The Sole Imagineer Season 2: Redemption Island


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Original Poster
Episode 12
The End Has Arrived...

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the final episode of The Sole Imagineer Season 2: Redemption Island!

This episode will consist of:
-Final Imagineer's Council

Our three finalists, @IDInstitute, @TheOriginalTiki and @Flippin'Flounder have reached the end of the game. They have beaten 13 others in their way to this point. Let's take a look back at their vastly different journeys...

@IDInstitute was last year's Sole Imagineer. In order to defend his title, he came in guns blazing. He backstabbed when he had to, but also made loyal bonds that have brought him to this point.

@TheOriginalTiki, famous for blindside after blindside in last year's season, returned with the ultimate story of redemption. He wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty, but still built the necessary relationships that have saved him from being blindsided for the second time.

@Flippin'Flounder is the only finalist who did not appear in the original season of The Sole Imagineer. This season's underdog, he flew under the radar with many alliance members, but won a crucial immunity when he needed it most.

Therefore, us jurors have a difficult decision to make. The jury consists of (in order of elimination):

and your host @RMichael21

Now, before we move on, I'd like to acknowledge all of the pre-merge castaways that aren't on the jury:
@Brer Panther

and @DisneyPrincess1993

Now, onto the final Imagineer's Council...

Saturday, April 16th - Monday, April 18th: The Finalists Prepare Their Opening Statements
Monday, April 18th: The Finalists Post Their Opening Statements
Monday, April 18th: The Jurors Speak: Questions Are Asked
Monday, April 18th - Wednesday, April 20th: The Finalists Prepare Answers to Questions
Wednesday, April 20th: The Finalists Respond To Jurors' Questions / Closing Statements
Wednesday, April 20th - Thursday, April 21st: The Jurors Vote
Friday, April 22nd: The Sole Imagineer Is Revealed...

Building off of this, @IDInstitute, @TheOriginalTiki and @Flippin'Flounder, please prepare a speech for the jury as to why you deserve the title of The Sole Imagineer. Please include any decisions or strategic events that you believe will help your case, and highlight the projects you believe showcase your talents as an Imagineer. Please put thought into your statement, as every word can and may affect the jury's decision.

Thank You... Imagineers Ready? GO!


Well-Known Member
TheOriginalTiki's Opening Statement

Another season has come and gone, and this time I've actually managed to make the final tribal council. I'm not going to lie...I'm probably the toughest sell to vote for out of the final three. Flippin' has his feel good arc of turning it on when it counts, and I've been hearing from several people throughout these last few rounds how much IDI needs to go or else he wins. Well here we are, at the end of the game. All I have are my words and my logic to explain how we got to this point.

It all started with Space. Much like IDI last year, Space approached me with an alliance pre-game with himself and DP. After Princess dropped out early on, Space and I still remained tight throughout the pre-merge. I also knew I could count on Jokers to reliably bounce strategic ideas off of and know that he'll follow through on them.

Of course not every bond I tried to make worked out. The infamous "Pod" alliance between all the site's podcasters fell apart almost immediately and of the people in the cast I most wanted to work with...turned out to be targeting me.

In the end my relationship to Space carried me through to forge the Attractions Alliance between myself, Space, Red, and IDI. This was the alliance that I genuinely thought would run the game post merge. Meanwhile the fellow Know It Alls in myself and IDI had slowly started to talk to each other and formulate plans...casting aside a cloud of doubt that the other was out to get them. Establishing trust with IDI was key to the post-merge dynamics.

Then we get to the post merge and the wackoo mess that was the IAmNotAHufflepuff boot...A boot that I had practically zero strategic input in. This whole situation made me uncomfortable that I was basically being sidelined and shafted from a lot of the major strategic talks going on between major players in the game.

We all know what happens next. I notice that Space has accquired several people that he's close with outside of the Attractions. While I trusted that Space would stay loyal to our alliance, having that extra social boost in his game was not going to do me any favors if I had to face him in a jury boot.

