The Sole Imagineer Season 2: Redemption Island


Well-Known Member

Near the end of the competition, you caught Tiki-itis and went behind my back and orchestrated my blindside elimination. I want to know, in full honesty and excruciating detail, how all of this went down, who started it, everything. And I want to know why you would consider me a bigger challenge to you than tiki, when I have continuously this season had subpar projects and had less free time to get things done.
Ok, I want to address this now. I never caught Tiki-itis, I felt bad for Tiki after he got Ratatouille. I also figured if I saved him, he would bring me to the end. Of course, that never happened, instead he was campaigning against me all week. The only reason you went, is because you were the only person left, as we needed DSquared, as he was outside of our alliance. At this point, if I could go back and not flip, I would. Of course, that wouldn't matter anyway, as IDI flipped as well, and I was completely unaware of that.

Also, just so everyone knows, I was James Bond during the episode after the merge. I was going undercover in the Anti-Space Rebel Alliance, where I went undercover again to the Down With Tiki.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I want to address this now. I never caught Tiki-itis, I felt bad for Tiki after he got Ratatouille. I also figured if I saved him, he would bring me to the end. Of course, that never happened, instead he was campaigning against me all week. The only reason you went, is because you were the only person left, as we needed DSquared, as he was outside of our alliance. At this point, if I could go back and not flip, I would. Of course, that wouldn't matter anyway, as IDI flipped as well, and I was completely unaware of that.

Also, just so everyone knows, I was James Bond during the episode after the merge. I was going undercover in the Anti-Space Rebel Alliance, where I went undercover again to the Down With Tiki.
i thought you were acting a little shady


Well-Known Member
I'm going to do text based responses to all the questions in addition to the video, but just wanted to make a blanket statement dispelling this myth that I backstabbed half the jury. Let's actually break down the jury individually...

Tcool-As far as I can remember I've had zero conversations with you on a strategic level and I've publicly called you out as a threat on the podcast which meant I would assume you wouldn't want to work with me anyways. Definitely don't consider you leaving to be any sort of personal slight on my part.

Puff-I was COMPLETELY out of the loop with your boot. It was a double elimination and I honestly don't remember if I voted for you or Tcool that round, but even if I had voted for you my same argument stands that I had no personal connection or commitment to you that would allow me to backstab you with I wanted do.

Space-This was a backstab. I'll give that to you guys 1,000 percent ;)

Red-I'll cop up to half a point in the backstab department. As I've mentioned I never wrote Red's name down and actively tried to mend fences with her after the Space blindside...but I take full responsibility for dismantling the Attractions alliance and going behind her back to do so.

Matt-Same basic scenario as Puff and Tcool. We briefly spoke one time and you told me you were voting along the lines of who had the best projects. I never approached you for an alliance because throughout the game I assumed you were working against me, and by that definition there's no way I actively backstabbed you when you were voted out.

DSquared-I was more loyal to you than anyone else in the damn cast. I'll even admit to going behind IDI's back several times with the notion of getting him out before the finals which I'm glad never panned out because I'm proud to at least say the Know-It-Alls finally set out to achieve what we initially wanted to the first time around. The only time I voted for DSquared was when it was me vs. him and I knew without a shadow of a doubt he was going after me. I don't consider that a backstab in the slightest, and DSquared has always had my utmost respect as a player.

So I get that ya'll are PO'd, and I get that I'm not doing a good job of defending myself right now with that pity party video, but can we at least call a spade spade and say I backstabbed a third of the jury to get here, and not half? At least give me that much :p ;)


Well-Known Member

- Were you ever truly threatened by me? On any level, answer truly.
- Now I remember two things from the Fallen Comrades podcast of yours. Other than the fact you were drunk, and space had very interesting detailed notes. Had I turned in a project that round, would you still have gone with space to vote me of that round?

I think you've been a very underestimated powerhouse of a competitor in all the time I've been on this board dating back to TSI1. So yea, the answer to your question is I was DEFINITELY threatened by you. Having said that I think we've reached a point where people know what you're capable. In a weird round about way that makes you a bit less threatening as a competitor in this type of game going forward. You've definitely proven yourself in a major way over the past year and the whole community knows it! :)

The double elimination was a bit of a blur since I was so out of the loop, but going into the merge you were definitely on my radar as someone who could go deep if not dealt with, so I'd wager to say given everything that was going down and how the numbers played out you likely would have been booted regardless had you not won immunity. Double eliminations are tricky to get out of if you're at all in the cross hairs. It's why I played the idol that round even though I ended up getting no votes.


Well-Known Member

I'm gonna play bad cop for fun, so let's get something straight old pal. I formed the AntiSpace Rebel Alliance, went undercover as a member of the Merging Quartet to recruit you, Flounder, and Matt, and also took those two and went to spy on Space to get him to split his alliance's votes to get him out. So, how big was your role in getting him out actually? And what did you do to do that?

