News The Walt Disney Company Board of Directors Extends Robert A. Iger’s Contract as CEO Through 2026


Well-Known Member
Peltz wouldn’t be a new owner, he wouldn’t have anywhere near that much power, he’d be more like a new consultant giving the coach advice, the coach could take that advice or ignore it, but at least you’d have the coach hearing new ideas rather than just being surrounded by yes men telling him what an amazing job he’s doing while the team loses.
In what world would the board of directors of a company be seen by employees as equivalent to a consultant they can freely ignore?


Premium Member
I’m genuinely curious - have you or Celluloid ever heard the term “star system?” Have you read anything about the film industry in the 80s or 90s? Do you read the trade press, where the death of the movie star has been very widely discussed?

Yes, a few stars who can regularly open movies still exist. Tom Cruise is one. But there are far fewer then before 2000 and, more importantly, they are not the organizing principle of mainstream Hollywood filmmaking anymore. Films are built around IPs, not star personas. Robert Downey Jr AS IRON MAN is a big deal. It’s a successful marriage of actor and IP. It would be rare, however, for a modern studio to build a major non-IP film around Downeys star persona - that gets you The Judge or The Soloist. This is a major change from how pre-2000 Hollywood operated.

Studios used to organize their slate: Schwarzenegger action film - Julia Roberts rom-com - Ashley Judd woman-in-peril thriller. Now they organize it: Marvel film - Star Wars film -Avatar film. This is what posters on these boards complain about CONSTANTLY.

So by that logic…all actors are then interchangeable and so is compensation? Cause that eliminates a lot of the guesswork.

You know what posters constantly complain about: bad product.

You know what keeps Bringing it up? 12 year old grade pathetic excuses for bad product

Vegas Disney Fan

Well-Known Member
What does a Disney that is “beating” YouTube and TikTok and Instagram look like? Because that sounds kind of awful to me…

As for Netflix, their model is based on producing huge quantities of bland, uninteresting garbage - far worse than anything Disney or any of its traditional studio competitors churns out. I don’t want that for Universal or Columbia or Paramount, let alone for Disney.
I have no idea, nor apparently does Iger, but I know what’s not working and that’s losing a billion dollars on box office flops, turning a company that was universally known for its customer service into a joke by nickel and diming your guests into oblivion, taking studios that were pumping out hit after hit and changing their formula for social reasons, blaming your guests for the failure caused by those changes, etc.

I used to be the biggest Iger cheerleader here but I can’t ignore the last 5 years, when they announced he was coming back after Chapek I probably cheered the loudest because I thought it meant a course correction, then he continued doing exactly what Chapek was doing and I realized it was always him pulling the strings. I don’t know how anyone can still support Iger after the last 5 years, it’s been bad decision after bad decision after bad decision… at some point it has to change or the company we all know and love is going to be damaged beyond repair.
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Premium Member
Peltz wouldn’t be a new owner, he wouldn’t have anywhere near that much power, he’d be more like a new consultant giving the coach advice, the coach could take that advice or ignore it, but at least you’d have the coach hearing new ideas rather than just being surrounded by yes men telling him what an amazing job he’s doing while the team loses.

I disagree a little…he would be more vocal or trade that for concessions. But I doubt there isn’t some disclosure agreement in place when a new member is seated?

But the part about the board that’s important is that the ceo has been appointing the members and that’s bassackwards…

It was a terrible idea when Eisner wanted to do it…it’s a terrible idea as Iger has done it…and they obviously were scared to death of chapek doing it


Premium Member
As for Netflix, their model is based on producing huge quantities of bland, uninteresting garbage - far worse than anything Disney or any of its traditional studio competitors churns out. I don’t want that for Universal or Columbia or Paramount, let alone for Disney.

Is that Netflix slick Bob was quoted two days ago as saying he wanted to emulate it?

…or the Italian version? 🤔

Casper Gutman

Well-Known Member
I have no idea, nor apparently does Iger, but I know what’s not working and that’s losing a billion dollars on box office flops, turning a company that was universally known for its customer service into a joke by nickel and diming your guests into oblivion, taking studios that were pumping out hit after hit and changing their formula for social reasons,
Please explain how the “formula was changed for social reasons” and how that impacted Disney’s ability to make hits. With examples, please.


Well-Known Member
What does a Disney that is “beating” YouTube and TikTok and Instagram look like? Because that sounds kind of awful to me…

As for Netflix, their model is based on producing huge quantities of bland, uninteresting garbage - far worse than anything Disney or any of its traditional studio competitors churns out. I don’t want that for Universal or Columbia or Paramount, let alone for Disney.
It makes money. Something those other streaming services have yet to do.


Premium Member
Dude, you still reference Tom Cruise and ever since the last Mission Impossible Movie was a meh you have been claiming the star system is dead. That is your always example.
Tom Cruise has had flops throughout the last fifteen years.

There is still celebrity to be exploited and monetized in entertainment just like the star system did with contracts. It is not dead, it just changed.

The fact that you have referenced Tom Cruise again (whenever you bring this up) vs Chris Pratt or another makes it very evident.

Don't suffer old man syndrome.

And Robert Downey was paid $10,000,000 for 8 minutes in a Spider-Man movie…

…so they got even: they buried him
Next to a lake and saw a 75% loss in box office take over the next 5 years 😂😂

Casper Gutman

Well-Known Member
It makes money. Something those other streaming services have yet to do.
Which everyone knew would be the case when streaming mania launched. If Disney+ doesn’t turn a profit by year’s end, you’ve got a case.

By the way, notice how we’ve had to role in TikTok and YouTube and Instagram to mask that all Hollywood is struggling?

Vegas Disney Fan

Well-Known Member
Who do you think is outnumbered? Do think writers and directors are going to get a vote on the board? Or are you just writing words?
Peltz would be one person on a 12 person board where the 11 other board members fully support Iger, you don’t think he’d be outnumbered?

Even if they somehow managed 2 seats they’d still be outnumbered 10-2… seems pretty obvious. This is also why I say he’d be a consultant, he’d be a minority voice, he wouldn’t have the power to do anything beyond offering advice, the board and Iger can either agree or ignore him. Not exactly rocket science here.

Casper Gutman

Well-Known Member
And Robert Downey was paid $10,000,000 for 8 minutes in a Spider-Man movie…

…so they got even: they buried him
Next to a lake and saw a 75% loss in box office take over the next 5 years 😂😂
Was Spider-Man a Robert Downey Jr movie or a Spider-Man movie?

How many actors have played Spider-Man in hit films? Is Spider-Msn the draw or is it the actor in the leotard?

Disney Irish

Premium Member
It makes money. Something those other streaming services have yet to do.
Netflix also had a 10 year head start and wasn't profitable day one. It took time, just as D+ and other streamers have taken time to become profitable as well. Hence why Disney stated from day one it would take approx 5 years to become profitable, a fact everyone seems to ignore. They are on-schedule for that to happen this year.


Premium Member
Was Spider-Man a Robert Downey Jr movie or a Spider-Man movie?

How many actors have played Spider-Man in hit films? Is Spider-Msn the draw or is it the actor in the leotard?
So you think Sony and Disney thought: nobody heard of this kid…let’s pay down for a coffee break he could retire on anyway for kicks?

I mean…it COULD have happened that way

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