Well-Known Member
Sorry Spirit... It had no place in decent, fair and unbiased discussion. Justify it if you must, but, it was in all areas an inappropriate topic. It was mean spirited and only done with a strong and almost scary desire to discredit someone because they currently have a lifestyle that some don't agree with.I don't want to have that discussion here. And I certainly don't want to give a publicity ***** even more attention. But it wasn't irrelevant at all. And bringing it up was fair and balanced. If I had had that info, you would not wanted to have read my response, believe me. I got the distinct feeling when reading along that some folks were taking it personally, like they had some ugly stuff in their past that they wouldn't want known. The public record is just that. And the individual may not be involved in criminal enterprises against Disney any longer (one would hope), but as @AEfx (someone I often disagree with, especially on his love for Iger!) put in an amazing post back on the old thread, the pathology and attitude and mindset of the individual hasn't changed one iota! It has been consistent right through the years and continues to this day.
And, please, if you want to discuss this, take it to the other thread or PM people. You don't feed people who are just begging for it.
We have a working justice system in this country. One that I went to war to defend. Not the system of self imposed judge and jury that this smacked of completely. It doesn't matter what you or your buddies think about the personality or morals of someone else as long as that particular malady does not effect you at all. If you are concerned about how he might influence others, well, how about each individual accepting responsibility for their own inability to know who to listen too.
BTW, I haven't been discussing it, I have been responding in a manner to end the foolishness. You are the one continuing it, I suspect because of an agenda.