who has noticed it.

You're not the only one. People can development pretty strong defense mechanisms that result in all kinds of denial and acceptance of even the sketchiest information. Kicked off when the discussion started around COVID in China and the strong "That could never happen here" sentiment popped up. Once that bubble burst, the blame game had to start and the defense had to move back. Eventually defending these positions you run out of ground to stand on, and have to start making stuff up.

The obsession with Newsom though seems pretty obvious. It's far easier to pick a boogeyman to blame everything on, than it is to look at the wider picture and understand all the nuances of a situation. I don't doubt there are a lot of people who think the pandemic would go away if Newsom was recalled, completely oblivious to who would replace him and what little change would come to the Health Dept.

But you have to focus your anger somewhere right? It's a pretty standard form of denial. Just looking around here, how much stuff still gets blamed on Pressler and Harriss, decades after they left the company?

Deleted member 107043

But you have to focus your anger somewhere right?

Yeah, on the virus not the government leaders, scientists, and medical personnel making an effort to keep everyone safe.

The level of anger and mistrust is starting to boil over in some places and it's frightening. The pollicization of Covid is so bad in parts of some states that many healthcare workers are throwing in the towel.
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Well-Known Member
Ah yes, once again the same people trying to silence conversation they don't like. Label them as conspiracy theorists!

So, all you guys truly want is no discussion, submission of others to your ideals, and to silence any opposing thoughts. Why're you on a disney message board again?


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
Ah yes, once again the same people trying to silence conversation they don't like. Label them as conspiracy theorists!

So, all you guys truly want is no discussion, submission of others to your ideals, and to silence any opposing thoughts. Why're you on a disney message board again?
It's not merely a "label" when someone advances a conspiracy theory as if they might have been accidentally misidentified with the wrong label.

Espousing conspiracy theories makes one a conspiracy theorist.

Or would you like to posit that no such people exist because "it's just a label, man."

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