The One and Only MJ (Marjorie June, not the other MJ) Thread


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Well, we need more prayer..... for us and our friends.....

I got a call a bit ago, my nephew is in the hospital in CA, My friend who was just diagnosed with stage 5 breast cancer has been told it metastisized to her liver, another friends' dad is in the hospital with Congestive heart failure and my other friend was admitted Wednesday night with what we think is Chron's disease :( or colitis.....

Please if you are the praying kind, pray for my friends, they are so precious to us!
Hey MommytoMJM,
I just stumbled across your thread today when I clicked on Chit-Chat. I noticed we hadn't heard from you in a while but I didn't know why. I just found out today and I have to say it was horrible. I love hearing your storys about MJ and hope you continue to keep us updated. Thank you for having the courage to return to WDWMagic to share your wonderful stories.

I subscribed to your blog for new entries and with this post i'm subscribing to your thread. I hope to be visiting WDW in November and would love to meet yall. Plus hopefully i'll be moving to Florida in January to become a CM and hopefully I can help be a part of the Magic for yall.

Keep the stories coming. My thoughts and prayers are with your entire family and friends.

Again, Welcome Back!

Also, I looked at the pics on your blog and the picture of MJ and Tigger is absolutely adorable. It honestly brought a tear to my eye. Keep the pics coming too.


Well-Known Member
I'm praying for you and your friends. I know this is really a difficult time for you, but I know in my heart that things will get better. Remember you have friends here that care about you, so keep us posted.


New Member
I'm so glad you're back- I love your stories and my prayers are with your family and friends (and you, of course). Hang in there- sunny days ahead!!!



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Original Poster
Hi All, whew this was hard to find, got buried on the fourth page, guess I should try to bookmark it....(hmm, wonder if I can do that)

Anywho....we are here. Praying that this doesn't jinx it, but MJ is scheduled (for the 5th time, I think) to have her Speech evaluation tomorrow at 3 pm. Speech therapy is critical for her, if we can't get communicating better with her, we will eventually reach a stage where we can't get any further with her due to communications issues. We are also oping to hear from a new OT soon (her current one isn't working for a variety of reasons)

Mike is working on settling in, there are bumps in the road like with any roomate situation, but we are trying to work through it.

MJ is having some reactions to her meds so we may have to change some of them, sigh. She will be going in for her MRI and EEG on the 30th, she will need general anesthesia for this which always makes me a'd think I'd get used to it by now, but I never do.

As always, thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

We have been watching the coverage of the Gulf Coast in shock for four days and realize that as hard as things are for us, they could be SO much worse...our prayers go out to everyone in this region.


Active Member
ok, here it goes

i have to admit i don't really understand what some of the things you mentioned are.:eek:

so... What exactly do they in a speech evaluation?
What is an OT?
I know what an MRI is but what is an EEG?

thoughts and prayers


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Original Poster
It is great that you are asking, I use a lot of acronyms, so always feel free to ask!

MJ's speech is at about a 1 yr to 18 mo old level. They evaluate her to see where she is and what she needs and then we start therapy. It may be as much as three times a week. We will be working with her to use a combination of Speech, Sign Lnaguage and PECS (a card sustem designed for her to pick a card with what she needs on it and bring it to me to tell me what she needs)

OT is Occupational Therapy, they are the ones that help her with daily living skills and fine motor control. She doesn't have a great grasp on this stuff, but way better than speech.

An EEG measures brain activity, specifically they are looking for the area of the brain where her seizures originate.

Please feel free to ask ANY questions about her issues, I have no problem with answering them and am happy to help educate people :D

Connor002 said:
ok, here it goes

i have to admit i don't really understand what some of the things you mentioned are.:eek:

so... What exactly do they in a speech evaluation?
What is an OT?
I know what an MRI is but what is an EEG?

thoughts and prayers


Active Member
MommytoMJM said:
It is great that you are asking, I use a lot of acronyms, so always feel free to ask!

