The Sorcerer's Apprentice Season 8: Magic Journeys


Original Poster

Welcome to Act 2, more formally known as ...the Bayou Brawl


In this section of the game, the stakes are raised even higher. The Horned King is still on the prowl, taking over the SAU piece by piece. In these books, the imagineers will be tasked with some of the most nuanced challenges yet, in hopes of reaching Act 3 stronger than ever to take on the treacherous villain.

Much of what happens this round is in your are the writers of your own story. Will it be a tale of victory? Or a series of unfortunate events? The choice is yours - good luck to all and enjoy!

Chaos Cat

Well-Known Member

Welcome to Act 2, more formally known as ...the Bayou Brawl


In this section of the game, the stakes are raised even higher. The Horned King is still on the prowl, taking over the SAU piece by piece. In these books, the imagineers will be tasked with some of the most nuanced challenges yet, in hopes of reaching Act 3 stronger than ever to take on the treacherous villain.

Much of what happens this round is in your are the writers of your own story. Will it be a tale of victory? Or a series of unfortunate events? The choice is yours - good luck to all and enjoy!
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Original Poster


Welcome one and all to Act 2 - here in Magic Journeys the stakes have been set - the teams have been cut to two, and each round holds more weight than the next. Now is the time to take what you've learned in Act 1 and apply it to the future.

In Book VI, we are taking a virtual route into the digital world. We've seen history re-written with Nintendo being introduced as a Disney IP in the 1990s in Europe. And we've seen what's on the horizon with Epic Universe in 2025. With that spirit, the imagineers will be tasked with a novel concept, never before seen in these competitions...

Your task is to design a video game in the spirit of Super Smash Bros using theme park exclusive characters from around the world.
This is intended to be a fun, free-for-all type round.
The idea is to come up with some of the most creative matchups, power styles, and overall gameplay dynamic to make this one of the most popular games on the market.
We've visited plenty of outside theme parks this season, those characters are up for grabs as well.
SAU characters are also able to be used.

Project Managers
House Heimlichen - @TheOriginalTiki
House Tintirrino - @AceAstro

This round will be an elimination round. Each project manager at the end of the round will be asked to select 2 team members, in addition to themselves, to enter the Orient Express in the event that they lose this round.

The winning project manager will be granted a reward that will be valuable throughout the remainder of Act 2 (more details later).

This Book is due Monday August 12th at 11:59PM PST

Any questions please feel free to ask - thank you and enjoy!
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Original Poster
Thank you to both teams for the projects. I think this is the closest we have come to a Disney Adventure type event, but even so each project stands out on their own merits.

Unfortunately the last couple days have been a bit rough in the real world for me, so I won't be able to get the reviews for these projects given their length until Thursday at the earliest.

With that said, I've made this round non-elimination, as many of you were also dealing with things as well.

We will call today a mental health day. Please spend time with family, friends, enjoy the summer, chat amongst friends here, catch up on work, etc. We will resume the game with Book VII tomorrow - thank you!

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