Politics Theme Park Reopening Guidelines to be released 10/20/20

This thread contains political discussion related to the original thread topic


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
How much of this thread is just a desperate attempt to build Newsom into a strawman, as if that somehow makes the policies of the Secretary of the California Health and Human Services, invalid.

This doesn't seem to have anything to do with Disneyland. How sad.
Hence the "politics" tag this topic now has. That being said, I can see where folks feel it's relevant to the Disneyland discussion given the rules his team has put in place that effect Disneyland but he seems to have disregarded at least once.


Well-Known Member
Hence the "politics" tag this topic now has. That being said, I can see where folks feel it's relevant to the Disneyland discussion given the rules his team has put in place that effect Disneyland but he seems to have disregarded at least once.
It has been stated in other threads that the Politics tag does not mean the thread is a political free-for-all, just that issues of politics are a natural part of the specific topic.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
It has been stated in other threads that the Politics tag does not mean the thread is a political free-for-all, just that issues of politics are a natural part of the specific topic.
Nor did I say it was but once the can of worms is opened, kinda hard to pick and choose what goes and doesn't.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
250,000 Americans dead, and infections spreading at the greatest rate since May, yet not even a tweet from the President about COViD in weeks. I'm glad you guys are here talking about Gavin Newsom's dinner.
Many of us have been all over Trump from day one. At this point, he literally doesn't care about it anymore. He'd rather be playing golf than addressing the tragedy that continues to unfold every day.


Well-Known Member
Hence the "politics" tag this topic now has. That being said, I can see where folks feel it's relevant to the Disneyland discussion given the rules his team has put in place that effect Disneyland but he seems to have disregarded at least once.

I can't really see how it relates to Disneyland. It seems to only relate, to a small group of people, based on the idea that the health policies are being arbitrarily enacted by Newsom at his sole discretion. That idea itself is based on a misunderstanding of how the California state government, and specifically the pandemic orders work.

Even if the Governor resigns or is recalled, in the near term the state health policies will still be in place, and Disneyland will still be closed. Nothing changes. Newsom isn't responsible for dictating the policies, despite becoming the public face of those policies.


Well-Known Member
If that wasn't the case, wouldn't the theme parks be saying something different?

The theme parks are going to say what they feel they need to say, in order to show their shareholders they are making the minimum effort required to reopen. If they had solid evidence that the rules were arbitrary and not based on science and data, they would be saying that every day to the media, and in court arguing their case. There isn't any science indicating that theme parks can be safely operated in a pandemic.

The photo just emphasizes the whole idea that it's just straight up arrogance and not based on actual discussion and data.

Arrogance? Not really. Well maybe a little since they were at the French Laundry. Really all it shows is that people are fallible and doing the right thing is sometimes difficult.


Well-Known Member
If that wasn't the case, wouldn't the theme parks be saying something different?

The photo just emphasizes the whole idea that it's just straight up arrogance and not based on actual discussion and data.
Not really. What else would they say? Acknowledging that they are the result of a similar process by experts undermines their own claims. If the parks truly thought the guidelines to be arbitrary and had a strong argument they would have acted in the past month.

The photo proves nothing of the sort because California’s restrictions are not unique to California. How does Newsom eating dinner prove that Stefan Löfven is just arrogant and has no genuine concern about amusement parks?


Well-Known Member
So, can it be agreed upon that people won't mention the governor OR trump? Not that any of you would actually do that... You just want Trump bashing and to silence others.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I can't really see how it relates to Disneyland. It seems to only relate, to a small group of people, based on the idea that the health policies are being arbitrarily enacted by Newsom at his sole discretion. That idea itself is based on a misunderstanding of how the California state government, and specifically the pandemic orders work.

Even if the Governor resigns or is recalled, in the near term the state health policies will still be in place, and Disneyland will still be closed. Nothing changes. Newsom isn't responsible for dictating the policies, despite becoming the public face of those policies.
Notice that I stated "his team" but at the end of the day, he's still the figurehead that is communicating the message and much like the President, will be the one that criticisms will be directed at. Given we are on a Disneyland board and his team's policies (whether you agree with them or not) are what is dictating Disneyland should be closed, it's natural to link him to the Disneyland discussion...especially when his words say one thing but actions (in this example) don't match up.

Mac Tonight

Well-Known Member

The only clear course of action then is just to shut this thread down.
It's evident there's nothing to actually discuss in regards to Disneyland or The Guidelines™ that would make everyone happy or not call into question the actions of certain political figures.

