Politics Theme Park Reopening Guidelines to be released 10/20/20

This thread contains political discussion related to the original thread topic


Well-Known Member
Governor Newsom was criticized yesterday for avoiding that same question asked by a lady reporter from the Associated Press.

Associated Press Reporter: "You and the state and the counties have been tightening restrictions for weeks now, yet cases are continuing to go up, so how do you ensure that putting in place this order and shutting down more businesses doesn't just encourage more gatherings inside homes? What evidence do you have that shutting down things like barbershops is actually going to achieve what you want?"

Governor Newsom: "The evidence you ask? Very significant evidence, overwhelming evidence. And that's what we did by leading the nation as the first state with a stay-at-home order and we avoided the surge that many other states experienced, particularly larger states in that first wave. So we were able to bend the curve by using the same strategies, the same approaches of non-pharmaceutical interventions. So that's the evidence, and it was overwhelming."
OMG It's the Nick Wilde school of press conference 101! He IS a Disney fan after all! 😍



Well-Known Member
HOLY CHRISTMAS that is amazing. I need to go to Scotland! Hopefully covid disappears soon
Edinburgh in August has several festivals that can either ruin your stay there or keep you up all night - depending on your entertainment preferences and where you stay. It gets pretty wild. And let's just say, the litter/garbage situation during that time would have driven Walt crazy.


Well-Known Member
Or at least be like those weirdos wearing a mask alone in the car with the windows up.

That was me last week.

I had just finished pumping gas at Costco in Irvine (mask required), and was driving to a parking space to then go shopping (mask required). It seemed foolish and unnecessary to handle my mask during the maybe three minutes between those activities.

I'm ready to be judged.


Well-Known Member
That was me last week.

I had just finished pumping gas at Costco in Irvine (mask required), and was driving to a parking space to then go shopping (mask required). It seemed foolish and unnecessary to handle my mask during the maybe three minutes between those activities.

I'm ready to be judged.
Oh. Em. Gee. You weirdo :p . I recently have realized I'm so used to putting my mask on getting out of the car that I'm doing it everywhere. I always put my mask on at the office as it is policy, and last week I was pulling up to my house, hopped out of the car and tossed my mask on. My sister looked at me "why are you doing that?" And I didn't even realize I had done it... as it's just second nature now.

My hotel for my upcoming trip to Montana gave us a call today to inform us we have to wear a mask in all public areas during our visit. We had a nice chat and told them it's no problem, as Californians we are experts at mask wearing.

Deleted member 107043

Ah yes, once again the same people trying to silence conversation they don't like. Label them as conspiracy theorists!

So, all you guys truly want is no discussion, submission of others to your ideals, and to silence any opposing thoughts. Why're you on a disney message board again?

Stretch harder. With illogical arguments like these you'll never grasp the straws you're so desperately reaching for. 🙄


Well-Known Member
That was me last week.

I had just finished pumping gas at Costco in Irvine (mask required), and was driving to a parking space to then go shopping (mask required). It seemed foolish and unnecessary to handle my mask during the maybe three minutes between those activities.

I'm ready to be judged.

Yeah but this guy was driving with both hands on the steering wheel. Something tells me he does that all the time.


Well-Known Member
Yeah but this guy was driving with both hands on the steering wheel. Something tells me he does that all the time.

I've started noticing this more while driving to and from work. People alone in their car, chilling on the freeway, wearing a mask.

There's all kinds of people I guess.


Well-Known Member
Five minutes of google searching will yield the results:

I'm sure the reporter from the Associated Press could have also done the same quick Google search, as can any out of work busboy in LA. But that wasn't the question.

The question repeatedly posed to Governor Newsom, Dr. Ghaly and the LA County Board of Supervisors last week was (paraphrasing) "What evidence can you provide that outdoor dining (or businesses allowed to operate) causes Covid spread? Could you please tell us what evidence you are using to make these decisions?"

None of those three people could provide any specific evidence or point to a specific piece of data they had used.

