The Sorcerer's Apprentice Season 8: Magic Journeys


Original Poster


Our travels bring us to a park that we have barely touched in the Sorcerer's Apprentice Universe - Tokyo Disneyland. Here we are met with a challenge from our North American counterparts who have decided to retheme Splash Mountain to Princess and the Frog on both American coasts.

Yet the Oriental Land Company has brought in two teams of imagineers to try to keep Tokyo unique from the rest of the Disney parks. And with the recent D23 announcements of Frontierland at the US parks, OLC became even more interested in their own spin on Frontierland...

Your task is to design a blue sky makeover of Frontierland at Tokyo Disneyland

- This makeover could keep the themes of the frontier, or design a new theme entirely.
- A focus of this project is on Splash Mountain. Whether you keep it, retheme it, or remove/replace it, state your reasons for the decision (whichever you choose)
This is blue sky - while budgets are within logic, OLC is giving you a long leash with this project.

Project Managers
House Heimlichen - @JokersWild
House Tintirrino - @Architectural Guinea Pig

This Book will be due Saturday September 14th at 11:59PM PST

Any questions please feel free to ask - thank you and enjoy!

This was supposed to be attached in the prompt

I'll add it to both PMs for context of the area we are working in.


Well-Known Member
Ironically, the team that had no Act 1 victories (House Akuades) ended up with the most players in Act 3 (5).
Oh man, I love this! I'm such a nerd for cool stats like this. Brings me back to SYWTBAI season six. We had two teams with six players each. The first three eliminations came from the team that ultimately went on to completely decimate the entire other team and ended up in the final three together. Still one of my all time favorite SYWTBAI story arcs, especially considering it came in the very first season we had established teams.


Well-Known Member
This feels like one of those facts that can't be true lol
The Fruit of the Loom logo never had a cornucopia and Ricky Ricardo never uttered the words "Lucy, you've got some 'splaining to do!"...Two "facts" I'll never fully get behind. ;) Jokers and Tegan never being on the same team together genuinely fits right in with that haha.

Architectural Guinea Pig

Well-Known Member
In the Parks

This was supposed to be attached in the prompt

I'll add it to both PMs for context of the area we are working in.
Since this applies to both teams and I need to make sure this is seen, isn't Splash Mountain in its own land, Critter Country? You can also notice the different colored pavement on the ground, with Frontierland more reddish and Critter Country orangish. Would you like us to work with both lands or just Critter Country? Frontierland is a very nice place to be right now.


Original Poster
Since this applies to both teams and I need to make sure this is seen, isn't Splash Mountain in its own land, Critter Country? You can also notice the different colored pavement on the ground, with Frontierland more reddish and Critter Country orangish. Would you like us to work with both lands or just Critter Country? Frontierland is a very nice place to be right now.
Good question, it's up to you. What you do with Splash Mountain is a main component of the project, but if you choose to leave it alone, then Critter Country wouldn't be part of the Frontierland blue sky project.

However, if you choose to do something with Splash - you are more than welcome to adjust all of Critter Country as well. Whether that be retheming that specific area into something else, or merging it with your blue sky Frontierland remodel.


Original Poster
Also update from Heimlichen to Tintirrino:

It is OK to also include the Haunted Mansion within the scope of the project. It's part of Fantasyland, but given its close proximity to Splash I want to leave the door open enough to blue sky possibilities depending on what the teams do with the area.

So you CAN expand this area to the Haunted Mansion seen to the direct left of Splash below



Well-Known Member
Also update from Heimlichen to Tintirrino:

It is OK to also include the Haunted Mansion within the scope of the project. It's part of Fantasyland, but given its close proximity to Splash I want to leave the door open enough to blue sky possibilities depending on what the teams do with the area.

So you CAN expand this area to the Haunted Mansion seen to the direct left of Splash below



Original Poster

House Heimlichen
Compost Central

Starting off, I definitively did not known that fact about Avocados. Now that I'm aware of their history, I may need to consider a new favorite fruit lol

The location of this I think was solid, and the reasoning/backstory coming off of the Lavatory Laboratory's design with fun facts over the walls is a neat technique to keep people engaged while they're engaged in ... other things.

The animal exhibits I wasn't expecting, but then I remembered the PM. As always PerGron has a knack for writing animal exhibits and these were no different.

The avocado photo wall was very funny, as well as the TikTok style presentation method.

Professor Gillian's DungPoreum --- seems like we've found the new "I found a Lemon Tree" moment of the season lol. I don't follow Survivor that closely, but she seems like such an oddball character, but also one that probably would fit well with Dr. Grant Seeker in the park.

The merchandise is also a nice addition to the SAU, I think it's really special we all have just decided to make DAK bathrooms poop themed. It's now a thing and forever will be.


House Tintirrino
Prehistoric Privies

I love Tegan's video and the whole D23 style announcement. I genuinely laughed at several points of it particularly when you mentioned the concept art with the giant pile of dung.

Keeping Dinoland in the SAU is a good choice, especially because we had South America since all the way back in the early days of the competition.

Overall I love the memes and all of the website design as well. Dinodung is a catchy hashtag for sure.

This team had a blast with this project, going above and beyond to make memes, jokes, and all sorts of comedic moments that really catapulted the creative spark of the team.

All in all, really knocked the crap out of this one!

Mr. Sullivan

Well-Known Member
On a similar note, I also feel slightly left out not being able to see Mr. Sullivan in action haha.
You think you want this until you wake up to a massive wall of text I sent at roughly 4:30 AM because I have insomnia and an idea struck and now you gotta spend your morning trying to untangle what fresh hell I've suggested we try

Lord Fozzinator

Well-Known Member
In the Parks


Our travels bring us to a park that we have barely touched in the Sorcerer's Apprentice Universe - Tokyo Disneyland. Here we are met with a challenge from our North American counterparts who have decided to retheme Splash Mountain to Princess and the Frog on both American coasts.

Yet the Oriental Land Company has brought in two teams of imagineers to try to keep Tokyo unique from the rest of the Disney parks. And with the recent D23 announcements of Frontierland at the US parks, OLC became even more interested in their own spin on Frontierland...

Your task is to design a blue sky makeover of Frontierland at Tokyo Disneyland

- This makeover could keep the themes of the frontier, or design a new theme entirely.
- A focus of this project is on Splash Mountain. Whether you keep it, retheme it, or remove/replace it, state your reasons for the decision (whichever you choose)
This is blue sky - while budgets are within logic, OLC is giving you a long leash with this project.

Project Managers
House Heimlichen - @JokersWild
House Tintirrino - @Architectural Guinea Pig

This Book will be due Saturday September 14th at 11:59PM PST

Any questions please feel free to ask - thank you and enjoy!
OH COME ON. As soon as I leave the game, we get this.

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