First of all, I'm even more impressed with your strategy then I already was. It seems post merge you were very effective in playing all the sides and the reveal of the merging quarter is a genuine surprise on my end.

To answer your question of what I had to do...It was the messy business of actually taken the brunt end of having to dismantle the Attractions...something that's obviously hurting my game straight through to tribal council. Did that make it a bad move? Maybe in retrospect. I'll get more into it later.

Suffice to say, I knew I'd be severing a lot of trust with people to get Space out of the game. I'm not mad at any of you, but I am very sad that you're taking what I did so personally. Survivor is a game that requires big moves. I play this game equally to put my Imagineering to the chops and to put my Survivor knowledge to the test. If so many people have problems with my gameplay style, I have no problem laying down my torch as a player going forward and helping RMichael behind the scenes for season three. More on that later as well.

Other people definitely wanted Space out at that point. I took the brunt force of the blame for the move overall. If what you're saying is true, maybe people shouldn't be coming at me with such hostility considering I had so little of an active role to play in the move apparently, and yet people constantly point to me as the big backstabber in the situation.


Well-Known Member

Why do you feel that your cut-throat approach deserves recognition and why do you believe that this is the most effective strategy to win The Sole Imagineer. In addition, you were one of the key players behind @spacemt354 's blindside. Do you believe that had you not blindsided space, you would have been able to defeat him in the finale? What was your reasoning behind taking him out?

I believe Space would have had a lot of friends on the jury if I sat next to him at the end. I also believe he would have had a hell of a strong resume both in strategic moves and awesome projects. As I've already stated, I was far from the only person who viewed Space as an end game threat. But yea, given the dynamics of the season I think pretty much the only person with a shot at beating Space at the end would have been DSquared.

Now I've already gone into detail on why my gameplay wasn't as cut throat as people are letting on. Backstabbing Space and Red by association does not equate to backstabbing as many are saying... "over half the jury..."

Having said that, I think I have to have some personal blame put into my behavior on the Tribal Council podcast over the season for the way people ultimately perceive me right now. It's a very tough balancing act when you're talking about the game on a podcast and actively playing in it...That's pretty much the base premise of the podcast in the first place...My discussions there essentially equate to having to talk around Probst, both in my responses and the responses of anyone we've had on. It definitely adds another element to how people perceive me.

I'll fully admit to having some drunken good times on the podcast this year, but I won't be doing that again next season as I realize how utterly unprofessional it is on a Disney community that's meant for the whole family.

And with that PSA out of the way, the only other thing I can say to you is that I consider myself more of a free agent within the cast this season than a true backstabber. I've already laid out how my true loyalties were to Space/Red up until the merge and Space becoming a contender, and then IDI and DSquared equally after that. Everyone else was white noise in my opinion.

I knew that I was a huge threat going in and that my interactions and strategizing would have to be kept to a limited number of people. I'll get into how many people actually approached me for an alliance and why in Matt's question, but suffice to say IDI and DSquared were the two people I was truly loyal to and playing that balancing act between two players that actively wanted the other out at different points is still something I can point to as a reason why I'm sitting where I am.
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Well-Known Member
In all honesty, I don't really have too many questions.. I'll mostly base my judgement on your performance during challenges.

However, I do have one question for two of you..

From the sounds of your strategy, you mostly just seemed to tag along with stronger players and use them as shields..

So, I want you to look really hard and come up with some strategical descisions that you have made on your own.

I think you played a brilliant game this year among personal conflicts and time.

However, I would actually like to know how my elimination went down, purely out of curiosity. Were there any talks about it? Were you involved in any of it?
So, your question was asked a lot by everyone. I never used anyone as a shield, except for maybe the first week of the merge. As far as your actual question though, although Ref came up with the plan to trick everyone into think Tiki was out, I'm the one who decided to pull IDI into the second Down with Tiki alliance. I did this by telling him to vote for Tiki, so we knew we could trust him, and seeming helpless (which I wasn't)

Well since @IAmNotAHufflepuff I guess it's my turn now!

So it's time for me to ask some very brief questions, and I really thought I could go deep into this, but I guess I can't since I never really talked to any of you except for IDI in this competition.

Tiki - Now I am a rather nice guy. And I don't have that many questions for you I guess. However there are some things I am quite curious about.
- Were you ever truly threatened by me? On any level, answer truly.
- Now I remember two things from the Fallen Comrades podcast of yours. Other than the fact you were drunk, and space had very interesting detailed notes. Had I turned in a project that round, would you still have gone with space to vote me of that round?
- And I'm out of questions...

Flippin' Flounder - You remind me of me last year. I big in backstabbing like a certain other finalist. Nor was I the best. So my question to you is :
- How are you doing? Do you see yourself next year as a finalist?

