The Sorcerer's Apprentice Season 8: Magic Journeys


Well-Known Member
Also i don't know if all the rounds are set in stone but if there is room I do have an idea for one that would be cool to see.
Basically, my idea for the challenge would be that after Six Flags and Cedar Fair's merger, they've decided to invest in a new Dark Ride for one of their parks that's underserved by indoor attractions . The only catch is that it would have to be interactive, and have a unique, original theme.
My pitch for this would be a Dark ride for Cedar Point, taking over the existing showbuilding that once housed a former dark ride at the park: the pirate ride. Its now a chickie and petes, but my plan would relocate that restaurant to elsewhere in the park and give the building a dark ride yet again


Well-Known Member

Blue would be the general location for the queue and loading area.
Green is the general area the ride itself would take up
Red is the exit corridor and unload area

Architectural Guinea Pig

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
̴C̸I̵T̷I̷Z̵E̴N̶S̷ ̶O̴F̴ ̴E̵N̶E̶R̵G̵Y̷L̵A̵N̶D̶I̸A̸,̸ ̵I̸ ̵A̸M̷ ̶D̴E̶A̷R̶C̸H̴I̸T̵E̴C̸T̵U̶R̴A̵L̷ ̵G̴U̸I̴N̶E̸A̷P̵I̶G̸,̴ ̷F̸U̸R̷R̶Y̴ HAKCER ̸A̴N̴D̸ ̵M̷A̴S̶T̵E̶R̵ ̷O̶F̵ ̵C̴H̶A̷O̷S̶ ̶A̸N̷D̴ ̵D̴O̵O̶M̶.̶ ̸Y̴O̶U̴ ̶T̴H̷O̶U̸G̷H̸T̴ ̴T̴H̷E̸ ̵E̸1̸4̴ ̶P̶R̸E̴S̴E̶N̷T̸A̸T̸I̸O̶N̶ ̷W̷A̵S̷ ̷O̴V̶E̴R̷?̸ ̴W̵E̷L̵L̸,̵ ̶I̵T̵'̶S̴ ̶N̸O̴T̷.̶ ̵A̸S̷ ̴A̷ ̸P̸U̶N̷S̷I̷H̷M̸E̶N̴T̶ ̴T̷O̷ ̵S̷I̸R̸ ̶T̷I̴G̸H̵T̴-̵J̵E̸A̴N̵S̵,̸ ̴W̷E̷ ̸H̶A̷V̶E̶ ̵ENTERED ̸T̶H̵E̴ ̴C̸O̵M̶P̸A̵N̴Y̴'̸S̸ ̶I̴N̵T̴E̷R̴N̶A̵L̷ ̵C̷O̴M̶M̷U̷N̶I̵C̵A̷T̷I̵O̸N̶ ̴S̶Y̸S̴T̷E̴M̷ ̸A̷N̸D̸ ̵G̶A̸I̵N̵E̵D̷ ̵A̸C̶C̵E̴S̵S̸ ̷T̵O̷ ̶S̸O̵M̷E̴ ̵O̶F̴ ̵T̵H̸E̵I̵R̵ ̶M̷O̶S̴T̵ ̴T̸O̵P̸ ̸S̵E̴C̷R̷E̷T̸ ̸F̸I̸L̶E̸S̵ ̷A̶N̶D̷ ̸E̶M̵A̸I̷L̵S̴.̶ ̵

U̵S̵E̷ ̶T̴H̶E̶M̷ ̵A̷S̵ ̵Y̵O̴U̷ ̴P̶L̴E̶A̶S̴E̸.̷..

Lizzy May Bee

Well-Known Member
View attachment 806602
Proudly (and just in time) Presents!
View attachment 806603
Also credits cause I didn’t have time to put them in the actual project:

-All Animal Exhibits- @PerGron
-anrop av skogsrå- @CookieMouse
-All Area Descriptions- @Outbound
-Twende (Wildfire) Updates- @Outbound
-Sky Swing- @Pi on my Cake
-Feng Zheng and Balto @TheOriginalTiki
-Japanese Boats- @JokersWild
-Hotel & Water Park - @Lizzy May Bee
-Dining- @JokersWild
-Entertainment- @Pi on my Cake
-Seasonal Events- @Pi on my Cake
-Map- @Outbound
-Art- @Everyone
-Presentation- @Lizzy May Bee


Well-Known Member
̴C̸I̵T̷I̷Z̵E̴N̶S̷ ̶O̴F̴ ̴E̵N̶E̶R̵G̵Y̷L̵A̵N̶D̶I̸A̸,̸ ̵I̸ ̵A̸M̷ ̶D̴E̶A̷R̶C̸H̴I̸T̵E̴C̸T̵U̶R̴A̵L̷ ̵G̴U̸I̴N̶E̸A̷P̵I̶G̸,̴ ̷F̸U̸R̷R̶Y̴ HAKCER ̸A̴N̴D̸ ̵M̷A̴S̶T̵E̶R̵ ̷O̶F̵ ̵C̴H̶A̷O̷S̶ ̶A̸N̷D̴ ̵D̴O̵O̶M̶.̶ ̸Y̴O̶U̴ ̶T̴H̷O̶U̸G̷H̸T̴ ̴T̴H̷E̸ ̵E̸1̸4̴ ̶P̶R̸E̴S̴E̶N̷T̸A̸T̸I̸O̶N̶ ̷W̷A̵S̷ ̷O̴V̶E̴R̷?̸ ̴W̵E̷L̵L̸,̵ ̶I̵T̵'̶S̴ ̶N̸O̴T̷.̶ ̵A̸S̷ ̴A̷ ̸P̸U̶N̷S̷I̷H̷M̸E̶N̴T̶ ̴T̷O̷ ̵S̷I̸R̸ ̶T̷I̴G̸H̵T̴-̵J̵E̸A̴N̵S̵,̸ ̴W̷E̷ ̸H̶A̷V̶E̶ ̵ENTERED ̸T̶H̵E̴ ̴C̸O̵M̶P̸A̵N̴Y̴'̸S̸ ̶I̴N̵T̴E̷R̴N̶A̵L̷ ̵C̷O̴M̶M̷U̷N̶I̵C̵A̷T̷I̵O̸N̶ ̴S̶Y̸S̴T̷E̴M̷ ̸A̷N̸D̸ ̵G̶A̸I̵N̵E̵D̷ ̵A̸C̶C̵E̴S̵S̸ ̷T̵O̷ ̶S̸O̵M̷E̴ ̵O̶F̴ ̵T̵H̸E̵I̵R̵ ̶M̷O̶S̴T̵ ̴T̸O̵P̸ ̸S̵E̴C̷R̷E̷T̸ ̸F̸I̸L̶E̸S̵ ̷A̶N̶D̷ ̸E̶M̵A̸I̷L̵S̴.̶ ̵

U̵S̵E̷ ̶T̴H̶E̶M̷ ̵A̷S̵ ̵Y̵O̴U̷ ̴P̶L̴E̶A̶S̴E̸.̷..
AGP, this font broke my eyes!

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