The most infamous answer to that question was the response from Governor Newsom on Thursday, and it is quite entertaining to read and ponder his non-answer. 😂

But the LA County Board of Supervisors are under more pressure, because they weren't asked by a sympathetic reporter, they were asked by a circuit court judge and when they couldn't answer that question the judge is now demanding a response this week. They need to provide the evidence they used that proves outdoor dining causes Covid to surge in LA County.

Initially I assumed the determined obsession with Newsom was a political thing fueled by fan frustration over the indefinate closure of DLR's theme parks. However, recently I've recognized that the political tone, views, and opinions being expressed from that section of the room increasingly sound like conspiracy theories. Surely I'm not the only one here who has noticed it.

You're probably talking about me and my personal theory that "Gavin Newsom Hates Theme Parks".

I don't know that I'm organized enough to get that going as an actual conspiracy theory complete with weird websites and rambling blogs, but I've mulled his words and actions over in my head enough times that I now think that's why he's singling out the theme parks in his state. It's just my personal opinion, and it might change.

I could be totally wrong and Newsom actually loves Disneyland and he's secretly taken his four children there several times, and he's even got a few Sherman Brothers songs on his car commute playlist. But...

TP2000's Personal Opinion (Not Conspiracy Theory) Why Gavin Dislikes Disneyland:

My personal opinion is that just like gas powered cars, plastic straws and a growing list of unfashionable leftovers from the 20th century that Governor Newsom and his ilk are actively removing from California, the big wasteful 20th century theme park is not something he wants to see continue. And this is a great chance to at least weed out the smaller and most tacky players like Great America and Six Flags, if not convince otherwise responsible corporate players like Disney to wind down and close their wasteful, tacky theme parks. That's my opinion based on Newsom's words and actions over the last 8 months. Everyone is free to disagree with me. :)

They don’t just sounds like, actual conspiracy theories have been posted and pushed. Falsified diagnosis and death certificates remains a popular sentiment.

Unless there's some wild conspiracy theory I've missed here lately (and I was busy with family Thanksgiving last week), I've never seen any references to death certificates or failed diagnosis here about why Disneyland is still closed. But if there was such a thing, I certainly wouldn't subscribe to that type of theory.

See my last paragraph above for my personal stab in the dark as to why I think Newsom Hates Theme Parks.

It's not merely a "label" when someone advances a conspiracy theory as if they might have been accidentally misidentified with the wrong label.

Espousing conspiracy theories makes one a conspiracy theorist.

Or would you like to posit that no such people exist because "it's just a label, man."

Wow, seriously gang, what did I miss here over Thanksgiving? What's the wild conspiracy theory someone came up with here besides my belief that Newsom dislikes theme parks as much as he hates gas powered cars and plastic straws? Sounds like that convo was a doozy!
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Well-Known Member
Mask wearing in the truck happens all the time. You'll stop to get a Dunkin' (Donuts) Iced Coffee masked and then rush out of there to the next job in immense traffic, realizing only when you're about to take a sip of delicious coffee that your face is still half a billboard for a Socially Distanced Orlando theme park.
PPE gets to be automatic pretty fast doesn't it.
Safety glasses, respirators, ear plugs, vests, hard hats.
Ear plugs. Get home at night, wonder why everything is so quiet. Never took them out!


