Trip Report The "same old" crews-less than 48 hours-Disney adventure!!

Hello all & welcome!! I'm excited to be posting another TR so soon!! This was a super short, last minute trip with the main purpose for going being the AP preview of SWGE(even though none of us have ever seen the movies :hilarious:). Here is an excerpt from my last TR just to give you some background on how this trip came to be:

Jul 27, 2019
On Thursday while hard at work I checked my personal email:p(in all fairness some work things come to that email). I see that at 11:02 I got the email invite for the Star Wars Passholder Preview. It was 11:04 so I thought there might be a chance so I tried to register. Stitch ate the page more times than I could count & I kept "waiting in line" forever. Don't worry--I worked while all this was going on:D I wasn't really concerned if I got it or not b/c I haven't as much as seen a Star Wars movie a day in my life. I looked at it as getting it would be an excuse to have to go to Disney;) At one point I saw something on the screen that I hadn't seen before & I got a little excited. Finally, at 12:25 E, J & I were registered for the event!!

I called E and she told me she didn't think they were going to go. I figured I would go by myself for a super short trip so I started looking up flights & room rates. I was ok with going by myself but I wasn't totally thrilled. As the day went on I kept thinking about how disappointed I was that J wouldn't be there. The heck with my sister but I knew I would miss him!! That evening she was at my house & as I was sneaking J Skittles & jelly beans🤫 it took all it had in me to keep my mouth shut. I wanted so bad to plant a bug in his ear about being able to go to SWGE & hoped he would work on his mom. But, I kept quiet b/c I didn't want him to be disappointed about not being able to go.

On our walk yesterday morning I brought it up again. I mentioned what I was seeing for room rates & flight times. She didn't want to spend a lot of money b/c we were just there & we're going again for a week in November. She said that maybe her & I could go for just one night and she would leave J at home. I wasn't going to let that happen! I said that I thought his feelings would be hurt & he was too young to understand why we wouldn't take him. She said it would be easier since we would really be on the move with such a short time frame. We're also limited to what flights we can take with him. She doesn't like taking real early or late flights with him which I get but they are usually the cheaper ones so it would cost even more if he came. We started talking about how many flight points we have & we all had enough for free flights. I told her there is a flight that leaves at 1:00 Tuesday afternoon & one that comes back at 2:00 on Thursday. We would be there less than 48 hours but something is better than nothing. I told her that we could stay at one of the All Stars or AoA to save a few dollars since it would be a short trip & we wouldn't be at the resort that much(even though it about killed me to utter those words!)

Within an hour of getting home from our walk while getting ready for work & having a few phone conversations with her we had everything booked--airfare, hotel & FP's!! We're going to Disney--in 24 days!!😍 There's not even enough time to order Magic Bands--not like we don't have a few spare ones laying around!! We will only have time to go to 3 parks. HS & MK are a given. I told E to let J pick the 3rd & he chose Epcot.

I'm so excited that we're ALL going!!


WHO: I doubt introductions are needed by now :hilarious:

WHEN: Tuesday, August 20th - Thursday, August 22nd

WHERE: That's kind of like answering the "who" part of this:hilarious: I know I mentioned above about staying somewhere a little cheaper but E still wanted to stay at POR(👏:happy:). And so much for saving any $$$--all they had available was Royal Guest Rooms!!

We had a 1:05 flight so I met E & J at their house at 10:30 and we were on our way!! This was the discussion on the way to the airport:
J: (notices I'm wearing my magic band)Aunt Patti, how did you get one? We didn't get them in the mail.
Me: Neither did I, it's one I had at home.
J: Mom, what about us? Did you bring them for us?
E: Yes, J.
J: Mom, did you bring my suitcase?
E: Yes, J.
J: I didn't see you put it in the car.
E: I did it this morning while you were sleeping.
J: Oh, ok. Mom, you forgot to pack Duffy didn't you?
E: (totally irritated at this point) He's in your suitcase J. Maybe you should do your own packing from now on!!

She proceeded to tell me as they were walking out the door he wanted to know where his iPod was so he could take pictures!! She said that she had actually forgot it so she was glad he asked for it before it was too late!!

We arrived at the airport at 10:55. While E went to park the car J & I headed through security.


