We can't let this die, the state of the Magic is at stake, lets repackage this.
Plans for June 23:
Everyone on board should dress like Harry Potter and proudly walk down Main St USA with one arm proudly raised with your Potter wand and we shall march to the Walt Disney statue for his eternal knowledge.
Ha ha ha ha!
Afterwards, we should disrobe from our Potter regalia, tie all articles together and write "NO TODDLER PEE AREA IN FANTASYLAND!!!, so we can save what little magic is left there.
As we get kicked out of the parks, we should all put on Spider-Man masks as a way to mock Disney for buying the Marvel property and not being able to use them in Florida, how dare they, that money could have been used for another E-Ticket!!!
My mind is exploding with possibilities here...
Jimmy Thick- /sarcasm.