The Solo Trip


Well-Known Member
I have always wanted to take a solo trip. Just the idea of getting to go alone, at my pace, on my plans seems so nice. And now, due to great college school schedules, scholarships, and my first real job, I could afford this solo trip. :D

But, I have a lot of questions:
  1. Is it worth going alone at 18?
  2. Is four days long enough for a solo trip?
  3. What are the downsides to going alone?
  4. Will I have as much fun by myself?
And then other small self doubts which I am sure are one of those "only you will know" types. I guess I would just like a rundown of the pros & cons of a solo trip. I am really considering doing this, I just need to be reassured.


In the Parks
I took a sort-of-Solo trip my first time. My travel companion was sick for most of our 9 day trip so I did A LOT alone. The weirdest thing was having dinner alone. It was weird but I felt really powerful and afterwords, confident. Im actually pondering going solo soon. I will be doing a solo DLR trip in December. IT was nice to not have to talk if I didnt want to, to go on any ride I wanted too, stop and dilly dally in windows with no pressure. Treat yourself and enjoy!
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Well-Known Member
My solo trip was 3 days long and very fun.
I think if you are alone 4 days will be plenty of time, because I personally felt that I got things done much faster when I was alone. I got through everything I wanted to see in the 3 parks I visited and still had time to spare at the end of each day to kind of stroll around and see things I normally wouldn't. It makes it easier when there is not someone else there that you have to try to decide what to do together or where to go.

I guess I would say that in the middle of the third day I did feel a little lonely but I was not completely solo. I went with my BF who had a business trip in Orlando. So the only part of the trip I was alone for was when I went to the parks each day. At the end of the day I went back to the hotel and joined him for late dinner or drinks and then sleep.

The only thing I felt a little uncomfortable about was going to eat at a nice sit down dinner alone. Luckily I chose Marrakesh and there was barely anyone in the restaurant so I didn't feel that out of place really. But you can always avoid that by eating at counter service if that is something that might bother you as well.

I am going next October with 3 other people from my family, and while I can't wait for that, I am not looking forward to all the confusion of deciding where and when we should go to rides, restaurants, etc. That is the bonus of being alone.

Hopefully there will be another business trip in the near future so that I can go solo again, thinking back on it I really loved it. And there is even more stuff I would like to do that I know my family might not be as interested in.
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New Member
No Worries

I am going solo next month and had some reservations. After weighing them I went for it! One was it was a bad year for me needed some magic. Two was cost but am going on the cheap so that worked out. Three the "am i going to be lonely" factor, but I am pretty outgoing so I can strike up a conversation with anyone if I feel that way. Plus will try to do some good talk pictures for people and the such. It will be different but you only live once and when the magic calls sometimes you have to respond. If have any more reservations please feel free to PM me.
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Well-Known Member
  1. Is it worth going alone at 18?
  2. Is four days long enough for a solo trip?
  3. What are the downsides to going alone?
  4. Will I have as much fun by myself?
1. I'm not THAT much older than you, and I am myself celebrating both my birthday and graduation on my upcoming solo trip. Is it worth it? That's for you to decide, but you only live once!

2. I will be there 6 nights with 5 full parks days. This was a question for me too, so I decided one park per day plus a do-what-I-want-even-if-it-means-laying-on-a-hammock-all-day kind of day. Four days should be just fine.

3. The only downside for me will be dining alone. I just made my ADRs today and the castmember sounded a little surprised when I booked for a "party of one". :ROFLOL: I'm planning to bring a little notebook to jot down my experiences and perhaps a book with me, just in case. Personally, I need to get away by myself for a while, so this trip is some really needed "me time."

4. Will you have fun by yourself? You will have fun if you choose to have fun. I'm going solo with a totally open mind, and hope to meet new people and chat my around the World :)
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Well-Known Member
I went to Disneyland by myself in June. It was AMAZING. I absolutely loved being able to do what I wanted when I wanted, as many times as I wanted (I went on Pirates 3 times in a row, then a couple more times later :lol:) You can also use the single rider lines without feeling guilty for splitting up your party. Also, I have a bad knee and Disney trips really aggravate it. It was nice to be able to just sit and relax with a root beer float to people watch without worrying about slowing other people down.

I plan on doing a WDW solo trip next year, and I am really looking forward to it.
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Well-Known Member

IMO, the first thing you have to know is if you are someone who is comfortable doing things on your own. If you are, then you'll have a great time.

I went on a week long solo adventure last December. Did the things I wanted to do and at the pace I wanted. Admittedly, it felt a bit odd sitting in some of the ride vehicles solo -- a hunny pot for instance, but it was also a perfect time to talk to new people. (Met a wonderful gentleman from Ireland while riding Expedition Everest and a great couple from Louisiana on Kilamanjaro Safari.)