Active Member

Wanted to share with y'all my family's reaction to Gov. Newsom's shut downs. In short, our $$$$ was diverted from CA to FL. Our DL summer and Christmas vacations unfortunately got cancelled. So we packed our bags and flew to Orlando for the last half of November. My wife and I flew RT from HNL and our pair of children joined us from college for seven days during their Thanksgiving break. The four of us enjoyed the parks for six days and WDW resort for eight days. My wife and I enjoyed Orlando shopping and dinning for four days. We all returned safely. Wife and I tested negative for C19 and were exempted from any HI quarantine.
My IT savvy son (while lying in bed at 7 AM) nabbed ROTR BGs both days attending DHS. The SWGE rides were great. But for us, SWGE lacked any appeal, was too much concrete and not enough green or water. Definitely better at night. Don't know how anyone could withstand Orlando summer heat and humidity attending SWGE. MMRR exceeded my expectations. I would rate a D ticket ride. It will be a big hit at DL once it and DL opens.
FOP at AK was awesome. Basically Soarin' on steroids. Our favorite ride. Pandora was spectacular. Jumped on Safaris early AM and observed the animals eating breakfast. Perfect timing.
Skipped Epcot. MK was a disappointment to me because I'm a DL fanatic. MK just fails to measure up to DL's standards. DL is still King in my book.
MK, DHS and AK were all open 45' prior to official park opening. We RD all six days and were ahead of the crowd. Had a our greatest success at AK and MK. DHS is just too small. By one hour after official park opening all of the rides (about seven) are significantly packed.
Overall, the experience was much needed and greatly appreciated. WDW did an exceptional job with C19 precautions. Parks felt like only 35% occupancy. The deluxe resorts were lightly attended. Not meant to upset anyone, but IMHO, I totally disagree with Gov. Newsom's shut downs. You can't control a virus. Herd immunity has always been nature's best answer to a virus. Life goes on. Don't be afraid but be smart. Yes, 250K people have died with C19, but 99% of people with C19 have recovered. We can't allow C19 to shut down our lives, jobs, careers, way of life, financial security, happiness, family reunions and mental sanity.

Can't wait for DLP to re-open. Gosh how I miss it!


Well-Known Member

Wanted to share with y'all my family's reaction to Gov. Newsom's shut downs. In short, our $$$$ was diverted from CA to FL. Our DL summer and Christmas vacations unfortunately got cancelled. So we packed our bags and flew to Orlando for the last half of November. My wife and I flew RT from HNL and our pair of children joined us from college for seven days during their Thanksgiving break. The four of us enjoyed the parks for six days and WDW resort for eight days. My wife and I enjoyed Orlando shopping and dinning for four days. We all returned safely. Wife and I tested negative for C19 and were exempted from any HI quarantine.
My IT savvy son (while lying in bed at 7 AM) nabbed ROTR BGs both days attending DHS. The SWGE rides were great. But for us, SWGE lacked any appeal, was too much concrete and not enough green or water. Definitely better at night. Don't know how anyone could withstand Orlando summer heat and humidity attending SWGE. MMRR exceeded my expectations. I would rate a D ticket ride. It will be a big hit at DL once it and DL opens.
FOP at AK was awesome. Basically Soarin' on steroids. Our favorite ride. Pandora was spectacular. Jumped on Safaris early AM and observed the animals eating breakfast. Perfect timing.
Skipped Epcot. MK was a disappointment to me because I'm a DL fanatic. MK just fails to measure up to DL's standards. DL is still King in my book.
MK, DHS and AK were all open 45' prior to official park opening. We RD all six days and were ahead of the crowd. Had a our greatest success at AK and MK. DHS is just too small. By one hour after official park opening all of the rides (about seven) are significantly packed.
Overall, the experience was much needed and greatly appreciated. WDW did an exceptional job with C19 precautions. Parks felt like only 35% occupancy. The deluxe resorts were lightly attended. Not meant to upset anyone, but IMHO, I totally disagree with Gov. Newsom's shut downs. You can't control a virus. Herd immunity has always been nature's best answer to a virus. Life goes on. Don't be afraid but be smart. Yes, 250K people have died with C19, but 99% of people with C19 have recovered. We can't allow C19 to shut down our lives, jobs, careers, way of life, financial security, happiness, family reunions and mental sanity.

Can't wait for DLP to re-open. Gosh how I miss it!

Well said. If it wasn’t for my 2 month old daughter.... my wife, son and I would have Definitely gone to Disney World at some point this Fall.


Well-Known Member
And this right here is the most important part.

250k people have died WITH covid-19, not BECAUSE of covid-19.

Do they make any effort to try to distinguish between the two? So if a healthy non symptomatic person dies in a car accident WITH Covid 19 he gets lumped into the same category as the 80+ year old that died because of it?

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