The Surprise! We're going to Disney. Here's a cookie, now get in the car. TR + A One Day bonus?

Hello All!

Avid reader, who had to take a break for a few months due to a self imposed 'Disney break.' But now I'm back and lurking more than ever! :D Here's the most recent photo of my family. I'd say it sums us up quite nicely:

Ha! :D
I am so excited for another year of WDW and all the fun that comes with traveling to the World. From May of 2011 to May of 2012, we had an unexpected 'year of Disney' due to some planned and some unforeseen circumstances. When we walked out of the gates of AK in December of 2010, we fully expected not to set foot in a park again until February of 2012. But there were other forces at work that led to us purchasing our first ever AP's on May 1, 2011. It turns out I'm one of the luckiest ducks out there because - after doing the math (over and over and over- Man! Disney makes those numbers tricky!) - we were able to purchase our second set of AP's last month. We had an additional trip planned for September of this year already, so once we did the math, it made more financial sense to invest in an AP, rather than buy tickets for both trips separately.

Anywho :) - this AP purchase wasn't planned either - we had no idea 8 months ago that this was coming! As I said, we were taking our 'Disney break.' We were making the most of it too! This summer we saw so many cool things - including driving Route 66 (or what's left of it?) from Chicago to St. Louis:

(one day we hope to pick up where we left off and head to Disneyland! I guess some people would tell you Route 66 leads to LA, but we Disney lovers know better right? :D)

It was around 8 months ago that some of our dearest friends mentioned they were going to take a trip to WDW. "Hmmmmm......" we thought. If there's one thing we've learned - Disney is always twice the fun with friends! Was there really any way we could let them go without us? We might die of jealousy - Ha! :D When we learned their parents (who were traveling with them) would be departing mid way through the trip, we knew it was 'meant' to be!

Now - we decided to keep the trip a surprise from the kids because - as always- you have to be sure the money all lines up. This particular trip was due to be paid off December 22 - not the best timing? Since we had kept the secret until December, we decided - why not just keep the secret a little longer and surprise the kids?! So that's what we did!

We were able to take advantage of the Stay, Play & Dine package, saving us enough to cover the cost tickets to fly into MCO. It was a super short trip, so it seemed to make the most sense to fly!

On the morning of the trip, the kids woke up to find this box:

wrapped up in another box and tied with a big red bow. (Sorry no picture of the big box - I was running around like crazy getting ready the night before! - just imagine the Mickey wrapping paper - ok? :)

My husband and I woke up first and woke the kids up, telling them "Someone left a surprise for you in the kitchen!" They unwrapped the box to find this message inside:


And of course, the box was filled with those fabulous cookies made by a sweet friend. Aren't they amazing?!

After all the jumping around and excitement, we really did say, "Here's a cookie, now get in the car!" We had no time to waste. We had to get to the airport to catch an early flight.


Well-Known Member
Your kids are still adorable, Erin. :)
The squinty pictures are hilarious.
I love that the characters were pointing out hidden Mickey's! So cool!
I think Merida found a perfect home amongst the critters. :D


Well-Known Member
Ohhh booo I am so sad to see it come to an end. But it looked like you guys had a fabulous time. I love the doll. I know its incredibly hard to say no to the little man, I can only imagine what my husband would do if we had a little girl!!! But it looks like you guys had a great end to your trip. Thank you for sharing.


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I can't blame your husband for not being able to say no to your daughter. I mean, look at how cute she is! She must play that card to her advantage ;) lol

Ohhhhh, the Dole Whip. How I so could go for one of those right now. We actually have a dairy bar in our city that serves Dole Whip. My sister and I went to get one a couple weeks ago and all they had was the pineapple flavored one. I decided two things that day... 1: I don't like the pineapple flavored DW too much and 2: It's just not the same as eating the Dole Whip float at Disney!!

She does! Totally plays it to her advantage. :D Don't get me wrong, I don't mind her having some things - love me some Disney merch - but usually those dolls aren't played with once we get home. We just don't have as much time now that she's in school, so I limit the bigger items.

I could go for a Dole Whip right now too! How cool to have a place close by that sells it, even if it's not exactly the same. :)

Yes! Lots of cute pictures! Thank you! Bonus day coming up!


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Ohhh booo I am so sad to see it come to an end. But it looked like you guys had a fabulous time. I love the doll. I know its incredibly hard to say no to the little man, I can only imagine what my husband would do if we had a little girl!!! But it looks like you guys had a great end to your trip. Thank you for sharing.

There is a little more! Sorry it is taking so long - now that baseball and recital season are in full swing, it's been hard to fit in the TR.