As for dining solo, the better restaurants will treat you very well. (Citricos, California Grill and Raglan Road were excellent experiences for me.) Others sometimes get confused and either pay too much attention or ignore you.:shrug: It's also not unheard of to take along a book to occupy your time -- if people watching and the atmosphere aren't enough, that is.

And, of course, it's the perfect time to see a few shows or exhibits or tours that may not have been on previous trips' agendas. The Segway tour in Epcot is a great time!

Age shouldn't matter -- especially at any place Disney -- I'm just sorry I waited 40+ years to take my first solo trip. But, in a few days I'll be taking my second one, this time to Disneyland.

Good luck and have a great time!!:sohappy:
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New Member
If you planned it and thought about it, go ahead and take your solo trip! For whatever reason your going by yourself, enjoy!! I did a solo trip about 4 years ago for a week. It was really enjoyable... I stayed at CBR and really enjoyed hanging out at the resort. My reason for going solo was I needed to destress after a stressful year at work. :zipit: It makes sense going solo especially at WDW because you can definitely be a big kid on your own terms, and what other place would allow you to do that than WDW with all the magic of childhood around. :ROFLOL:You only do this life once so might as well experience in alot of different ways. Have fun! :sohappy:
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Well-Known Member
I would love to take a solo trip to the world. My mom used to do it every year for 3 nights, 4 days, during Super Soap Weekend...and she loved it.

Everytime I go, I always take some time to myself and visit the parks alone. I preferably love going to the MK by myself, during the evening. I think its so relaxing to just go on what I want to go on, go at my own pace, not having to wait for anyone, not having to decide what to do. Last year my step-sis wanted to just sit in the room and watch tv every night...I did not pay that kind of money to sit in the hotel room all week, I would have booked my room at the Poly for all that I went and did my own thing and it was GREAT!
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New Member
I would not go to the WDW parks alone.
It would seem so lonesome.

Just MHO.

I have travelled to many places by myself, mainly on business.
Even spent a couple of weeks in Europe and elsewhere once.

One time I was in Orlando for a trade show at the Orlando Convention Center.
I did not go to the WDW parks, though.
Just to Downtown Disney for about an hour.

Now- if I lived in Orlando and could just run over to the parks any day, like some people on this web site, then that would be different.

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New Member
I would totally do a solo trip if the chance arised! (Thought now I'm married... so no solo-stuff for me...) I admire you a lot for going ahead with it! You'll have a great time - I can't wait to read about it in a TR!
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Original Poster
IMO, the first thing you have to know is if you are someone who is comfortable doing things on your own. If you are, then you'll have a great time.

That was my first worry, but I thought of all the things that I do on my own already (shopping, out to eat, movies, and the like) and I just thought of four days of that. It wasn't such a big deal after I realized my independence.

And the rest of you. THANK YOU SO MUCH!:sohappy: I am going to talk to my parents about it tonight and really decide in the next few days. The only really nice place I want to eat is LeCellier, just because it's a classic. And I want to eat at The Plaza. Everything else I can eat on the fly. I don't eat a whole lot anyway. I really just feel like this trip would be good for me in gaining some independence. Paying my way, planning it all out, and actually doing it myself...just WOW! It sounds so cool. LOL!

And keep the suggestions coming! I would love to hear from those of you who have done The World solo and have some tips. :)
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Well-Known Member
DisneyChik17: If you decide to go solo, when would you go? I'm going during my last university break, so if our dates coincide, we can dine at Le Cell together! :)
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
DisneyChik17: If you decide to go solo, when would you go? I'm going during my last university break, so if our dates coincide, we can dine at Le Cell together! :)

After December 14. I think I was looking at checking in on the 16 (a MVMCP night :sohappy:) and out on the 19.

I just really want to see all the Christmas stuff and we have had to cancel two Christmas vacations, so the stars are not aligning for the three of us. :mad:
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New Member
I went solo for ESPN THE WEEKEND and i was there for 7 days,i loved it-i could get up and go when i wanted,come back anytime from the parks and eat when and where i wanted.Trusst me you will have a great time by yourself no worries 'bout nothing just yourself,have a great time.:wave:
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Active Member
Solo trips are great - I love going with family and friends, but there is something terribly liberating about doing what you want - when you want. I have done day trips alone (I have friends in Orlando, so I generally do stuff with them in the evening) and while in the parks, it is great to move at your own pace. I will admit to having my cell phone at the ready to call my Mom or brother when a sentimental moment hits me.

If you feel uncomfortable dining alone, I find that having some kind of reading material helps to ease the silence. You will also find that your waiters will pay extra attention to you.

Go on your solo trip and enjoy your independence!
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