As we were waiting for the stroller to come down the belt a TSA agent approached us & asked J if he would like this activity book. She said it was left there & she would throw it out if someone wouldn't take it. We thanked her & made our way to the "monorail".

Then directly to the store for his traditional car.

So many choices.....

He decided on a red jeep.

We walked by the macaroon stand & he said he wanted one. I told him I would buy it but he couldn't have it until after he ate his lunch. He said he wanted the brown & yellow one. It said that the flavor was Bailey's Irish Creme. Just wanting to be sure I asked the guy working there multiple times if there was any alcohol in it. He didn't speak very good English so we had a hard time communicating. Finally he understood what I was asking & assured me there wasn't.


Premium Member
At least you got an email from Southwest ... earlier today I went to look up a detail of our Christmas trip to my sister’s, only to see on the website a huge red warning sign our connecting flight time in Paris has changed and we might not make our connection! Already the connection time that I thought I had made me nervous, but to have an hour less makes me even more nervous about missing it. 😕. I’m hoping they will agree to change our first flight to the evening before, and then we’ll stay at one of the airport hotels and not have to worry about the connection time (and not getting to the airport at 5:30 am 😀)


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The same girl who was nervous about going on EE b/c she might miss the TE decided to stop here & get something to eat. I don't know how to explain my logic but for some reason I felt better that I was at the front of the park. I know, doesn't make much sense.....


I couldn't believe I was actually setting foot in this place. The last time I had been at this location had been 4 years ago & due to them "losing" our reservation among other things I swore I would never go back there again.

I guess I was that hungry....

.....or thirsty(BTW-those potato chips on there were just plain gross).

I had the whole bar to myself. Of course, it was only 9:10 in the morning!!

I got the Breakfast Sliders. They were good but messy. The egg was falling everywhere. The potatoes were amazing!!

I think I was in & out of Rainforest Cafe in 15 minutes! I headed to the bus stop where, not surprisingly, I was the only one waiting for a bus.

Once the driver let everyone off the bus she asked me if I was going to French Quarter or Riverside. I told her Riverside & she asked me if I was fine with being dropped off at the South Depot. I told her it didn't matter to me where she dropped me off at. She was going out of service & I kind of got the impression that she should have after she dropped all the people off. I felt like she had done me a favor & I appreciated it so I didn't care where she dropped me off at.


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Thumbs up dude! Hope he has the best day!
Him & that pose!! He does that more often than not anymore!! Thanks!!
At least you got an email from Southwest ... earlier today I went to look up a detail of our Christmas trip to my sister’s, only to see on the website a huge red warning sign our connecting flight time in Paris has changed and we might not make our connection! Already the connection time that I thought I had made me nervous, but to have an hour less makes me even more nervous about missing it. 😕. I’m hoping they will agree to change our first flight to the evening before, and then we’ll stay at one of the airport hotels and not have to worry about the connection time (and not getting to the airport at 5:30 am 😀)
Unbelievable!! I can't believe they wouldn't notify you!! I hope it all works out 🤞


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I got off the bus at the South Depot & headed back to my room to get my suitcase. I did my traditional farewell walk around Riverside.
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I was so sad to be leaving but thankful for my time there.
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Had to see the must-do's one last time!!
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And this, of course....
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One last look at the room....
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Look at how neat you are.. only wrinkling one bed so the mousekeeping doesn't have to do as much work =D


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After I took my suitcase to the airline check in I met up with E & J in the arcade.

Too soon the dreaded moment was upon us.

We were the last stop & there weren't many seats left together. J was excited b/c he found the very last row has 3 seats in it & it was empty!!

I sent this picture to R. He had texted me & asked if we were on the Tragical yet.


We usually don't go further than the Earport store. With it being closed we walked down to the other Disney store. J kept asking if we were in a different airport!! I guess we really threw him for a loop!!


Upon going back to "the airport" that J is familiar with another curve ball came his way. "Where's Mickey?", he asked. I guess in the excitement of us going there the other day he never noticed that he wasn't there. I told him to pretend that the sign was Mickey & to go stand next to it & I would take his picture.

