You are missing all of the subtlety of what I'm saying and assuming the absolute worst out of how I'm saying everything. I'm not yelling at you, or saying you're an absolute fool.
I'm simply saying you assumed better out of Universal than Disney, which shows some level of bias in the most standard definition of that word.
Bias - cause to feel or show inclination or prejudice for or against someone or something.
And, again, that's fine. I'm glad you hold Disney to a high standard. I'm not sarcastically saying it's fine and I'm sorry if the all CAPS on fine made you think that, or think I have all this anger towards you or something. I was merely emphasizing the word, because, preferences are preferences. You don't have to be so argumentative about it.
I don't appreciate being patronized or name-called, and that type of debating is uncalled for. You clearly stated a bias, I pointed it out because you can't debate assumptions. It's like debating what I might eat tomorrow. You could know what I ate yesterday, and start debating me. I could start debating you about what I think I want. But, has it happened? Nope, so, it's pointless. I can't debate that Universal won't build the best thing since slice bread, because I don't know. I can point out Disney's recent trend to create more quality products, whether east coast or west. I can point out they're beginning to start producing quality again, and I can only hope that trend will continue.
Something we can't debate: I think Disney will produce awesome stuff for this re-do. You hope they do, but, they haven't proven anything to you to suggest that this is a guarantee. You think Universal is kicking butt, and I think Harry Potter rules but they still have a lot of work to do. These are our opinions, and I'm happy we each have them. We can debate quality in the past, but, not some unknown future where all we have are rumors, tealeaves, and biases of our own.
Now for the sarcasm: Thank you for grabbing all the context from my statements and turning them into snide remarks. /s