IDI - Damn it I had a bunch of question for you, and your first paragraph was about me being your trusted ally.
- However I still have doubt even though you say you were allied with me. I'm not 100% sure since all this IDI talk in other's prior posts. Where you truly my ally all the way? Or just like tiki last season your trusted player, were you going to backstab me?
I could be a finalist next year, but you never know in a game like this. As you know, all it takes is a few people who don't want you anymore, and your gone.


Well-Known Member
My jury questions:

And here's them in text form, but I explain my reasoning in the video, so watch that too.

@TheOriginalTiki - I'm gonna play bad cop for fun, so let's get something straight old pal. I formed the AntiSpace Rebel Alliance, went undercover as a member of the Merging Quartet to recruit you, Flounder, and Matt, and also took those two and went to spy on Space to get him to split his alliance's votes to get him out. So, how big was your role in getting him out actually? And what did you do to do that?

@Flippin'Flounder - See! I told you underdog isn't a bad thing. But you've basically just bee acting large in the clutch. So, how much of your success do you owe to pure luck, since many of us left you in just to get out bigger threats? And why should your approach of basically using people in your alliance to get targets on them not make you look stratigcally weak?

@IDInstitute - Ah! The second timer! Let's face it, you got to the finals last season just by backstabbing, and did the same this time by aiding in the break up of the merging quartet and sometimes targeting Tiki, who some of your own allies were teamed with. Since you tend to sometimes play dirty, why should a dirty player deserve to win not only once, but twice?

I wouldn't call it luck when I managed to have such a strong relationship with Red that she used her Idol on me. I certainly wasn't lucky when my biggest ally Space got voted out. Other than that, the big threats are sitting next to me.

spacemt354's Jury Comments and Questions

First off, congrats to the three of you! It's been a long journey since January 3rd...and to get to this point not only takes a lot of creativity, strategy, etc...but it also takes a lot of endurance.

I have two sets of questions - one is a group question, and then one is an individual question!

Group Question
Since post-merge, all three of you have done a variety of individual projects. If you had the opportunity, which one of your projects would you go back and "plus" so to speak? Not for any sort of immunity...but just...what project would you as an imagineer like to have done better?

And now that that softball question is out of the way...let's get to the point of this jury and "rip" you apart:hilarious:

The Individual Questions:

Up first @TheOriginalTiki

Wow! That's a first:rolleyes: Sadly...since I already read through this opening statement I know that isn't true.

Partially true. It actually all started when you'd PM me to talk about some things going on in your life. While obviously, even a "bitter" jury member isn't not going to talk about that stuff, suffice to say I felt sympathy for you and I also told you some things in my life that weren't so great. I havent had a great last few months and you knew that, and thankfully as of late it's turned around.

So my alliance was out of care...and was mutual, not one-sided.

Which I told you about...sorry Sam:p

Woah...hang on...more lies?

On the Fallen Comrades Podcast you said it was Red who started the attractions?

I'll leave that to Red though...because she's not too pleased with you...looks like you're caught in another lie;)

I'm a people person. People know I'm not an incessant liar like you when it comes to these games. I can't help it if people want to come to me for an alliance..and based on your own Survivor advice...I say yes right? o_O

This is the most bizarre logic.

If I have "alliances" with many other people...and in order to get to the finals...I gotta break those alliances...who the heck is gonna vote for me? :hilarious: Like seriously...your logic makes zero sense.

I'm humored that you keep calling it a blindside...because last time I looked up's when a person doesn't see something coming...

I saw it coming that morning. And I called you out on it...which you replied with your "oh space I'm offended you don't trust me" nonsense...which did tick me off because of why I made the alliance with you in the first place. See above. The fact that you just cast all that aside for a silly game, when you knew I had exams coming up, and you knew I was trying to save you the whole game, is just pathetic.

And frankly...I burnt myself out, and part of the reason why I left was not only because of school, but because I think you have a warped view of strategy comps that makes them stressful and at sometimes hurtful for people involved. And not only that...but whenever you get close to being voted out, you get all melodramatic, which is completely hypocritical for how cut-throat you play this game.

You think you're on actual Survivor and never have to see anyone again but in reality after the game is over we all are back in the same community where we should be working together and having fun. I've said a million times, I don't care about getting voted out. I care about how you handled it because it was immature, and I shouldn't be surprised because you have a track record of this dating back to prior comps so in reality...I'm the idiot for putting faith in you.

Well written? If this jury speech is any indication, I don't buy it. Because this thing is riddled with spelling errors.

My individual question is this:

Similar to the group question, if you had the opportunity to redo one strategic element in the game, would you? And don't say voting out me because that's nonsense.

You have a better shot at getting my vote if you actually....tell the truth. No matter what the answer is.

