The Story of the Triangles


Well-Known Member
I'll play devil's advocate here...

the main focus of the descent is the interactive Designing Your Future on the monitors of each vehicle.... so of course the creative use of displays and lighting were not employed to keep everyone's focus on the ride's interactive program. If the future world displays were kept in place or plussed, then the focus on the choosing the future would be lost.

So its not a choice of skimping on the visuals of the descent... but where the designers wanted our focus.

Personally... my wife and I have a blast coming up with new and funny faces to make with the cameras, and then trying out different variations of our Future. So from a personal entertainment value... its awesome.

But I know there is wide disagreement about which approach the refurb should have taken... plussed ride displays, or interactive focused content.

I said this about two years ago. I don't notice the triangles or the rumpled curtains, or the vents. I'm focusing on the screens within the omnimover. I'm betting 99.9% of the GP is too.


Well-Known Member
This just in!
Fresh from the pages of the upcoming revised edition of the "Imagineering Field Guide to Animal Kingdom!"

The later part of the description of Everest reads:
"After surviving the harrowing plunge down the side of Forbidden Mountain, and escaping the angry Yeti who has destroyed the railway, guests enter a moderately cool cavern where keen-eyed riders may see the corpse of the once great and terrifying beast resting on a dark ledge near the tracks. This was designed to illustrate man's dominance over nature and all it's beasts. Even ones that don't exist.......or do they?

Dizzy from all the spinning....:dazzle:

Well done.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if TDO ever gets booed at public events?

Do they ever get called out at shareholder meetings?

Man, that savewdw site needs to get online now :fork:


Well-Known Member
I said this about two years ago. I don't notice the triangles or the rumpled curtains, or the vents. I'm focusing on the screens within the omnimover. I'm betting 99.9% of the GP is too.

But it is the Disney hacks like us who patrol these boards who do look beyond the screens and look in directions that we are not facing. I have turned my head around many times in SSE and other attractions. I have seen the stuff in the descent's darkness that you all are referring to. I guess I will have to take Martin and Lee's word that there was something else planned for the SSE... but I find it hard to imagine they would put up a ton of other visuals outside the cars, when the focus is on those interactive screens within the cars.


Well-Known Member
But it is the Disney hacks like us who patrol these boards who do look beyond the screens and look in directions that we are not facing. I have turned my head around many times in SSE and other attractions. I have seen the stuff in the descent's darkness that you all are referring to. I guess I will have to take Martin and Lee's word that there was something else planned for the SSE... but I find it hard to imagine they would put up a ton of other visuals outside the cars, when the focus is on those interactive screens within the cars.

I agree they want the focus on the screens with the lame carton and nothing else. But, there is no reason why they cant finish the triangle concept of bursting energies and colors like the description reads in the book, along with some good music added would have been nice even though nothing can compare to the previous. But when the vehicles stop there is nothing to look at but all the junk laying around and falling apart infrustructure. Its just bad show screen or not.


Well-Known Member
You mean wearing normal clothes for that time period? :veryconfu
I'm going to take a stab here and guess that you weren't alive during that time period. Hookers, go-go dancers, and Uhura wore boots like those. Women who were pursuing careers in science, by contrast, took great care to dress conservatively, so their male colleagues would take them seriously and not treat them as though they were hookers or go-go dancers (they wouldn't have minded being treated like Uhura, but it was too big a chance to take).

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
I'm going to take a stab here and guess that you weren't alive during that time period. Hookers, go-go dancers, and Uhura wore boots like those. Women who were pursuing careers in science, by contrast, took great care to dress conservatively, so their male colleagues would take them seriously and not treat them as though they were hookers or go-go dancers (they wouldn't have minded being treated like Uhura, but it was too big a chance to take).
Sorry, sarcasm is lost when typing on the internet... :lol:


I always thought it was supposed to symbolize the descent into a Hyrule dungeon.



Well-Known Member
I am surprised the new Magic Kingdom Field guide's Space Mountain page did not say. "In a 2009 renovation Imagineers fine tuned the experience of hurtling through space. For this reason we neglected adding on-board audio because we figured there would not be music in space. Imagineer's also blocked any views at the ride track from the Tomorrowland Transit Authority because they figured guests would be too busy texting anyway."


Active Member
Folks, please get it through your thick skulls when I tell you all, as usual, never to listen to Lee, Martin or any of the other negative naysayers here. They are all nothing more than sorry excuses for human beings who never have anything nice to say and probably can't even spell "nice".


Well-Known Member
I am surprised the new Magic Kingdom Field guide's Space Mountain page did not say. "In a 2009 renovation Imagineers fine tuned the experience of hurtling through space. For this reason we neglected adding on-board audio because we figured there would not be music in space. Imagineer's also blocked any views at the ride track from the Tomorrowland Transit Authority because they figured guests would be too busy texting anyway."

good point, the new field guide also mentions how when your on the TTA it says paging mr tom morrow and the meaning behind it. WELL THATS GONE TOO and replaced with much of nothing but a boring narration!! :brick: :fork:


Active Member
I always thought it was supposed to symbolize the descent into a Hyrule dungeon.


I congratulate you for the Zelda reference. :sohappy:

I guess the descent combines two of my favorite things then: Nintendo and Disney. I think I am starting to like it......

Not really.


New Member
I just don't get how Disneyland is always appeasing the fans by constantly tweaking the attractions and adding back things people want (Like Captain EO) while at WDW they keep dumping on the fanbase.

Seriously if I was you guys I would stop visiting WDW and start writing letters to Burbank (it is probably fruitless to bother writing to TDO) until WDW gets its act together.


Well-Known Member
I just don't get how Disneyland is always appeasing the fans by constantly tweaking the attractions and adding back things people want (Like Captain EO) while at WDW they keep dumping on the fanbase.

Seriously if I was you guys I would stop visiting WDW and start writing letters to Burbank (it is probably fruitless to bother writing to TDO) until WDW gets its act together.

I dont think Burbank has much say so for Orlando or do they? I thought they always use to but anymore it seems like TDO does whatever they want and on the cheap such as pulling the plug on the end of SE. I always thought Burbank had the final say so but not in recent years apparently. Maybe a letter directed to the vice president of Epcot?


Active Member
I am surprised the new Magic Kingdom Field guide's Space Mountain page did not say. "In a 2009 renovation Imagineers fine tuned the experience of hurtling through space. For this reason we neglected adding on-board audio because we figured there would not be music in space. Imagineer's also blocked any views at the ride track from the Tomorrowland Transit Authority because they figured guests would be too busy texting anyway."

Haha, or "they took the startunnel music out of TTA because they thought the visitors couldn't hear it anyway because of the people on the ride screaming and the loud chain on the lifthill"

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
I dont think Burbank has much say so for Orlando or do they? I thought they always use to but anymore it seems like TDO does whatever they want and on the cheap such as pulling the plug on the end of SE. I always thought Burbank had the final say so but not in recent years apparently. Maybe a letter directed to the vice president of Epcot?

I really think the WDC needs to restructure its parks management system. Major creative and financial decisions should NOT be made by the local "teams" but by central Burbank. The teams should only focus on basic issues (like attendance, profit numbers, casting, upkeep, etc) and NEVER any major ones like slashing refurb budgets.

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