The parks needing a face lift...


New Member
we need no revamp rides dammit!

ok first of all ive been going to disney since i was like 4 twice a year every year with my folks.. and it never really changes. for one I love the idea of the stitch alien encounter, it's becoming really dull the way it is and i love stitch :animwink:

the jungle cruise (arghh) i hate this ride soo much!! theres nothin interesting at all. is it just me or is disney just not trying anymore, I mean cmon they could so utilize that area and make like a jungle book cruise or somthin there and just make some new robots and tell a new story. i mean cant be that hard.

the timekeeper show in tomrrow land is really nice but i cant help but imagine a monsters inc show there, i think id be awesome but not for a while, timekeeper is still relavitley new so theyd gotta w8 till it gets old and stale, but thatd be awesome. plus the scenery of the scare factory would match perfectly with tomorrow land.

thunder railroad is is an atrosity... I have no idea what they can do with this property though. maybe a bears or pocahontas ride, somthing that doesnt have to involve a dramatic change in scenery but can still appeal more than a ride thats over 30 years old lol

haunted mansion and pirates of the carribean should get a totla revamp considering the release of the upcoming movies bearingt he same names, those rides have been unchanged for a long time and are in desperate need for new ghosts/ robots

i think if they fix this stuff up theyd get alot more revenue at magic kingdom.. cmon disney hit us with somthin new!


New Member
--I would say Star Tours needs to be revamped...there is so many more exciting things that you could do with the Star Wars theme other than what it is now. At the time it opened i'm sure it was fresh but now it seems so outdated to me.

--Spaceship Earth...just do something new to it......please...?

--The Great Movie ride should be updated as well, I don't know about barely any one the movies in the ride...I wish it was updated with movies my generation know better...

--Snow Whites scary adventures...hmmmm I just think SOMETHING should be done to it. It is so outdated in my opinion.

--I love Splash Mountain and the ride itself is perfectly fine but they need to fix it so Brer Fox and Brer Bear don't cause commotion every five minutes....


New Member
ok first of all ive been going to disney since i was like 4 twice a year every year with my folks.. and it never really changes. for one I love the idea of the stitch alien encounter, it's becoming really dull the way it is and i love stitch

the jungle cruise (arghh) i hate this ride soo much!! theres nothin interesting at all. is it just me or is disney just not trying anymore, I mean cmon they could so utilize that area and make like a jungle book cruise or somthin there and just make some new robots and tell a new story. i mean cant be that hard.

the timekeeper show in tomrrow land is really nice but i cant help but imagine a monsters inc show there, i think id be awesome but not for a while, timekeeper is still relavitley new so theyd gotta w8 till it gets old and stale, but thatd be awesome. plus the scenery of the scare factory would match perfectly with tomorrow land.

thunder railroad is is an atrosity... I have no idea what they can do with this property though. maybe a bears or pocahontas ride, somthing that doesnt have to involve a dramatic change in scenery but can still appeal more than a ride thats over 30 years old lol

haunted mansion and pirates of the carribean should get a totla revamp considering the release of the upcoming movies bearingt he same names, those rides have been unchanged for a long time and are in desperate need for new ghosts/ robots

i think if they fix this stuff up theyd get alot more revenue at magic kingdom.. cmon disney hit us with somthin new!

Excuse me for what i am about to say, but it is people like this that really make me angry.
Do you have no respect for Disney Imagineering or the entire feeling of 'Disney Magic?!' Why is it that everything has to have some sort of character in it?! Can't an attraction stand alone, telling it's own story? For example, you say that Big Thunder Mountain could be a Pocahontas ride-BTMR stands very well on its own, and has been for the past 32 years. And Jungle Cruise- An original by Walt Disney himself. You need to realize that in Walt's day, Jungle Cruise was the benchmark of great attractions-combining technology, art and imagination into one attraction- and it is still being used as a model today. To think that anyone would want to put Jungle Book or any other fake characters into this classic makes me downright sick. And don't get me started on Haunted Mansion and PotC. Just because new movies are coming out with the same names does not mean that these rides are incompetent of entertaining. Im sure that Walt Disney, if still alive, would have changed anything on these attractions (which by the way are also Disney originals) just because of some poorly made movie of the same name. I think you need to spend more time at WdW until you experience the magic that Walt Disney and Walt Disney Imagineering have been busting their bums to create for the past (wow...half century almost?)!!!! I'm sorry to be so blunt, but i am sure that many other people share my opinions. This is what makes WDW unique, and a model for other theme parks- it's creativity and ingenuity do not need to be supported by characters or movies, they are perfectly capable of being independent...not many other parks can say that! GO DISNEY!!
P.S.- tell me if you agree with my philosiphy!
:brick: :brick: :brick:



My family has always hated the Tomorrowland Autotopia. The lines are ridiculous, it smells and it doesnt' belong there. It' s not a disney themed ride. I know I'll get a lot of flack about this one but I'm tired of Country Bears, Swiss Family Tree house, and there is definite improvement needed on Jungle Cruise, small world and alien encounter. Forget about Epcot, there is so much there that needs refurbishing it's not worth getting into. MGM's Star Wars just needs updating but Indiana Jones is tiresome also. Why can't they put the Indiana Jones ride in like they have in Disneyland? Animal Kingdom just needs a couple of more attractions. Disneyworld itself, is the best and most terrific park system in the world. It's basically the only vacation we ever take because we feel like totally different people when we are down there. If they don't change a thing we would still always go down. I think it's like a drug!!!:sohappy:


Active Member
Millions of new guests vist Walt Disney World every year:D
To them those "tired old" rides and shows are niether tired or old.:cool:

So to those of us who have seen a show or ridden a ride a hundred times and are bored and want it changed, remember there will be smiles of joy on the same ride (or for the same show)from a new guest.:animwink:

To all who come here Welcome:wave:


WDW Fan Since 1973
Take someone to WDW who hasn't been before and visit those attractions you call "tired" and "old". It's amazing to watch and ride these attractions with some "fresh eyes" with you. I think you'll have a better appreciation for them. I live near the ocean and see it every day and tend to take it for granted. It's only when I see someone who doesn't live near the ocean, that I realize how lucky I am to be near it. Maybe those who find some WDW attractions "old and tired" have been lucky enough to visit them too often.


Tired Eyes

I understand what yoursaying because I just took family down with me in December that haven't been there so I know where your coming from. But if they change some of the attractions or update them a little more, why would they feel cheated? They would look on those attractions with fresh eyes andso would everyone like myself would be able to do the same. They wouldn't know what they missed but enjoy what was there now. Remember, there are a lot more returnees then there are brand new people, whether you return with a new child or a new wife, your still returning. Also, when we brought my cousin, they didn't know anything about WOM or The new figment. They just enjoyed them for what they are now. Without so much complaining about what USED TO BE!! Those are the people that are lease affected!


New Member
Re: we need no revamp rides dammit!

Originally posted by chrono_2345
ok first of all ive been going to disney since i was like 4 twice a year every year with my folks.. and it never really changes. for one I love the idea of the stitch alien encounter, it's becoming really dull the way it is and i love stitch :animwink:

the jungle cruise (arghh) i hate this ride soo much!! theres nothin interesting at all. is it just me or is disney just not trying anymore, I mean cmon they could so utilize that area and make like a jungle book cruise or somthin there and just make some new robots and tell a new story. i mean cant be that hard.

the timekeeper show in tomrrow land is really nice but i cant help but imagine a monsters inc show there, i think id be awesome but not for a while, timekeeper is still relavitley new so theyd gotta w8 till it gets old and stale, but thatd be awesome. plus the scenery of the scare factory would match perfectly with tomorrow land.

thunder railroad is is an atrosity... I have no idea what they can do with this property though. maybe a bears or pocahontas ride, somthing that doesnt have to involve a dramatic change in scenery but can still appeal more than a ride thats over 30 years old lol

haunted mansion and pirates of the carribean should get a totla revamp considering the release of the upcoming movies bearingt he same names, those rides have been unchanged for a long time and are in desperate need for new ghosts/ robots

i think if they fix this stuff up theyd get alot more revenue at magic kingdom.. cmon disney hit us with somthin new!

:hurl: :brick: :hurl: :brick: :mad: :hurl:

Sorry but I love all those rides and if they changed them the way you suggested I would probly not go to the MK anymore.
Part of the joy of going to WDW with kids is to show them the attractions that appealed to you when you were their age. However, I can understand the need for updates and some changes. I have a few thoughts:

I think with the ever growing fickleness of the public, it is a mistake to base new (or rehab existing) attractions on current Disney movies or characters. Lilo and Stitch was cute, but do you see it becoming a classic? Four years from now, lots of kids and adults will be wondering who they are.

The Great Movie Ride needs modernized. Most kids have never heard of some of the movies that make up most of the attraction. The gangster schtick is soooo dated.

The stunts of Indiana Jones stunt show are good. How hard would it be to change the sets some, and pick a movie that is not 20+ years old.