You're the underdog...and I always root for the underdog. Especially if the underdog is someone who I see creative potential in. (as stated in The Choice quote which you found yesterday;))

However, I am hesitant to vote for you because imagineering should have a major factor in who wins. Even you admitted the other day, aside from winning the last round, you were near the bottom nearly every individual challenge. However, you won when it mattered most, and I give you credit for that. need to convince me it wasn't a fluke to get my vote:cautious:

My individual question is this:

You just won your first individual challenge, going forward in imagineering competition, what changes will you or have you already made to ensure that you are on an upward trend and we can expect more high finishes from you going forward?

Lastly, @IDInstitute

Second time in the finals...either you're a mastermind...or we are all just idiots. :p

I think it's a combination of both. You're approachable and kind, but have a feverish Survivor knowledge that a lot of us don't (a dangerous combination)

One thing in your Opening Statement that I kinda don't agree with though was that you always gave 100% effort in the challenges. Several times (either in private PMs or publically in the discussion thread) you'd make it known that it was close to the deadline and you'd be starting your project.

i give you a pass for when you were in Disney (however even the host RM had commented in one of the reviews on the lack of challenge if the host noticed a trend...something's gotta give;)

Though you knew when to turn on your creative skills...which are abound:)...and won challenges when you needed to.

My individual question is this:

Was there any strategy to the projects where you were publically saying you were starting close to the deadline? Were you trying to make yourself look like less of a challenge threat? I'm just curious because last year despite vacations and I'm assuming work, you were always tenacious about the projects, so I'm honestly just asking if there was any sort of change in strategy to go along with what you said to be a more relaxed approach this season.

Congrats again to the finalists and thank you for your time - and no I'm not going to ask anyone to take out their teeth:p;)
I think I'd like to work on the final challenge again. I need to finish Horizons, and I think Journey to the Imagination could be better. I also think a little more explanation nowhere everything is going could help as well.

I'm going to start using weekends to my advantage. A lot of the times I would tell my self that I'd have all week, and then end up having no time during the week to actually do :p Procrastinating is not good.

Episode 12 - The Final Imagineer's Council
RMichael21's Juror Speech

Hello finalists, and thank you for being some of the best competitors on this season of The Sole Imagineer. Now, I know my questions will be kind of pointless in the aspect of me gaining knowledge, because I pretty much know everything :p), but I'll ask questions that should enlighten the rest of the jury into a making a decision.

@Flippin'Flounder, I'll start with you.
Throughout the season, you could be seen being a part of alliances with other heavy hitters in the game. From my understanding, it seems you followed the leader to lay low under the radar. Were there any big strategic moves in the game that you believe you deserve credit for and would help you improve your jury plea? In addition, you consistently ranked low in Immunity challenges, but pulled a big win during the final immunity challenge. Do you believe that you could have placed higher in other challenges had you put in the same amount of effort that you did in the final immunity challenge? If so, what changes would you make to improve your performances in the challenges? Finally, would you change anything that you have done to get to this point, or do you stand by all of your creative and strategic decisions?

@IDInstitute, your next!

As last season's winner, I'm going to be frankly honest with you. The elephant in the room is that it's not the best situation to have the same person win the only seasons of a competition twice. I'd say that this is really the only thing going against you at this point. So, my questions... What do you consider to be your best moves, both creatively and strategically? In addition, how did you shed your past stigmas from the original season of The Sole Imagineer to once again make it to the finale? How did you manipulate/control others to keep you around long enough, and even put you in a position of power. I ask because I honestly thought that you would be one of the first to go, due to you winning last year.

@TheOriginalTiki , it's your turn.

Now, I'd say you're the person the jury is the most bitter to, and I can see why. Your cut-throat approach has led you deep into the game but sometimes it's that same approach that gets you blindsided or prevents you from receiving jury votes. Why do you feel that your cut-throat approach deserves recognition and why do you believe that this is the most effective strategy to win The Sole Imagineer. In addition, you were one of the key players behind @spacemt354 's blindside. Do you believe that had you not blindsided space, you would have been able to defeat him in the finale? What was your reasoning behind taking him out?

And that's it! Thanks to everyone for a fantastic season!
I would either save Matt or save DSquared (3). Tiki shouldn't be here...


Well-Known Member
So, your question was asked a lot by everyone. I never used anyone as a shield, except for maybe the first week of the merge. As far as your actual question though, although Ref came up with the plan to trick everyone into think Tiki was out, I'm the one who decided to pull IDI into the second Down with Tiki alliance. I did this by telling him to vote for Tiki, so we knew we could trust him, and seeming helpless (which I wasn't)
Well, just to give my input on this, I was actually talking to Red all week prior to you telling me about voting Tiki ;) :P

I say we vote out Tiki, a majority of people are.... I know that much.... :bookworm: That was a plan from the vote out... got some other people angry. o_O

Plus, that'd be a crazy Redemption Duel :hilarious:

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