MJ's speech is at about a 1 yr to 18 mo old level. They evaluate her to see where she is and what she needs and then we start therapy. It may be as much as three times a week. We will be working with her to use a combination of Speech, Sign Lnaguage and PECS (a card sustem designed for her to pick a card with what she needs on it and bring it to me to tell me what she needs)

OT is Occupational Therapy, they are the ones that help her with daily living skills and fine motor control. She doesn't have a great grasp on this stuff, but way better than speech.

An EEG measures brain activity, specifically they are looking for the area of the brain where her seizures originate.

Please feel free to ask ANY questions about her issues, I have no problem with answering them and am happy to help educate people :D

thanks, that clears things up

How often does she have Occupational Therapy?


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Connor002 said:
thanks, that clears things up

How often does she have Occupational Therapy?

Right now she has Speech Therapy 2-3 times a week, OT is supposed to be 2 times a week and Physical Therapy is 2x a week. It is a lot of therapy...... :( I am home schooling her, but not starting 'official' lessons until next year.


New Member
MommytoMJM said:
Hi All, whew this was hard to find, got buried on the fourth page, guess I should try to bookmark it....(hmm, wonder if I can do that)
You should be able to bookmark the thread without a problem.

Good luck with all the new treatments :wave:
MommytoMJM said:
Hi All, whew this was hard to find, got buried on the fourth page, guess I should try to bookmark it....(hmm, wonder if I can do that)

Anywho....we are here. Praying that this doesn't jinx it, but MJ is scheduled (for the 5th time, I think) to have her Speech evaluation tomorrow at 3 pm. Speech therapy is critical for her, if we can't get communicating better with her, we will eventually reach a stage where we can't get any further with her due to communications issues. We are also oping to hear from a new OT soon (her current one isn't working for a variety of reasons)

Mike is working on settling in, there are bumps in the road like with any roomate situation, but we are trying to work through it.

MJ is having some reactions to her meds so we may have to change some of them, sigh. She will be going in for her MRI and EEG on the 30th, she will need general anesthesia for this which always makes me a'd think I'd get used to it by now, but I never do.

As always, thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

We have been watching the coverage of the Gulf Coast in shock for four days and realize that as hard as things are for us, they could be SO much worse...our prayers go out to everyone in this region.

Best of luck on the Speech Evaluation and the upcoming tests. I'll be praying for you and your family. Let us know how it goes.



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Original Poster
Hi all, we're home from the Speech was a bit rough and she scored a lot lower than I thought she would...which means more therapy sessions a week and begs the questions of how much she will improve overall. She has always been ahead of the game on recpetive communication (what she understands) and waaay behind on communicative (what she can tell us) She is still way behind on communicative (1 1/2 years old she tests at) but her receptive is also at 1 1/2 years too.....Much lower than I expected. This means that she will need therapy 3 times a week (Which is 180.00 a month in co pays....sigh) and more than that in stress and wear on her...... All in all, I am a bit depressed about it...I wish the news was better, I always seem to forget how far she is behind until we are around other kids or until she is tested for something.
MommytoMJM said:
Hi all, we're home from the Speech was a bit rough and she scored a lot lower than I thought she would...which means more therapy sessions a week and begs the questions of how much she will improve overall. She has always been ahead of the game on recpetive communication (what she understands) and waaay behind on communicative (what she can tell us) She is still way behind on communicative (1 1/2 years old she tests at) but her receptive is also at 1 1/2 years too.....Much lower than I expected. This means that she will need therapy 3 times a week (Which is 180.00 a month in co pays....sigh) and more than that in stress and wear on her...... All in all, I am a bit depressed about it...I wish the news was better, I always seem to forget how far she is behind until we are around other kids or until she is tested for something.

Keep up your amazing work MommytoMJM. Stay strong! We're pulling for you here. :)



Well-Known Member
Bonny forgive me for asking (I'm not up on your entire story), but don't you and MJ qualify for some sort of help? Medicaid, Homemakers, Visiting Nurse service? There must be some help out there for you all. :wave:

Safari Giraffe

New Member
tigsmom said:
Bonny forgive me for asking (I'm not up on your entire story), but don't you and MJ qualify for some sort of help? Medicaid, Homemakers, Visiting Nurse service? There must be some help out there for you all. :wave:

I would think there has to be some type of agency that can assist her.

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