We purposely got on the wrong "monorail" to see if we found any better food options. Sadly, we did not. We did get our Starbucks though!! Another family got off also & went to the other "monorail" with us. The mom said, "Oh, you did the same thing we did. You got on the wrong one." I assured her that we purposely went there to explore other food options. She didn't seem convinced.

Don't worry--J's caramel macchiato is decaf!!


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Look at how neat you are.. only wrinkling one bed so the mousekeeping doesn't have to do as much work =D
I am a neat/clean freak that's for sure!!
And yet I am flying the same airline down to WDW just after Christmas - and we received an email in June about a flight time change ...
No doesn't make sense....


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I really have no clue why but all of a sudden there was bad blood between J & I. I was pushing the stroller & he said he wanted his mom to push it & not me. We switched but something happened that caused me to start pushing it again. He asked, "Why do you two keep switching places?" Then he told E(trying to say it quietly so I couldn't hear but that kid can't be quiet even when he tries to be)that he did not want to ride anymore with me:jawdrop: E was fuming. She is a great mom & I believe me when I say that she does not allow her kid to be disrespectful in the least. She had a very stern talk with him & immediately J was apologizing to me for being mean. Side Note: On our walk this morning we were talking about one of the kids in our family(can you tell I'm trying to be vague?--even though everyone claims they don't read my TR's you just never know so rather than start WWIII.....)& the way this person treats adults. We both said that our mom and/or dad would have knocked us out if we ever spoke to an adult like that--& just to be clear, I appreciate them for that. Anyhow, I'm sure that's where E gets it from.

Maybe J was in a bad mood, tired or his stomach hurt from all the food that he was consuming that day but as we headed to our next attraction he decided that he didn't want to go on b/c he was afraid of this. He has never not liked or been afraid of this ride. And there's nothing to be afraid of--except maybe Ursula. He wasn't kicking & screaming or anything but was very firm saying that he didn't want to go on. E told him to get over it b/c he didn't have a choice. I had thought about jumping in the clamshell with them but I figured this would not be a good time to joke around with him.

I've got to ask if you know what E told J to get him to back down. C is usually the most caring kid (when we were watching updates on the Hurricane, she asked in all seriousness if she could go to the Bahamas to help people get water out of their houses), but sometimes she strays and is then extremely stubborn. Wanting someone else to push her in the stroller or grocery cart happens a bit, usually just between my wife and I, and getting her to understand why that is rude can be pretty difficult.

Him & that pose!! He does that more often than not anymore!! Thanks!!

Unbelievable!! I can't believe they wouldn't notify you!! I hope it all works out 🤞

Two years ago United moved our flight to Disney from 6:30 am, landing at 9 am, to 12:30 pm, landing at 3 pm and didn't tell us. We only noticed two days before when we went to check in. They claimed they called my number (the flight was under my wife's account and my number was only on the passenger list, not as the contact number so that didn't make sense), but they never did. We eventually got it worked out with them somewhat, but I'm still extremely wary of flying with them again.


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We went back to the same old food court that we always go to. J got buttered noodles from the Italian place-I think it's Villa Pizza.

E & I both got Jersey Mike's Subs.

I was sad that the trip was over but changing my calendar helped a little!!

Southwest is still using AirTran things. Didn't they merge like 5 years ago??

Here we go again....

He must have been perturbed with E & I snickering at him & my picture taking. He looked at me & said "No flash photography". He immediately went back to "reading" the safety instructions. E & I were laughing hysterically!! And hey, at least you know he is paying attention when that is being announced!!

I passed the time by watching one of my favorites!!

There's the guys in their matching hats. I didn't realize until a few days after I took it that I should have told R to take his glasses off. You can barely see his!!

And so ends another TR. A big thanks to everyone for reading, liking & commenting!! That's the real fun in doing these!! I hope you all enjoyed it & will join me again. I'll be back with another one in November. FP day is tomorrow!!

I think it's only appropriate that I close out this TR with this:

Bright Suns ☀☀☀


Well-Known Member
He must have been perturbed with E & I snickering at him & my picture taking. He looked at me & said "No flash photography". He immediately went back to "reading" the safety instructions. E & I were laughing hysterically!! And hey, at least you know he is paying attention when that is being announced!!
That is absolutely hilarious!!!
Loved your trip report and can't wait to read the next!

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