With all that in my head I pulled off the Space blindside which was easily the most tense and strategically complex thing that went down all season. From the get go I knew getting rid of Space would make it harder for me to reach the end, but easier for me to win the game if I got there.

With that logic in mind, the rest of my game turned into a balancing act between two people who had shown to be loyal to me...but behind closed doors wanted the other out badly...And that's why I think my interactions between IDI and DSquared late in the game were incredibly finessed. At any given point when I was talking to either one of them, I'd be trying to convince them that keeping the other would be good for us as a pair going forward.

It was certainly tricky, especially when DSquared was briefly sent back to RI, but I do feel like that juggling act is a big part of what kept me in the game. DSquared knew I had his back over most other people who wanted him gone, while IDI knew I'd stay loyal to him as a Know-It-All to complete our epic two season story arc.

And that's essentially where we are now. To rietierate I basically jumped from one major alliance in The Attractions to become more of a free agent hopping between IDI and DSquared, which shaped how I played the game and got to the end from a strategic level.

From a creative level, I think my track record speaks for itself. I've won immunitys when I needed them, I won a clutch reward challenge that gave me the power going into the final round, and if I didn't win the challenge, you could bet on me being the runner up (with the exception of the infamous Ratatouille project... :p ) If my strategic moves have rubbed you the wrong way, consider just how devoted I was to making sure I had a quality, detailed, well written assignment typed out each and every week. Some of you fellow college students will know that's NOT easy!

And that's my general pitch. Can't wait to see the others. By all means, be as brutal as possible if your questions. I can take it! :p


Well-Known Member
So, this season has been quite the journey. I'm honored to be here one of last seasons best competitors, as well as the winner @TheOriginalTiki and @IDInstitute!

At the start of the game, I had zero allies. Luckily, the Lassetokis were so good, I didn't have to worry about that. After the swap, I promptly made a final 6 deal with the old Lassetokis, which didn't last, but created bonds with Space and Red that helped greatly later on.

After Sam was booted off, I knew the final 6 deal was dead, so I contacted Space. At this point we were pretty sure the merge was coming, and that it would be a double elimination. DSquared and IDI contacted me, to join a mojority alliance with them, but after the first episode I didn't quite trust DS, so I contacted IDI. After discussing with IDI, we ended up creating a three person alliance between myself, Space, and IDI, which controlled the first vote.

Unfortunately, the next week Space was blindsided, but as far as I know, I pretty much caused that too. My my alliance with Space and IDI caused him to go off the rails when IDI suggested I get voted off. Again, when DSquared (2) got voted off it was me and my alliance pulling the strings. Matt, Red, and I brilliantly kept all Idols off of DSquared by convincing everyone that Tiki was going. Unfortunately, this backfired when there were no Idols anyway, and the 3 Musketeers twist saved Tiki the following week.

In the next vote, I saved my number 1 target and got rid of Matt. The funny thing is, everyone was scared Matt was going to fly under the radar to the end, which is exactly what I did. In the Final Immunity Challenge, everyone was targeting me, but I pulled through and won the challenge.

Now I'm here asking for your vote, because although I might not be the greatest Imagineer, I was the one that was able to have such strong gameplay that Space flipped out and was blindsided to make sure I was safe, and Red played her Idol on me, sending her self home, to keep me in.

See Ya Real Soon


Well-Known Member
The end!

We've finally made it to the end of the comp! It's been a long journey, but a really fun one at that! And, I guess there's some sort of silly ritual where we have to name a winner at the end :p ;) Well, I'd like for you to make it me! :D :p

There are several reasons why I think I deserve the title of The Sole Imagineer. And at the end of the day, it all comes down to two things- imagineering and strategizing.

