I'll gladly take Spider-Man by itself over literally everything Disney has done with the Marvel property in their parks.
Honestly not sure why anyone would still have enough faith in them at this point to want the rights going to them.
As for more F&F attractions, no thanks. I'm good.
Yeah. It is unreal that the Hong Kong stuff and the Rocknrollercoaster retheme could look like something a regional park would do.
Webslingers is baffling too.
If Minions can change the gun sitaution and fix the lag, it will be good for what it needs to, putting something in a small space that fills the time at a low cost to be replaced within ten years and it has a good accessability and excellent capacity.
We need the next big Universal Studios film or partnership to do something useful to the large building that is Fast and Furious and something creative to replace Fallon. By then Bourne will definitely need replaced.
Fallon, Bourne and Fast, are not exactly going to sell T-shirts and action figures.
T2-3D may have been a bit dated, but ultimately it was awesome enough on its onw accord to be appreciated and understood. Robots, like dinosaurs were never go out of style. Tornados, are always cool and it had no limitations on accessability, and neither did the often breaking but funny Disaster leftovers of Earthquake.
The Simpsons has appeal but it is in rough shape. It sells though. Just not nearly as much as it used to.
Revenge of The Mummy is a great indoor coaster, but the merch is more all classic monsters. At least the ride supports its purpose.
Minions and Potter really holding down the fort for merchandise.