Leave the premise of the Jungle Cruise, to preserve it's sentimental value, but update the animals, headhunter's, etc.

Freshen up the Snow White, Winnie the Pooh, and the other rides in Fantasyland, just like they did with It's a Small World (which still annoying, looks great with the recent rehab). I've always thought this area is for the smaller children, and the current rides are suitable for them.

Leave the Haunted Mansion alone. It is timeless, and people still love the ghosts at the end.

Looking at my post, it seems that I am in favor of updating the animatronic characters of some of the "classic rides", and updating the premise of some of the shows based upon movies that people under 20 are totally unfamiliar with.

Just some thoughts, don't rip into me too bad. :lookaroun


A lot of those rides are classics...part of the history of Disney parks. I would seriously reconsider going again if they tore down their heritage to erect something new. Why stop there? The Washington Monument and Lincoln Memorial are getting a bit tired. Let's tear them down and put up a Backstreet Boys statue! Let's do it for the youth of today!:hammer:
Just kidding. Nobody likes them. :lol:

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
Re: we need no revamp rides dammit!

Originally posted by chrono_2345
ok first of all ive been going to disney since i was like 4 twice a year every year with my folks.. and it never really changes. for one I love the idea of the stitch alien encounter, it's becoming really dull the way it is and i love stitch :animwink:

the jungle cruise (arghh) i hate this ride soo much!! theres nothin interesting at all. is it just me or is disney just not trying anymore, I mean cmon they could so utilize that area and make like a jungle book cruise or somthin there and just make some new robots and tell a new story. i mean cant be that hard.

the timekeeper show in tomrrow land is really nice but i cant help but imagine a monsters inc show there, i think id be awesome but not for a while, timekeeper is still relavitley new so theyd gotta w8 till it gets old and stale, but thatd be awesome. plus the scenery of the scare factory would match perfectly with tomorrow land.

thunder railroad is is an atrosity... I have no idea what they can do with this property though. maybe a bears or pocahontas ride, somthing that doesnt have to involve a dramatic change in scenery but can still appeal more than a ride thats over 30 years old lol

haunted mansion and pirates of the carribean should get a totla revamp considering the release of the upcoming movies bearingt he same names, those rides have been unchanged for a long time and are in desperate need for new ghosts/ robots

i think if they fix this stuff up theyd get alot more revenue at magic kingdom.. cmon disney hit us with somthin new!
Whoa, no offense, but you are speaking "fighting words" amongst certain members of the forum by wanting to kill off some all time classic rides. :lol:

IMO, I think that changing HM OR PotC is the LAST thing they should do with new movies coming out! Do you think they should have changed Country Bears too?? (Please say no!) :p

WDW John

Get rid of Junge Cruise

Please. I'm so tired of JC, my wife and I went on it together just 1 time in 1994 and have avoided it ever since. I remember reading (I think in the Imagineering book) that Walt wanted to use real animals in Jungle Cruise but couldn't do it at the time, so they substituted with animatronics. Now that we can go over to AK and see REAL animals I say put something else there. Yeah, I know, they tell corny jokes too, but I don't need to go on a ride in MK to find corny jokes.

I've always wanted to see the Indiana Jones Adventure go in there in JCs place. It certainly would fit the theme of Adventureland and, since it would basically be just a clone, the price would be less than having to develop a whole new ride. I myself have never been on it but have seen other postings where people say they like it more than CTX. Oh, I mean, Dinosaur.

Also, BTMR opened in 1980.



Well-Known Member
Re: Re: we need no revamp rides dammit!

Originally posted by One Lil Spark
Whoa, no offense, but you are speaking "fighting words" amongst certain members of the forum by wanting to kill off some all time classic rides. :lol:

IMO, I think that changing HM OR PotC is the LAST thing they should do with new movies coming out! Do you think they should have changed Country Bears too?? (Please say no!) :p

Thanks for stickin' up for the HM Sparky :)

Ok, hmmm...Alien Encounter...not one of my faves...could use and update...but I don't feel Stitch is the way to go.

Jungle think this is a waste of space?!?!! It's a classic attraction and is one of the few where your ride experiences is based on the quick wit of a CM (granted, most jokes are scripted)

Haunted Mansion is one of, if not the best, attractions ever made...ANYWHERE. You don't see "time and detail" going into attractions anymore like this one (a few excluded).

Pirates??? What would Adventureland be without a redhead???