At this point, haven't we really all said what we've intended to say anyway? No one is changing thoughts or opinions. How many different ways are there to say the same thing?? This is conversational bumper cars.

Have fun if you want to keep going, and I know I've said this before, but this time, I'm out. ✌️


Well-Known Member
Given we are on a Disneyland board and his team's policies (whether you agree with them or not) are what is dictating Disneyland should be closed, it's natural to link him to the Disneyland discussion...especially when his words say one thing but actions (in this example) don't match up.

Maybe it's natural for some people to leap to that conclusion, and make connections where they don't exist, but it doesn't make it right to do so. The policies that are keeping Disneyland closed, are based on previously established science that show that theme parks exacerbate the spread of communicable disease. If Newsom says the sky is blue, it doesn't stop being blue because he's a hypocrite.


Well-Known Member
Notice that I stated "his team" but at the end of the day, he's still the figurehead that is communicating the message and much like the President, will be the one that criticisms will be directed at. Given we are on a Disneyland board and his team's policies (whether you agree with them or not) are what is dictating Disneyland should be closed, it's natural to link him to the Disneyland discussion...especially when his words say one thing but actions (in this example) don't match up.
Yes, he is the face and he deserves criticism for his failure, but that failure does not negate strategies and conclusions which are not unique to him. If Newsom kills his wife today that doesn’t mean murder being illegal in California is just an arbitrary farce. Even if Newsom was single-handedly crafting the restrictions they are not unique to him. Newsom is not the only person discouraging gatherings. Newsom is not the only person discouraging indoor dining. Newsom is not the only one keeping amusement parks closed. He might be a broken clock but it’s a little ridiculous to argue it’s not 3:00 when other clocks also say it is 3:00.


Well-Known Member
How much of this thread is just a desperate attempt to build Newsom into a strawman, as if that somehow makes the policies of the Secretary of the California Health and Human Services, invalid.

This doesn't seem to have anything to do with Disneyland. How sad.

I would disagree. The French Laundry scandal has everything to do with Disneyland.

The Governor, the First Partner, and the President of the California Medical Association all did a risk analysis in their minds about a 3+ hour long indoor maskless dinner party with people from six different households in a small room. And the conclusion all three of those smart people came to after that risk analysis is that the risk from Covid is low enough that they should join that gathering.

Also, dinner at The French Laundry is reportedly phenomenal, so who could blame them?

I would like to be extended the same courtesy to do the risk analysis in my mind about how to live my life with Covid floating around everywhere. I would like private industry like Disneyland to be extended the same courtesy to operate their business just as safely as The French Laundry does.

Thus, this photo has everything to do with Disneyland.

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President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
Many doctors, nurses, and health care professionals tell us how bad smoking is and thus we shouldn't smoke. And elected representatives put into policy anti-smoking initiatives like high taxes, big warning labels, and restricting sale of tobacco to minors.

And many of them smoke.

So.... It's okay to smoke?

That's what I learned from those posting Newsom's hypocrisy. Which they post a dozen times a day as if the thirteenth time is when the masses take up their pitchforks and follow them into... oh wait... they're not leading... they're just riling up the crowds... how brave.

Anyway, hypocrisy of leaders is not an excuse for not doing the right thing oneself. Nor does it make their warnings or policies false or unwise. It just makes them hypocrites for not doing what we all should be doing.

And we all should be doing it. Even when leaders let us down. Whether it's a Democtratic governor not wearing a mask or a Republican governor finally realizing that their anti-mask policy was politically motivated and not scientifically motivated.


Well-Known Member
I would disagree. The French Laundry scandal has everything to do with Disneyland.

So you suddenly respect the governor's opinions?

I would like to be extended the same courtesy to do the risk analysis in my mind about how to live my life with Covid floating around everywhere. I would like private industry like Disneyland to be extended the same courtesy to operate their business just as safely as The French Laundry does.

Ok sure, set the capacity of Disneyland to a 100 people who are limited to be there only 2 hours. I can agree with that.


Well-Known Member
Ok sure, set the capacity of Disneyland to a 100 people who are limited to be there only 2 hours. I can agree with that.

That's not what The French Laundry was limited to. The French Laundry was able to sell their product to a dozen people from six different households and put them into a small indoor room for over 3 hours. No one wore a mask.

If The French Laundry can do that, Carthay Circle and the Blue Bayou should also be able to do that. That's all.

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