From a purely imagineering and challenge perspective, I think I have earned votes here.
Firstly, I have the most individual immunity wins out of any contestant left.
While I had some challenges that weren't my strongest due to personal conflicts or lack of time, I always have my 100% effort, and never turned in incomplete projects. In the premerge team portion of the game, I was a very active team member, taking the lead when no one else would step up, constantly contributing ideas even when I was busy, or helping to grow and supporting some of the newer members.
During all of the challenges in both phases of the comp, I really pushed myself to try new things with challenges. I worked hard on improving my art skills, I made some of my personal favorite sites yet, and did lots of new things with presentation from interactive maps to telling stories in a new way.
Even when strategically I didn't need to win, giving less than my all was never an option.
Overall, one of the biggest things I wanted out of this competition was to make it one of the best times in WDWMagic Imagineering history up there with SA2, and with the effort I put into all of the challenges, I feel I have accomplished this.

Strategically, well, I think we all know that's another whole separate ball game :p ;)

From the start of a game I was in a major alliance with tcool. We were each other's number one allies, similar to the know it alls last season, with our goal to get to the final two the second time. While it didn't quite work out because of unfortunate timing with tcool being away and all, it was an integral part of my strategy. Having been the first winner of this comp, I know how crucial it is to have one person who you know you can trust no matter what. When everybody is talking to everybody, sometimes you never quite know who's really on your side. Last season this person of mine was Tiki, and this time it was tcool, and together we did a great job strategizing and controlling the premerge situation setting ourselves up well for later on with great side alliances and plans.

Overall I think this season my strategy shifted more from ruthless blindside after blindside and more with a relaxed style of gameplay. As the original Survivor winner Richard Hatch says, the best strategy one can have is simply to be flexible in your strategy. Don't be afraid to drop a few allies and change plans to go with others if that's what's going to benefit you the most. And with my focus on trying to have s good social game this season, I think I was able to accomplish this as I had connections with many people that were willing to work with me. And because I had lots of connections, a better social game, and was able to make lots of moves without being ousted as such a huge player similar to what happened to Tiki, I actually think my strategic gameplay was more seamless and strong than ever.

Well, that's the gist of IDI this season! I hope I've given you enough information to give you insight into my gameplay and why I think I should win, and if you have any further questions I'll be more than happy to answer them! :)


Well-Known Member
In all honesty, I don't really have too many questions.. I'll mostly base my judgement on your performance during challenges.

However, I do have one question for two of you..

So, this season has been quite the journey. I'm honored to be here one of last seasons best competitors, as well as the winner @TheOriginalTiki and @IDInstitute!

At the start of the game, I had zero allies. Luckily, the Lassetokis were so good, I didn't have to worry about that. After the swap, I promptly made a final 6 deal with the old Lassetokis, which didn't last, but created bonds with Space and Red that helped greatly later on.

After Sam was booted off, I knew the final 6 deal was dead, so I contacted Space. At this point we were pretty sure the merge was coming, and that it would be a double elimination. DSquared and IDI contacted me, to join a mojority alliance with them, but after the first episode I didn't quite trust DS, so I contacted IDI. After discussing with IDI, we ended up creating a three person alliance between myself, Space, and IDI, which controlled the first vote.

Unfortunately, the next week Space was blindsided, but as far as I know, I pretty much caused that too. My my alliance with Space and IDI caused him to go off the rails when IDI suggested I get voted off. Again, when DSquared (2) got voted off it was me and my alliance pulling the strings. Matt, Red, and I brilliantly kept all Idols off of DSquared by convincing everyone that Tiki was going. Unfortunately, this backfired when there were no Idols anyway, and the 3 Musketeers twist saved Tiki the following week.

In the next vote, I saved my number 1 target and got rid of Matt. The funny thing is, everyone was scared Matt was going to fly under the radar to the end, which is exactly what I did. In the Final Immunity Challenge, everyone was targeting me, but I pulled through and won the challenge.

Now I'm here asking for your vote, because although I might not be the greatest Imagineer, I was the one that was able to have such strong gameplay that Space flipped out and was blindsided to make sure I was safe, and Red played her Idol on me, sending her self home, to keep me in.

See Ya Real Soon

From the sounds of your strategy, you mostly just seemed to tag along with stronger players and use them as shields..

So, I want you to look really hard and come up with some strategical descisions that you have made on your own.