Account Suspended
Re: Get rid of Junge Cruise

Originally posted by WDW John
Please. I'm so tired of JC, my wife and I went on it together just 1 time in 1994 and have avoided it ever since. I remember reading (I think in the Imagineering book) that Walt wanted to use real animals in Jungle Cruise but couldn't do it at the time, so they substituted with animatronics. Now that we can go over to AK and see REAL animals I say put something else there. Yeah, I know, they tell corny jokes too, but I don't need to go on a ride in MK to find corny jokes.

I've always wanted to see the Indiana Jones Adventure go in there in JCs place. It certainly would fit the theme of Adventureland and, since it would basically be just a clone, the price would be less than having to develop a whole new ride. I myself have never been on it but have seen other postings where people say they like it more than CTX. Oh, I mean, Dinosaur.

Also, BTMR opened in 1980.


I would love to see the Indiana Jones Adventure in WDW! Just not in place of the Jungle Cruise. It would be better suited for MGM.

The Jungle cruise is a classic attraction. Most people would object to it being removed. Especially Disney Diehards.

Do you have a flame proof jacket to wear! :lol:



I know Disney has some classics that nobody wants to see go. Haunted Mansion, Pirates, Small World, etc. But if all parks kept the same rides year after year, Nobody would ever go. I know Disney is different but the same idea holds true for them also. If they had never changed anything (i Know i would still come back) but if they never changed anything don't tell me you wouldn't get bored after awhile. Everytime something new opens we make sure we get down there to see it. From seeing posts about Mission:Space I know a lot of people feel the same way. They HAVE to change!!!! The problem is everyone likes different things and some people will be annoyed and some not so annoyed. Like I tell everyone World of Motion was a favorite of mine but I got over it. Lets just think about it. I know everyone says just add on but that isn't always possible. There are reasons they keep certain amounts of land, etc. Let's keep the core of some attractions but let's give new one's a fair shake. You can't tell me people give the new things fair shakes when it's their favorite attractions. It took me a long while to like Test Track. I still don't like it as much but I will go with the change and everyone else should also!!! Just don't get rid of the core of attractions that everyone loves!


Active Member
I keep going back because it feels like I am going home:D :)

Lately rehab has really ment "tear it down" and replace it with something that makes money or doesn't cost much to operate.:cry:

Hum, the Hunchback show had lots of performers. That costs a lot of money. It ended. Replaced by :eek: dead air.:mad:

The Lion King show at MK. Hum, performers = money. Replaced by, hum dead air.:cry:

Ok, MKT don't yell at me:lol: I know you hate it, but the Tapestry Parade = lots of performers = lots of money. Hum, ending next month.:eek:

So watch what you want rehabed. It might just get rehabed out of existance.:lookaroun :mad:


New Member
in responce to my earlier post

To think that anyone would want to put Jungle Book or any other fake characters into this classic makes me downright sick. And don't get me started on Haunted Mansion and PotC. Just because new movies are coming out with the same names does not mean that these rides are incompetent of entertaining. Im sure that Walt Disney, if still alive, would have changed anything on these attractions (which by the way are also Disney originals) just because of some poorly made movie of the same name.

ok I know i got alot of opinionated comments about my last post but I guess you just dont understnad what i mean.. yes your right that walt disney did create these rides but that doesnt mean they cant be changed around. I mean look at the carosel of progress, its been revamped alot since it first was made and id say its better now than ever. the pirates of the carribean can be changed around by adding new characters adding some new technology, hell anything. as for thunder mountain your right about that one, disney has always been known for making rides without having tio stamp a property on it but honestly u mean to tellme its fine the way it is? i mean theres nothing thrilling or exciting about it. if they dont chnage the property than maybe add some twists and turns to it to make the ride more appealing to older people. as for the haunted mansion, I still feel strongly about changing it. it doesnt have to be changed to be more like the movie property, but at least make it scarier! the haunted mansion doesnt even scare little kids anymore. besides nothing will ever change in disney anyways cause of its cheap c.e.o who too busy shooting out sequals out to care about its parks. at least "destination disney" looks promising...:animwink:


New Member
Originally posted by Sir Hiss527
I say get rid of Star Tours. There really is know point to it. Let's just go fly around Whoop D- Doo. I say get rid of it. Also let's focus on those little cars in Magic Kingdom that go around in a circle. What's so fun about that. Let's just stand in line for an hour, and go around in a circular track. Please get rid of these rides Disney :lol: :drevil:

NO WAY!!!!
:( :mad: :( :mad:

Star Tours should be updated with a few "Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones" details.
On my first trip to WDW in '97, I road those cars with my dad and had fun. It would break my heart if they took those rides away.:(

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