I REALLY hope summer leaves soon. Yesterday was so beautiful that I thought I was in SoCal ... but today the humidity was back then the clouds and looks like a very good chance of rain tomorrow.
Really? That bad. Well, it's great that they didn't replace anything of quality with that, right? I wonder how much $$$ they are saving. Likely less annually than the furniture in George and Andy's place cost.
I have very mixed opinions on the shop. On the one hand, I love Mansion. It is my favorite MK attraction and still one of my faves anywhere. I also love themed merchandise. BUT ... and you knew that much like a Kardashian that there would be an ample one

... much of what they now make is cheap crap that doesn't last. I walked in my local Disney outlet last week and they had a huge table/display of Mansion/Halloween merchandise, so they clearly aren't selling it all very well. And I worry that Liberty Square no longer has an identity that isn't tied to the Disney BRAND. I guess the shop is a good thing, but I am not sure of it.