The end!

We've finally made it to the end of the comp! It's been a long journey, but a really fun one at that! And, I guess there's some sort of silly ritual where we have to name a winner at the end :p ;) Well, I'd like for you to make it me! :D :p

There are several reasons why I think I deserve the title of The Sole Imagineer. And at the end of the day, it all comes down to two things- imagineering and strategizing.

From a purely imagineering and challenge perspective, I think I have earned votes here.
Firstly, I have the most individual immunity wins out of any contestant left.
While I had some challenges that weren't my strongest due to personal conflicts or lack of time, I always have my 100% effort, and never turned in incomplete projects. In the premerge team portion of the game, I was a very active team member, taking the lead when no one else would step up, constantly contributing ideas even when I was busy, or helping to grow and supporting some of the newer members.
During all of the challenges in both phases of the comp, I really pushed myself to try new things with challenges. I worked hard on improving my art skills, I made some of my personal favorite sites yet, and did lots of new things with presentation from interactive maps to telling stories in a new way.
Even when strategically I didn't need to win, giving less than my all was never an option.
Overall, one of the biggest things I wanted out of this competition was to make it one of the best times in WDWMagic Imagineering history up there with SA2, and with the effort I put into all of the challenges, I feel I have accomplished this.

Strategically, well, I think we all know that's another whole separate ball game :p ;)

From the start of a game I was in a major alliance with tcool. We were each other's number one allies, similar to the know it alls last season, with our goal to get to the final two the second time. While it didn't quite work out because of unfortunate timing with tcool being away and all, it was an integral part of my strategy. Having been the first winner of this comp, I know how crucial it is to have one person who you know you can trust no matter what. When everybody is talking to everybody, sometimes you never quite know who's really on your side. Last season this person of mine was Tiki, and this time it was tcool, and together we did a great job strategizing and controlling the premerge situation setting ourselves up well for later on with great side alliances and plans.

Overall I think this season my strategy shifted more from ruthless blindside after blindside and more with a relaxed style of gameplay. As the original Survivor winner Richard Hatch says, the best strategy one can have is simply to be flexible in your strategy. Don't be afraid to drop a few allies and change plans to go with others if that's what's going to benefit you the most. And with my focus on trying to have s good social game this season, I think I was able to accomplish this as I had connections with many people that were willing to work with me. And because I had lots of connections, a better social game, and was able to make lots of moves without being ousted as such a huge player similar to what happened to Tiki, I actually think my strategic gameplay was more seamless and strong than ever.

Well, that's the gist of IDI this season! I hope I've given you enough information to give you insight into my gameplay and why I think I should win, and if you have any further questions I'll be more than happy to answer them! :)

I think you played a brilliant game this year among personal conflicts and time.

However, I would actually like to know how my elimination went down, purely out of curiosity. Were there any talks about it? Were you involved in any of it?


Well-Known Member
Well since @IAmNotAHufflepuff I guess it's my turn now!

So it's time for me to ask some very brief questions, and I really thought I could go deep into this, but I guess I can't since I never really talked to any of you except for IDI in this competition.

Tiki - Now I am a rather nice guy. And I don't have that many questions for you I guess. However there are some things I am quite curious about.
- Were you ever truly threatened by me? On any level, answer truly.
- Now I remember two things from the Fallen Comrades podcast of yours. Other than the fact you were drunk, and space had very interesting detailed notes. Had I turned in a project that round, would you still have gone with space to vote me of that round?
- And I'm out of questions...

Flippin' Flounder - You remind me of me last year. I big in backstabbing like a certain other finalist. Nor was I the best. So my question to you is :
- How are you doing? Do you see yourself next year as a finalist?

IDI - Damn it I had a bunch of question for you, and your first paragraph was about me being your trusted ally.
- However I still have doubt even though you say you were allied with me. I'm not 100% sure since all this IDI talk in other's prior posts. Where you truly my ally all the way? Or just like tiki last season your trusted player, were you going to backstab me?

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