It is very hard to say no to her. It's hard to say no to them both, but my son is earning some of his own money now, so he asks for fewer things because he seems to have caught on to the 'value' of things (if that makes sense?) It was a fabulous trip!

Looks like so much fun!! Your kidos are so cute!!

Thank you! It was fun!


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So. Fast forward one month to the Monday before Easter. We leave the beach (south of Tampa) and head to WDW, AP's in hand! :)

My MIL was with us, so my son kindly set up in the third row for the short drive.


I think we had a new movie....


Once to Orlando, we ran into some traffic on I-4 (try to contain your shock :D) but we soon got around it on side roads. Then we saw this beautiful sight:


We were so excited because we had snagged a LM room at AoA for the night!

Move outa the way busses! We have a new resort to check out!




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Our business here? Well, we are checking in! Yay!


Thank you very much Mr. Security Guard, we WILL enjoy our stay. :D

I had checked in online (first time ever doing this!) BUT when I did - it wouldn't accept my Disney Visa. Say - whaaaat?!?! :confused: So I had to enter my Mastercard. Luckily, it was easily fixed at check in.


I love that they have an 'artist' tracing/ drawing at the easel in the kids waiting area at AoA!

And this backlit check in area is just stunning.

My MIL still had days left on her 10 day never expire tickets (left over from our Easter trip in 2008 - I really don't know how she stays away so long! Always astounds me. :D;)) Here she was finding out exactly how many park days she had left.

We were given a room in the farthest LM building - and let me tell you, it was a HIKE!

But at least there is lots to see along the way!




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I love all the details in the LM section. They seemed to have several slight 'upgrades' from Pop, like the floor of the elevator being faux stone:


And then the things like fences around all of the giant building icons. I like the extra landscaping, plus I bet it cuts down on the guests climbing on them tremendously.

Rooooom time!




Why do I love this chair so much? Maybe it's because it's awesome.



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We were pretty hungry and the kids were determined to get in the Nemo pool. I think it was a high of 70 that Monday, but Tuesday was supposed to be a high of around 60. I told my husband that if the kids wanted to swim, we'd better do it today and not tomorrow. He reluctantly agreed (he was ready to get to the parks :)

My son and I headed off to the food court:

We were waiting for the others to catch up, so we did some photo ops:


LM pool is so beautifully themed and landscaped!

Yes. This is a dress repeat in the same TR. In my defense, it was a month apart and there are only so many things you can wear in FL in Feb/ March. :)



More to come! Our first ever pool game(s), Epcot F&G and MK Easter Madness. And more friends! Always more friends. :)


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I'm sorry y'all! I didn't see these! I hope I have replied to everyone now! :)

Your daughter is so cute! Such a nice report !

Thank you so much for both things!

Your kids are still adorable, Erin. :)
The squinty pictures are hilarious.
I love that the characters were pointing out hidden Mickey's! So cool!
I think Merida found a perfect home amongst the critters. :D

Thank you Tammy!

Always squinty pictures in the Florida sunshine - what I really need is a photographer of your caliber to follow us around one trip! I've had some friends who are almost as good as you head to WDW, but sadly never when we are there. :( When is your next trip again? :D Hahaha.


Well-Known Member
Ohh I love the details in the LM area of AOA!!! So cute. And part of my love for the Disney resorts in general. They just do everything!!!! Was it only for the night?? Can't wait....


Well-Known Member
Love the bonus day! After our walk through AoA I am set on staying there next trip... unfortunately that probably won't be until late 2014. :(


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So sad to see the first report end. Looking forward to the second report, It's like a bounce back. :D

Yes! A bounceback! Too bad they didn't offer us bounceback pricing on this hotel stay. Spring Break/ Easter prices = :eek::D

Ohh I love the details in the LM area of AOA!!! So cute. And part of my love for the Disney resorts in general. They just do everything!!!! Was it only for the night?? Can't wait....

Yes! Just the one night. It was all my husband's idea. My husband who, the night we purchased the AP's at the MK, said, "Okay, let's buy them. But I DO NOT want this to turn into going to Disney almost every month like last time." Then the next thing I know, he's on the phone with his mom saying, "Well, while we're at the beach, it might be nice to drive into Orlando for the night......" What? :confused: I thought we weren't going all the time like last time? This was all on him! :) He flew home the next day.

Love the bonus day! After our walk through AoA I am set on staying there next trip... unfortunately that probably won't be until late 2014. :(

:( But at least there's a next trip?! It was a fantastic resort. So glad we were able to stay there.

Love it! But wait...there's more!

Ha! Yes. :)

Yay a new entry :)

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