I belong to the generation that got really excited for the Phantom Menace.
And that was pretty much the end of my Star Wars fandom.
Ah, the youth don't know what they missed ...
Since you mentioned
The Phantom Menace opening, I just have to share my story about the original
Star Wars opening.
I remember being dragged to an opening day (not
the opening day, May 25, 1977, which was only a limited engagement) at my local theater 10 AM showing of
Star Wars by my brother-in-law (a Sci Fi fanatic). I said no one goes to a movie at 10 in the morning, didn't even know they showed movies at 10 AM. My brother-in-law told me I didn't understand, this was a special showing. He said this movie was going to be big,
really big. There were maybe 20-30 people in the theater.
The opening music was cool, I was absolutely wowed by the size of the first Star Destroyer, but what was it with all these robots. Where are the people? I didn't even begin to warm up the movie until Luke finally appeared on the screen.
We stayed for 3 showings that day. Even in the days before cell phones, word-of-mouth got out quickly. I remember people on pay phones (remember those?) calling their friends to come to the movie. The last showing we stayed for was packed.
I've never attended another movie showing that could ever touch the "magic" of that first day. Those who have grown up in the post
Star Wars era can't really fathom what it was like, especially in the early to mid 1970s, when movies (except Disney movies which really stunk in the 1970s) were targeted for an adult audience and nearly always were depressing to watch. (Just think
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest,
Three Days of the Condor, etc.) Even early blockbusters (e.g.
Jaws and
Rocky) were cerebral, lots of gritty dialog targeted for mature audiences.
Star Wars completely changed the movie going experience. At the time, it felt like all other movies before it lacked the one thing
Star Wars had an abundance of; joy.
Star Wars was the first "fun" movie I ever watched. It's a feeling that's impossible to explain to those who did not experience the 1970s and did not see
Star Wars during its initial run.
After that experience, you pretty much remain a
Star Wars fan forever.