One Little Spark...
Funny story as to why parental controls are kindof important...
We were flying down (to Disney, actually) and I set her up with headphones and her laptop (yes, she has her own laptop...knows basic HTML too...has since she was 5)...but, that's a side story.
Anyhow, I removed the block I had on youtube (simple hosts file redirect) so she could watch My Little Pony on the plane since they didn't block youtube, but they did block netflix.
I start doing stuff on my laptop, keeping a loose eye, and she asks me "Daddy, why is Applejack saying bad words?"
See, she had watched episodes, and just kept clicking on "next video" popups in youtube, and one of them was a "parody" video that was...well...I'm sure you can imagine.
Yeah, the rest of the flight we browsed youtube together.
We were flying down (to Disney, actually) and I set her up with headphones and her laptop (yes, she has her own laptop...knows basic HTML too...has since she was 5)...but, that's a side story.
Anyhow, I removed the block I had on youtube (simple hosts file redirect) so she could watch My Little Pony on the plane since they didn't block youtube, but they did block netflix.
I start doing stuff on my laptop, keeping a loose eye, and she asks me "Daddy, why is Applejack saying bad words?"
See, she had watched episodes, and just kept clicking on "next video" popups in youtube, and one of them was a "parody" video that was...well...I'm sure you can imagine.
Yeah, the rest of the flight we browsed youtube together.