Spirited Non-Emmy Musings:
You know all that talk/chatter about Disney Drones? Don't think of WDW just yet ... Golden Oak aside (yeah, that's yet another message for my friends at TDO and Celebration Place!) ... The drone you've seen is supposed to make its debut in the new 'E-Ticket' SDL stage show in Fantasyland. It won't be flying over guests. It will be part of the show at present. Think about flying Tink and Dumbo during DL's MAGICal fireworks and you have some idea what I am speaking of.
Speaking of DL and pyro, so Micechat broke the news that Fantasy in the Sky will be making a return to DL on weekends starting in January, so they can replace infrastructure for the AMAZING (yes, I know things!) 60th pyro show that will debut in May. Seeing a show I used to love and haven't seen since last century is almost worth planning an off-season winter trip to Anaheim.
So, WDW is planning upcharge premium 'options' DURING hard ticket events. I'll say it here, if you pay, then I think you're an imbecile.
Speaking of which, what exactly was the issue with the Oogie show at Georgie K's Assorted Foamheads And Whatever Disney Could Throw In On The Cheap Hard Ticket Event at The Park That Will Soon Have a New Name? Seriously, what was offensive? In any sense. ... These folks should really be forced to watch ANY Bill and Ted show at the evil UNI resort up the I-4.
And speaking of that, with all those Emmy festivities I sorta missed out on the fact that my favorite Lifestyler
@WDWFigment took another trip (I don't know how many this year because I lost the Epcot guide map that I was keeping score on at home!) BUT ... this one had him over at UNI. Way to go, Tom!!! Would love to hear your thoughts here (good, bad and ugly). Just don't let Dr. Blondie and Co know!
Did Rick Springfield pull out of concerts during Food and WIne Fest? That's a shame ... at least he has talent ... still.
Seriously, I was talking to a friend who works in the entertainment business for a company that is not Disney and we had been talking about Breaking Bad and he compared my 'fans' here to the blue crystal meth that Mr. White and Jesse cooked up in New Mexico ... ''they're addicted to you like Baby Blue,'' he said.
Some people don't recall when WDW used to not celebrate Halloween, just some generic fall decor. All those days of 9-6 and 9-7 October operating days ... yeah, ancient history.
At the risk of burying this, don't be surprised if when all the Hub 'improvements' are completed if you have a dedicated upcharge lounge area (I am hesitant to use the word concierge because then
@TP2000 will pop in and correctly point out that WDW has no clue what a real concierge is and doesn't employ any!) in MK ... I know that one will be coming to EPCOT in the next year (likely sooner than later) now that restaurant expansion is temporarily off the table as Disney scrambles to keep Spice Road Table from going seasonal.
@englanddg, I know you have your own 'cute' way of referring to DL. That's perfectly fine. I have a 'cute' way of referring to Bob Iger (no, not The Weatherman). But I don't want 3-4 pages of people explaining to you why you are wrong. If you want to call a pentagon a triangle, then that's fine. But not here, please.
And really, do we really want to argue over whether DL is a 'locals park' again just to get this thread to a million clicks? I don't. It's ignorant and it isn't true at all. ... You want a statement that is true? I can provide that so it is ignored.
And to my PML pals, look -- no social commentary (that I am almost always right about!) ... I'll try and fix that another time.
Finally, a very Happy Anniversary to one of my favorite and, dare I say most MAGICal, couples? No,
@Lee I still don't know what she saw in you, but I am thrilled to death that she did!